???? “Python猫” ,一个值得加星标的公众号
现在是 2020 年的第一天,我相信从昨天开始,各位的信息流里肯定充斥了各式各样的年度盘点/回顾/总结/记录之类的内容。虽然来得稍晚了,但我还是想给诸位送上这一篇文章。
我将在本文中列出自己于 2019 年度里最喜爱的 10 篇 Python 文章。我的选择标准是极为个性化的,甚至会有点任性,因为我的第一条标准是:文章必须是我原创或者翻译的。
Python 中 -m 的典型用法、原理解析与发展演变
Python 内存分配时的小秘密
len(x) 击败 x.len(),从内置函数看 Python 的设计思想
Python 之父撰文回忆:为什么要创造 pgen 解析器?
Python 进阶之源码分析:如何将一个类方法变为多个方法?
[译] PEP 318--函数和方法的装饰器
聊聊 Python 的内置电池 / 聊聊 print 的前世今生
Our journey to type checking 4 million lines of Python
Tutorial: Advanced Jupyter Notebooks
Your Guide to the CPython Source Code
Incrementally migrating over one million lines of code from Python 2 to Python 3
Why you should use python -m pip
The state of Python Packaging
How to set up a perfect Python project
Dependencies between Python Standard Library modules
Timsort — the fastest sorting algorithm you’ve never heard of
Web Scraping 101 with Python
----出处:爱湃森 2019 年度 Python 榜单
How to Run Your Python Scripts
13 Project Ideas for Intermediate Python Developers
3 Ways of Storing and Accessing Lots of Images
Speed Up Your Python Program With Concurrency
Build a Recommendation Engine
Your Guide to the Python Print Function
How to Write Beautiful Python Code With PEP 8
How to Use Python Lambda Functions
How to Stand Out in a Python Interview
Inheritance and Composition: A Python OOP Guide
----出处:TalkPython 播客
Perceiving Python programming paradigms
Learn object-oriented programming with Python
5 reasons why I love Python
10 Python image manipulation tools
The right and wrong way to set Python 3 as default on a Mac
Graphically program in Python with Pythonic
JupyterLab teaches Python developers magic
Managing Python packages the right way
Format Python however you like with Black
Automate your Python code tests with tox