


struct _RtpProfile


       char *name;

       PayloadType *payload[RTP_PROFILE_MAX_PAYLOADS];



typedef struct rtp_stats


       uint64_t packet_sent;

       uint64_t sent;              /* bytes sent */

       uint64_t recv;             /* bytes of payload received and delivered in time to the application */

       uint64_t hw_recv;        /* bytes of payload received */

       uint64_t packet_recv;   /* number of packets received */

       uint64_t unavaillable;    /* packets not availlable when they were queried */

       uint64_t outoftime;              /* number of packets that were received too late */

       uint64_t cum_packet_loss; /* cumulative number of packet lost */

       uint64_t bad;               /* packets that did not appear to be RTP */

       uint64_t discarded;              /* incoming packets discarded because the queue exceeds its max size */

} rtp_stats_t;




struct _RtpScheduler {


       RtpSession *list;       /* list of scheduled sessions*/

       SessionSet       all_sessions;  /* mask of scheduled sessions */

       int           all_max;         /* the highest pos in the all mask */

       SessionSet  r_sessions;            /* mask of sessions that have a recv event */

       int           r_max;

       SessionSet       w_sessions;              /* mask of sessions that have a send event */

       int          w_max;

       SessionSet       e_sessions;       /* mask of session that have error event */

       int           e_max;

       int max_sessions;        /* the number of position in the masks */

  /* GMutex  *unblock_select_mutex; */

       ortp_cond_t   unblock_select_cond;

       ortp_mutex_t    lock;

       ortp_thread_t thread;

       int thread_running;

       struct _RtpTimer *timer;

       uint32_t time_;       /*number of miliseconds elapsed since the start of the thread */

       uint32_t timer_inc;       /* the timer increment in milisec */



typedef struct _RtpScheduler RtpScheduler;




struct _RtpSession


       RtpSession *next;     /* next RtpSession, when the session are enqueued by the scheduler */

       int mask_pos;      /* the position in the scheduler mask of RtpSession : do not move this field: it is part of the ABI since the session_set macros use it*/

        struct {

         RtpProfile *profile;

         int pt;

         int ssrc;

         WaitPoint wp;

         int telephone_events_pt;  /* the payload type used for telephony events */

       } snd,rcv;

       int hw_recv_pt; /* recv payload type before jitter buffer */

       int recv_buf_size;

       RtpSignalTable on_ssrc_changed;

       RtpSignalTable on_payload_type_changed;

       RtpSignalTable on_telephone_event_packet;

       RtpSignalTable on_telephone_event;

       RtpSignalTable on_timestamp_jump;

       RtpSignalTable on_network_error;

       RtpSignalTable on_rtcp_bye;

       struct _OList *signal_tables;

       struct _OList *eventqs;

       RtpStream rtp;

       RtcpStream rtcp;

       RtpSessionMode mode;

       struct _RtpScheduler *sched;

       uint32_t flags;

       int dscp;

       int multicast_ttl;

       int multicast_loopback;

       void * user_data;

       /* FIXME: Should be a table for all session participants. */

       struct timeval last_recv_time; /* Time of receiving the RTP/RTCP packet. */


       /* telephony events extension */

       mblk_t *current_tev;         /* the pending telephony events */

       mblk_t *sd;

       queue_t contributing_sources;

       bool_t symmetric_rtp;

       bool_t permissive; /*use the permissive algorithm*/

       bool_t use_connect; /* use connect() on the socket */


在这个函数里首先给rtpsession结构体分配内存然后调用rtp_session_init函数来初始化。在这个函数里首先设置好最大队列数,和模式。判断模式是只读还是只写还是只读只写,根据模式设置flag,设置随机数random,设置源的描述,信号的设置,互斥锁的设置,设置send payloadreceive payload type,设置jitter(这个还不知道是干什么的),设置最大接受单元等等。





