


    akamai官方开发文档网站 https://developer.akamai.com/


Follow these links to make your first Akamai OPEN API call:

  1. Setup your Environment (设置环境)
  2. Authorize your client in the Luna control center (认证客户端)
  3. Configure your credentials (配置证书)
  4. Make your first API call (开始调用API)






  • 所有API ~ all apis
  • web功能 - web performance
  • 媒体相关 - media delivery
  • 云安全 - cloud security
  • 云网络 - cloud networking
  • (没有翻译) - purge
  • (没有翻译)- luna
  • 载体 - carrier
  • -  legacy

    2.2、API 状态

        Dev - Documentation is available for review. (文档可供查看)

        Beta - Can be provisioned, and is ready for early adopters. (可配置的项目,已有初始配置)

        GA - Released for general consumption. (普通账号可查看的发布版本)

        LA - Released for a limited audience only. (授权账号可查看的发布版本)

       Deprecated - The API has been superceded and is no longer in active development. The API will                            still respond to requests from existing clients. Do not develop new applications or                             tools using this API.(弃用但还提供服务)

        EOL - No longer available for use.(不再使用)





API NAME         Description status

Adaptive Acceleration

Reports on the set of rules Adaptive Acceleration applies to your content using HTTP/2-based Automatic Server Push and Automatic Preconnect. LA
Akamai Cloud Networking Provision and manage Orion Customers, Client and Customer IPSec Keys. Beta
Alerts Create and manage notifications about changes to your traffic patterns. GA
Alerts v1 Access active Akamai Luna Control Center Alerts and their details. Deprecated
AnswerX Reputation Knowledge Server Configure custom DNS behavior based on rules stored in Akamai's Reputation Knowledge Server (RKS). Beta

API Endpoints

API 端点

Lets you programmatically define a new API endpoint or update the definition of an existing API endpoint on the Akamai platform.


Billing Center Access to contract usage data in JSON for accounts in which you have access. GA
Billing Center v1 Access to contract usage data in CSV format for accounts in which you have access. Deprecated
Case Management Manages support requests to resolve any issues with your Akamai applications and services. Beta
Case Management v1 Resolve questions or issues with your Akamai applications and services. GA
Certificate Provisioning System The Certificate Provisioning System API allows you to create and manage certificates. Beta
Client Access Control Reports on Client Access Control configurations that affect how your origin connects to the Akamai network, and allows you to dynamically adapt to proposed changes to the set of CIDR blocks that connection relies on. Beta
Cloudlets Create and manage Cloudlet policies and policy versions. GA
Content Control Utility v3 Purge edge content by request using the Fast Purge utility. GA
Content Control Utility v2 Purge edge content by request. 
When writing new applications, use the Content Control Utility v3 API.
Content Control Utility REST API Purge edge content by request. Provided as reference. Deprecated
Contract API Provides Akamai contract identifiers and associated products. GA
Diagnostic Tools Diagnose DNS and network problems from Akamai servers around the world. GA
Diagnostic Tools v1 Explore problems in DNS host-name mapping (dig) and network routing (mtr) from around the world. Deprecated

DNS - Zone Management


Manage a primary zone’s DNS records.



DNS - Zone Reporting


Retrieve DNS hit information.


Edge Redirector This API is deprecated. Use the Cloudlets API to manage the Edge Redirector Cloudlet. Deprecated
Enterprise Threat Protector Configuration Manages policy settings to protect against enterprise security related events and acceptable use policy events. Beta
Enterprise Threat Protector Reporting This API allows you to access security, acceptable user policy, DNS activity, or Indicator of Compromise (IOC) event reports to analyze ETP traffic. Beta
Firewall Rules Notification The Firewall Rules API lets you subscribe yourself and others to CIDR block changes. You can also retrieve CIDR blocks to include in your firewall rules. Beta
Event Center See Luna Event Center configuration, reporting and alerts events. GA
Front-End Optimization Provides a way to use FEO functionality programmatically rather than through FEO's Configuration Manager. GA
HD Network Build a custom HD Network Management Interface with Akamai Media Services, Domain, Stream, and Archive Management APIs. A pre-OPEN REST API. GA

Identity Management


The Identity Management API allows you to manage your credentials. Use this API to rotate credentials and retrieve credential information.


Image Manager Maintain a catalog of source images, organize and transform the images, make them available for delivery by the Akamai Intelligent Platform. LA
Invoicing Allows you to access your Akamai invoices. GA
Log Delivery Service Provides server logs for content delivered by the Akamai platform. GA
Log Delivery Service v1 View, update and delete configurations for the Portal log delivery service. Deprecated
Media Analytics Manage report packs, and fetch analytic data for a particular report pack. GA
Media Reports Retrieve usage and quality metrics for the Media Delivery products - Adaptive Media Delivery, Download Delivery, RTMP Media Delivery and Object Delivery. GA
Media Services Build a custom HD Network Management Interface with Akamai Utility, Domain, Stream, and Archive Management APIs. Latest (OPEN) version. GA
Net Storage Manage NetStorage FileStore and ObjectStore files and directories. A pre-OPEN API. GA
Network Lists

Manage lists to be used by multiple Akamai products and features.



Prolexic Analytics


Retrieve data from Prolexic DDoS protection and monitoring services.


Property Manager Manage your web content on the Akamai edge network. Beta
PublishECCU Manage ECCU files for purging Edge content. A SOAP API. GA
SaaS Registration Register SaaS applications and customers, and manage their associations GA
SaaS Rules This API is deprecated. Use the Cloudlets API to manage SaaS Rules. Deprecated
Secure Provisioning Service Securely provision certifications and hostnames. GA
SecureHD Policy Editor Configure and apply various security services for your Akamai HD Network media content, including Token Authorization, Content Targeting (GEO Protection), Media Encryption and Player Verification protection. GA

Security Monitor


Retrieve real-time data on security events.



Security Information and Event Management


Returns security events generated on the Akamai platform, letting you aggregate them in your SIEM application.


Service-Level Agreement Accesses SLA test configurations and reports. Beta
Site Shield Provide a Site Shield interface for consumption by nonbrowser clients. Beta
Traffic Management Manage Traffic Management load balancing configurations. GA
Traffic Management Load Feedback POST load data for a GTM domain and GET the current load state. Beta
User Admin Create and manage Users, Groups, and Roles. GA
Visitor Prioritization This API is deprecated. Use the Cloudlets API to manage the Visitor Prioritization Cloudlet. Deprecated


