This Week in Spring - March 5th, 2013

Josh Long
March 05, 2013

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring.

We’ve got a lot to cover, though, so let’s get to it!

I’m presenting a webinar on March 14, 2013 - Multi Client Development with Spring! Join me to learn about REST, OAuth, Spring MVC, Spring Android, and much more!

Join Damien Dallimore and David Turanski on a webinar as they introduce the Webinar: Extending Spring Integration for Splunk - March 28th, 2013

New SpringOne2GX replays now available in HD on YouTube: Spring Data Repositories: A Deep Dive, and Intro to Cascading

@SpringSource is launching a (quick) swag-giveaway campaign!

Spring Security lead and ninja Rob Winch has announced the initial support for Java-based configuration in Spring Security.
This is a wonderful milestone. Recently, we’ve seen Java-configuration alternatives to the XML DSLs offered for Spring Social, Spring Batch and - now - Spring Security. Check out the Spring Security Java-based configuration for more details.

I had the unique privilege of visiting the Alibaba group in China where they’re doing some amazing things with Spring. Read more in my blog, Spring at China Scale: the Alibaba group.

Someone asked me this the other day and I felt like it was worthy of a mention: in your Spring MVC @Controller class handler methods, make sure that the BindingResult argument is immediately after the model or command argument, like this:

 @RequestMapping(...) public String handleRequest( @ModelAttribute @Valid YourCustomPojo attempt, BindingResult result). 

     In this example, handleRequest will validate the POJO (YourCustomPojo) - checking the POJO for JSR303-annotations and attempting to apply the constraints because the POJO is annotated with @Valid - and stash any errors  in the BindingResult, which it makes available if we ask for it.

Speaking of validation using JSR 303, I found this amazing post from 2010 that I felt worth inclusion. This post introduces a custom annotation, called @SpelAssert, that works like JSR303’s @ScriptAssert.

Do you want to use Cloud Foundry with the continuous integration capabilities offered by CloudBees? We got you covered! The Cloud Foundry and Cloud Bees teams worked to integrate the process, and the step-by-step introduction is given here.

Alvaro Videla has introduced and open-sourced his RabbitMQ simulator. The RabbitMQ simulator is an awesome visualization tool to demonstrate how RabbitMQ topologies work.

Gary Russell has announced that Spring AMQP 1.1.4 is now available.

The Fstyle blog has an interesting post on how to unit test Spring Security with Spring MVC test mocks.

Our pal Boris Lam is back, this time with a post on how to
integrate Spring Data, MongoDB and JavaServer Faces.

Indika Prasad, on the Programmer’s Guide blog, has put together a tutorial showing how to use Spring Security with Webdav and password encryption.

  • The Java J2EE SOA Key Points blog has a nice post on using the Spring WS JAXB web service client. There's very little narrative, but lots of code.
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    说到使用JSR 303进行验证,我发现这篇2010年的文章非常棒,我觉得值得一提。本文介绍了一个名为@SpelAssert的自定义注释,其工作原理类似于JSR303的@ScriptAssert。
    您想将CloudFoundry与CloudBees提供的持续集成功能结合使用吗?我们掩护你!Cloud Foundry和Cloud Bees团队致力于集成这个过程,这里给出了一步一步的介绍。
