ecw2c理解元数据:使用BigQuery k-means将4,000个堆栈溢出标签聚类

您如何将超过4,000个活动的Stack Overflow标签分组为有意义的组? 对于无监督学习和k均值聚类来说,这是一项完美的任务-现在您可以在BigQuery中完成所有这些工作。 让我们找出方法。

Visualizing a universe of clustered tags. Felipe Hoffa is a Developer Advocate for Google Cloud. In this post he works with BigQuery – Google’s serverless data warehouse – to run k-means clustering over Stack Overflow’s published dataset, which is refreshed and uploaded to Google’s Cloud once a quarter. You can check out more about working with Stack Overflow data and BigQuery here and here.

4,000+ tags are a lot

These are the most active Stack Overflow tags since 2018 — they’re a lot. In this picture I only have 240 tags — how would you group and categorize 4,000+ of them?
# Tags with >180 questions since 2018
SELECT tag, COUNT(*) questions
FROM `fh-bigquery.stackoverflow_archive.201906_posts_questions`,
  UNNEST(SPLIT(tags, '|')) tag
WHERE creation_date > '2018-01-01'
HAVING questions>180
Top Stack Overflow tags by number of questions.


Let’s find tags that usually go together: Co-occurring tags on Stack Overflow questions These groupings make sense:
  • 'javascript'与'html'相关。
  • 'python'与'pandas'相关。
  • 'c#'与'.net'相关。
  • “打字稿”与“ angular”有关。
  • 等…
So I’ll take these relationships and I’ll save them on an auxiliary table — plus a percentage of how frequently a relationship happens for each tag.
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `deleting.stack_overflow_tag_co_ocurrence`
WITH data AS (
  FROM `fh-bigquery.stackoverflow_archive.201906_posts_questions`
  WHERE creation_date > '2018-01-01'
), active_tags AS (
  SELECT tag, COUNT(*) c
  FROM data, UNNEST(SPLIT(tags, '|')) tag
  HAVING c>180

SELECT *, questions/questions_tag1 percent
    SELECT *, MAX(questions) OVER(PARTITION BY tag1) questions_tag1
    FROM (
        SELECT tag1, tag2, COUNT(*) questions
        FROM data, UNNEST(SPLIT(tags, '|')) tag1, UNNEST(SPLIT(tags, '|')) tag2
        WHERE tag1 IN (SELECT tag FROM active_tags)
        AND tag2 IN (SELECT tag FROM active_tags)
        GROUP BY 1,2
        HAVING questions>30

One-hot encoding

Now get ready for some SQL magic. BigQuery ML does a good job of hot-encoding strings, but it doesn’t handle arrays as I wish it did (stay tuned). So I’m going to create a string first that will define all the columns where I want to find co-occurrence. Then I can use that string to get a huge table, with a 1 for every time a tag co-occurs with the main one at least certain % of time. Let’s see first a subset of these results: What you see here is a co-occurrence matrix:
  • 'javascript'显示与'php','html','css','node.js'和'jquery'的关系。
  • 'android'显示与'java'的关系
  • “机器学习”显示了与“ python”的关系,但并非相反。
  • “多线程”显示了与“ python”,“ java”的关系 ','c#'和'android`
  • “单元测试”与此处几乎所有列的关系,除了与“ php”,“ html”,“ css”和“ jquery”有关。 / li>
You can reduce or augment the sensibility of these relations with the percent threshold:
SELECT tag1 
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='javascript',1,null)),0) Xjavascript
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='python',1,null)),0 ) Xpython
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='java',1,null)),0) Xjava
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='c#',1,null)),0) XcH
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='android',1,null)),0) Xandroid
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='php',1,null)),0) Xphp
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='html',1,null)),0) Xhtml
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='css',1,null)),0) Xcss
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='node.js',1,null)),0) XnodeDjs
,IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='jquery',1,null)),0) Xjquery
,SUM(questions) questions_tag1
FROM `deleting.stack_overflow_tag_co_ocurrence`
WHERE percent>0.03
ORDER BY questions_tag1 DESC 

K-means clustering time

Now — instead of using this small table, let’s use the whole table to compute k-means with BigQuery. With this line, I’m creating a one-hot encoding string that I can use later to define the 4,000+ columns I’ll use for k-means:
one_hot_big = client.query("""
  FORMAT("IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='%s',1,null)),0)X%s", tag2, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(tag2,'-','_'),'.','D'),'#','H'),'+','P')) 
) one_hot
  SELECT tag2, SUM(questions) questions 
  FROM `deleting.stack_overflow_tag_co_ocurrence`
  GROUP BY tag2
  # ORDER BY questions DESC
  # LIMIT 10
And training a k-means model in BigQuery is really easy:
CREATE MODEL `deleting.kmeans_tagsubtag_50_big_a_01`
    num_clusters=50 )
WITH tag_and_subtags AS (
    SELECT tag1, %s
    FROM `deleting.stack_overflow_tag_co_ocurrence`
    WHERE percent>0.03
    GROUP BY tag1
FROM tag_and_subtags
Now we wait — while BigQuery shows us the progress of our training: And when it’s done, we even get an evaluation of our model:

Davies–Bouldin index: 1.8530
Mean squared distance: 0.8174

Performance note

Do we really need 4,000 one-hot encoded dimensions to obtain better clusters? Turns out that 500 are enough — and I like the results better. It also reduces the time for training the model in BigQuery from 24 minutes to 3. The same with only 30 dimensions lowers the time to 90 seconds — but I like the results better with 500. More on hyper-parameter tuning below. 500 one-hot encoded dimensions reduces time per iteration to 30 seconds, and a lower loss. Davies–Bouldin index: 1.6910
Mean squared distance: 0.52332

Get ready for the results: The 50 clusters are…

Now it’s time to see our results. I’ll even look out for some tags I’m interested in: How are googleamazon, and azure represented in each cluster? These are the 50 groups that k-means clustering found — given the 1-hot encoding of related tags we did earlier in this post. Some results make a lot of sense — while others give great insight into what are the prevalent surrounding technologies to any Stack Overflow tag. Naming each centroid is always a challenge. Here I used the top 5 centroid weight vectors — see how below.

centroid 45: amazon-web-services, aws-lambda, amazon-s3, amazon-ec2, python
amazon-web-services, amazon-s3, aws-lambda, amazon-ec2, amazon-dynamodb, terraform, aws-sdk, amazon-cloudformation, amazon-redshift, aws-api-gateway, amazon-cognito, boto3, cloud, alexa, amazon-rds, amazon-elastic-beanstalk, amazon-ecs, alexa-skills-kit, amazon-cloudfront, serverless, aws-cli, amazon-iam, amazon-cloudwatch, elastic-beanstalk, amazon-sqs, serverless-framework, amazon-athena, aws-amplify, aws-appsync, amazon-sns, alexa-skill, amazon-route53, amazon, amazon-kinesis, amazon-sagemaker, autoscaling, amazon-elb, amazon-ses, aws-cognito, aws-iot, terraform-provider-aws, api-gateway, amazon-vpc, aws-serverless, aws-codepipeline, aws-codebuild, amazon-rds-aurora, bitnami, amazon-lex, aws-step-functions, aws-code-deploy, aws-iam, aws-fargate, dynamodb-queries, boto

amazon: amazon-cognito, amazon-ses, amazon-redshift, aws-lambda, amazon-ecs, amazon-s3, amazon-web-services, amazon-athena, aws-api-gateway, amazon-rds, amazon, amazon-cloudfront, amazon-lex, aws-iot, amazon-elb, aws-code-deploy, amazon-cloudwatch, aws-cli

centroid 17: android, java, android-layout, android-recyclerview, kotlin
android, json, xml, kotlin, android-studio, android-recyclerview, android-layout, android-fragments, xslt, serialization, android-intent, retrofit2, android-activity, android-room, nullpointerexception, retrofit, gson, android-volley, textview, android-viewpager, xml-parsing, recycler-adapter, android-edittext, android-sqlite, protocol-buffers, xsd, deserialization, android-constraintlayout, android-asynctask, fragment, android-architecture-components, android-livedata, imageview, scrollview, android-databinding, android-glide, android-animation, xquery, xslt-1.0, android-jetpack, android-manifest, navigation-drawer, adapter, bottomnavigationview, xslt-2.0, android-toolbar, onclicklistener, android-tablayout, android-cardview, android-spinner, android-adapter, picasso, android-linearlayout, transformation, android-drawable, android-architecture-navigation, android-imageview, android-custom-view, json-deserialization, android-view, android-actionbar, searchview, biztalk, android-coordinatorlayout, android-lifecycle, android-softkeyboard, floating-action-button, recyclerview-layout, swipe, android-relativelayout, android-xml, android-collapsingtoolbarlayout, android-button, android-scrollview, saxon, android-nestedscrollview, android-styles, xml-namespaces, xsl-fo, android-fragmentactivity, android-dialogfragment, android-viewholder, xml-serialization

centroid 7: android, java, javascript, ios, python
android-gradle, bluetooth, rx-java2, build.gradle, dependencies, rx-java, google-play, sdk, android-ndk, corda, video-streaming, android-emulator, libgdx, android-webview, apk, location, java-native-interface, google-play-services, dagger-2, adb, codenameone, android-8.0-oreo, google-places-api, android-notifications, android-studio-3.0, broadcastreceiver, speech-recognition, arcore, sharedpreferences, streaming, gps, android-service, version, coordinates, androidx, native, sms, here-api, android-camera, android-permissions, uri, android-mediaplayer, locale, vert.x, exoplayer, google-maps-markers, settings, alarmmanager, spinner, proguard, okhttp3, text-to-speech, okhttp, updates, android-camera2, android-source, whatsapp, nfc, share, inputstream, google-fabric, xmpp, calculator, manifest, wifi, mpandroidchart, android-9.0-pie, rx-android, call, android-workmanager, mp4, hls, video-processing, release, barcode, android-support-library, alertdialog, android-viewmodel, dji-sdk, barcode-scanner, filepath, sip, google-cloud-messaging, gradle-plugin, android-arrayadapter, screen, payment, toolbar, google-play-console, dagger, mp3, indexoutofboundsexception, ejabberd, httpurlconnection, libraries, android-proguard, coroutine, h.264, simpledateformat, jacoco, background-process, rtsp, offline, root, sensor, splash-screen, android-bluetooth, android-testing, android-resources, android-tv, emulation, android-bitmap, android-listview, multipart, chromecast, android-broadcastreceiver, video-capture, google-maps-android-api-2, pojo, android-canvas, visibility, broadcast, google-play-games, dao, kotlin-android-extensions, avd, lint, android-jobscheduler, android-library, kotlinx.coroutines, firebase-mlkit, expandablelistview, obfuscation, android-contentprovider, appcelerator, mvp, live-streaming, in-app-billing, android-context, audio-streaming, arabic, android-alertdialog, kotlin-coroutines, zxing, android-videoview, fingerprint, braintree, audio-recording, deprecated, job-scheduling, android-wifi, wear-os, bottom-sheet, android-things, device, marker, right-to-left, google-login, mobile-application, media-player, countdowntimer, opengl-es-2.0, nullable, face-detection, exoplayer2.x, android-8.1-oreo, beacon, drawable, gradlew, mapbox-android, classnotfoundexception, parcelable, android-keystore, voice-recognition, toast, aar, google-places, android-theme, android-progressbar, paging, accelerometer, playback, gradle-kotlin-dsl, samsung-mobile, photo, ibeacon, android-appcompat, noclassdeffounderror,, rtmp, sceneform, foreground-service, google-cast, appcelerator-titanium, android-widget, logcat, android-pendingintent, android-fileprovider, android-gps, sha1, jodatime, android-sensors, android-appbarlayout, surfaceview, mpeg-dash, android-mvvm

google: google-maps-android-api-2, google-play-services, google-fabric, google-places, google-places-api, google-play-console, google-cast, google-login, google-maps-markers, google-play-games, google-play, google-cloud-messaging

centroid 28: angular, typescript, javascript, angular6, angular5
angular, typescript, angular6, angular5, rxjs, angular-material, angular7, service, observable, routing, angular-cli, components, angular-reactive-forms, karma-jasmine, primeng, ag-grid, angularfire2, angular-material2, ngrx, reactive-programming, httpclient, angular-ui-router, angular-routing, lazy-loading, rxjs6, ngfor, angular-forms, angular-httpclient, angular2-routing, angular-components, angular-router, rx-swift, ng-bootstrap, angular2-forms, angular-universal, angular2-template, angular-services, angular-directive, material, angular4-forms, ngx-bootstrap, typescript2.0, angular2-services, ngrx-store, subscription, rxjs5, angular2-directives, ngrx-effects, angular-material-6, angular-cli-v6, angular-http-interceptors, redux-observable, subscribe, angular-pipe, angular-promise, angular2-observables, reactivex, angular-ngmodel, angular-cdk, tsconfig

centroid 20: apache-spark, java, scala, hadoop, python
apache-spark, scala, pyspark, apache-kafka, hadoop, apache-spark-sql, hive, cassandra, apache-flink, jupyter, hdfs, bigdata, playframework, spark-streaming, sbt, apache-nifi, hiveql, apache-kafka-streams, akka, hbase, pyspark-sql, mapreduce, kafka-consumer-api, rdd, spark-dataframe, amazon-emr, yarn, user-defined-functions, parquet, cassandra-3.0, cluster-computing, avro, databricks, apache-kafka-connect, aws-glue, spark-structured-streaming, flink-streaming, kerberos, apache-zookeeper, sqoop, confluent, presto, kafka-producer-api, impala, akka-stream, hadoop2, apache-spark-mllib, traits, apache-zeppelin, cloudera, datastax, apache-storm, distributed-computing, akka-http, data-modeling, apache-spark-dataset, guice, google-cloud-dataproc, gatling, jmx, hortonworks-data-platform, apache-pig, apache-spark-ml, oozie, azure-databricks, scalatest, cql, playframework-2.6, datastax-enterprise, phoenix, confluent-schema-registry, mesos, implicit, implicit-conversion, ksql, scala-collections, spark-submit, hdinsight, ambari

google: google-cloud-dataproc
amazon: amazon-emr, aws-glue
azure: azure-databricks

centroid 12: bash, python, linux, shell, java
macos, ubuntu, ansible, ssh, raspberry-pi, terminal, vim, raspberry-pi3, subprocess, environment-variables, centos, console, command-line-interface, pipe, arguments, jq, homebrew, iot, applescript, printf, escaping, sftp, windows-subsystem-for-linux, raspbian, exec, redhat, stdout, zsh, alias, wget, eval, paramiko, filenames, glob, command-line-arguments, stdin, remote-access, sudo, file-permissions, slurm, putty, gpio, tar, tmux, rsync, expect, ksh, jsch, scp, ssh-tunnel, cat, portforwarding, openssh

centroid 8: c#, .net,, .net-core, java
logging, exception, error-handling, azure-functions, reflection, configuration, azure-cosmosdb, f#, logstash, exception-handling, azure-web-sites, elastic-stack, azure-service-fabric, console-application, try-catch, wix, azure-application-insights, nunit, core, autofac, xunit, dapper, nest, nhibernate, dotnet-httpclient, nlog, httpwebrequest, serilog, log4net, inversion-of-control, identity, unity-container, webclient, blazor, .net-standard-2.0, system.reactive, clr, type-inference,,, app-config, masstransit, fluentd, google-cloud-stackdriver, winston, .net-framework-version, ninject, .net-core-2.0, claims-based-identity, syslog, kestrel-http-server

google: google-cloud-stackdriver
azure: azure-cosmosdb, azure-web-sites, azure-functions, azure-application-insights, azure-service-fabric

centroid 18: c#,,,, entity-framework
c#,, .net,,, .net-core, entity-framework, linq,, model-view-controller, iis, entity-framework-core, dependency-injection, razor,,, wcf, entity-framework-6,, kendo-ui,, webforms,, identityserver4,,,,, signalr, odata, kendo-grid, automapper, c#-4.0, web-config, razor-pages, windows-services, moq,, aspnetboilerplate, ef-code-first, ef-core-2.0,, linq-to-sql, asp-classic, umbraco, ef-core-2.1,, ef-migrations, iis-8, connection-string, windows-authentication, linq-to-entities, repository-pattern, swashbuckle, npgsql, iis-7, dbcontext, hangfire, iis-10, iis-express, model-binding, ef-core-2.2, windows-server-2012, signalr-hub, iis-7.5, linq-to-xml

centroid 10: c#, azure, python, java, javascript
azure, botframework, azure-sql-database, bots, azure-storage, chatbot, timeout, azure-storage-blobs, report, ssrs-2012, azure-data-factory, telegram-bot, azure-web-app-service, expression, azure-logic-apps, ibm-watson, refactoring, domain-driven-design, azureservicebus, gzip, azure-resource-manager, azure-iot-hub, twilio-api, azure-data-factory-2, azure-data-lake, , azure-virtual-machine, microsoft-teams, luis, string-formatting, game-physics, google-assistant-sdk, ssrs-2008, game-development, ads, mesh, windows-7, virtual-reality, vuforia, microsoft-cognitive, azure-webjobs, azure-keyvault, azure-api-management, credentials, directx, facebook-messenger, collision-detection, arm-template, sprite, rdlc, game-engine, azure-search, azure-eventhub, physics, azure-blob-storage, desktop-application, factory, software-design, hololens, u-sql, installer, collision, azure-cli, reporting, google-home, azure-table-storage, azure-cognitive-services, unityscript, startup, azure-bot-service, mysql-connector, ienumerable, qnamaker, instantiation, builder, ssrs-tablix, azure-cosmosdb-sqlapi, azure-stream-analytics, quaternions, reportviewer, skype, azure-machine-learning-studio, azure-servicebus-queues, skype-for-business, ssrs-2008-r2, azure-virtual-network, win-universal-app, azure-log-analytics, unity5, csom, dialogflow-fulfillment

google: google-assistant-sdk, google-home
azure: azure-webjobs, azure-log-analytics, azure-virtual-machine, azure-sql-database, azure-api-management, azure-iot-hub, azure-web-app-service, azure-data-factory-2, azure-table-storage, azure-servicebus-queues, azure-bot-service, azure-virtual-network, azure-data-factory, azure-cognitive-services, azure-blob-storage, azure-storage-blobs, azure-logic-apps, azure-resource-manager

centroid 44: c#, javascript, java, oauth-2.0, php
api, authentication, security, facebook, oauth-2.0, spring-security, cookies, jwt, azure-active-directory, cors, postman, microsoft-graph, login, oauth, microservices, active-directory, ldap, jhipster, authorization, passport.js, keycloak, token, azure-ad-b2c, single-sign-on, passwords, sharepoint-online, telegram, spring-security-oauth2, single-page-application, linkedin, google-signin, openid-connect, session-cookies, owin, csrf, auth0, google-oauth2, saml, access-token, linkedin-api, laravel-passport, saml-2.0, google-authentication, xss, azure-powershell, adal, basic-authentication, azure-ad-graph-api, session-variables, msal, oidc, openid, express-session, bearer-token, logout, refresh-token

google: google-authentication, google-signin, google-oauth2
azure: azure-ad-graph-api, azure-active-directory, azure-powershell, azure-ad-b2c

centroid 19: c#, visual-studio, visual-studio-2017, .net, xamarin.forms
visual-studio, xamarin, xamarin.forms, visual-studio-2017, xaml, uwp, azure-devops,, build, reporting-services, tfs, ssis, xamarin.ios, nuget, visual-studio-2015, msbuild, crystal-reports, windows-installer, nuget-package, mono, cross-platform, azure-pipelines-release-pipeline, .net-standard, mvvmcross, visual-studio-2019, visual-studio-2010, c++-cli, visual-studio-2013, sql-server-data-tools, roslyn, resharper, publish, mstest, .net-assembly, visual-studio-2012, azure-devops-rest-api, tfs2017, azure-pipelines-build-task, visual-studio-mac, tfs2018, tfsbuild, visual-studio-extensions, visual-studio-debugging, visual-studio-app-center, csproj, tfs2015, vsix, azure-mobile-services, picker, tfvc, xamarin.uwp

azure: azure-devops, azure-devops-rest-api, azure-pipelines-release-pipeline, azure-mobile-services, azure-pipelines-build-task

centroid 36: c#, wpf, winforms, javascript,
wpf,, winforms, user-interface, listview, charts, events, mvvm, datatable, checkbox, data-binding, datagridview, timer, sapui5, gridview, combobox, binding, drag-and-drop, menu, datagrid, knockout.js, popup, window, textbox, styles, treeview, listbox, telerik, uwp-xaml, devexpress, resources, vb6, user-controls, prism, viewmodel, controls, datetimepicker, webbrowser-control, cefsharp, panel, contextmenu, windows-10-universal, wpfdatagrid, windows-forms-designer, custom-controls, wpf-controls, richtextbox, clickonce, observablecollection, picturebox, mvvm-light, gdi+, menuitem, backgroundworker

centroid 2: c++, c, python, linux, java
c++, c, c++11, templates, assembly, cmake, gcc, memory, opengl, arduino, makefile, visual-c++, boost, c++17, lua, compiler-errors, x86, linux-kernel, memory-management, compilation, memory-leaks, operating-system, io, c++14, fortran, arm, serial-port, cuda, char, language-lawyer, segmentation-fault, clang, linker, stack, gdb, garbage-collection, macros, stl, g++, kernel, embedded, byte, malloc, shared-libraries, out-of-memory, nodes, processing, usb, x86-64, stm32, double, cython, buffer, pthreads, mips, signals, operator-overloading, runtime, gtk, llvm, driver, include, opengl-es, cygwin, operators, bit-manipulation, structure, overloading, nasm, precision, gnu-make, ros, gstreamer, mingw, const, variadic-templates, eigen, heap, gtk3, embedded-linux, esp8266, linux-device-driver, compiler-construction, warnings, cpu, cross-compiling, clion, qt-creator, profiling, ctypes, std, codeblocks, intel, return-value, system, newline, sdl-2, microcontroller, system-calls, pass-by-reference, valgrind, boost-asio, reverse-engineering, dynamic-memory-allocation, move, linker-errors, googletest, c-preprocessor, heap-memory, static-libraries, function-pointers, sdl, template-meta-programming, benchmarking, arduino-uno, libcurl, interrupt, vtk, x86-16, compiler-optimization, constants, stdvector, 64-bit, binaryfiles, bit, swig, quicksort, shared-memory, eclipse-cdt, constexpr, primes, bitwise-operators, x11, shared-ptr, clang++, glfw, binary-search, header-files, singly-linked-list, arduino-esp8266, ld, i2c, main, multiple-inheritance, gnu, smart-pointers, ram, simd, declaration, esp32, preprocessor, elf, undefined-behavior, bison, qtquick2, sfinae, variadic-functions, mingw-w64, unique-ptr, avr, masm, free, typedef, doubly-linked-list, generic-programming, compiler-warnings, glibc, kernel-module, move-semantics, auto, bootloader, c-strings, inline-assembly, ncurses, mmap, stdmap, glm-math, qmake, bit-shift, endianness, cpu-registers, template-specialization, pid, operator-precedence, memory-address

google: googletest

centroid 24: css, html, javascript, bootstrap-4, angular
html, css, jquery, html5, css3, bootstrap-4, twitter-bootstrap, flexbox, sass, datatables, highcharts, html-table, twitter-bootstrap-3, layout, frontend, datepicker, drop-down-menu, css-grid, bootstrap-modal, momentjs, responsive-design, modal-dialog, dropdown, grid, responsive, tabs, font-awesome, navbar, carousel, media-queries, themes, tooltip, alignment, overflow, less, css-position, react-bootstrap, border, accordion, dt, css-transforms, angular-ui-bootstrap, nav, z-index, grid-layout, utc, reactstrap, vertical-alignment, pseudo-element, linear-gradients, mixins, collapse, popover, angular-datatables, angular-flex-layout, centering

centroid 31: delphi, c++, c#, winapi, windows
delphi, winapi, dll, mfc, com, firemonkey, firebird, c++builder, delphi-10.2-tokyo, pinvoke, pascal, indy

centroid 25: django, python, django-models, django-rest-framework, python-3.x
django, django-models, django-rest-framework, django-views, django-forms, django-templates, django-admin, django-queryset, django-orm, django-urls, django-2.0, django-serializer, django-allauth, django-filter, django-class-based-views, django-migrations, serializer

centroid 34: docker, kubernetes, python, google-cloud-platform, java
docker, go, kubernetes, elasticsearch, google-cloud-platform, docker-compose, google-app-engine, dockerfile, deployment, rabbitmq, google-cloud-storage, yaml, airflow, google-kubernetes-engine, containers, kibana, google-compute-engine, google-cloud-dataflow, drupal, virtual-machine, apache-beam, openshift, prometheus, ibm-cloud, grpc, docker-swarm, kubernetes-helm, grafana, gcloud, traefik, google-cloud-datastore, kubectl, load-balancing, google-cloud-sql, kubernetes-ingress, monitoring, google-cloud-pubsub, istio, minikube, nginx-reverse-proxy, speech-to-text, alpine, docker-machine, filebeat, google-translate, google-speech-api, iptables, stackdriver, docker-volume, docker-container, azure-aks, nginx-ingress, daemon, google-cloud-vision, google-vision, azure-kubernetes, google-cloud-composer, openshift-origin, kubeadm, dataflow, amazon-eks, service-accounts, rancher, docker-registry, docker-image, nfs, google-cloud-speech, kops, jupyterhub, rbac, google-cloud-endpoints, standard-sql, google-cloud-build, docker-networking

google: google-cloud-build, google-cloud-datastore, google-speech-api, google-cloud-dataflow, google-cloud-storage, google-cloud-platform, google-kubernetes-engine, google-cloud-sql, google-cloud-speech, google-compute-engine, google-cloud-composer, google-cloud-endpoints, google-cloud-vision, google-vision, google-cloud-pubsub, google-translate, google-app-engine
amazon: amazon-eks
azure: azure-aks, azure-kubernetes

centroid 21: excel, vba, excel-vba, c#, python
excel, vba, excel-vba, google-sheets, ms-access, excel-formula, powerbi, outlook, sharepoint, ms-word, access-vba, office365, apache-poi, sap, dax, formatting, pivot-table, office-js, runtime-error, match, powerpoint, outlook-vba, formula, access, row, vsto, ssas, multiple-columns, powerquery, spreadsheet, vlookup, average, extract, userform, unique, ms-office, excel-2010, word-vba, ms-access-2010, excel-2016, rows, ms-access-2016, onedrive, openxml, powerbi-desktop, copy-paste, transpose, conditional-formatting, office-addins, office-interop, epplus, xlsxwriter, interop, phpspreadsheet, paste, shapes, offset, powerpivot, win32com, powerbi-embedded, export-to-excel, python-docx, countif, array-formulas, autofill, powerpoint-vba, activex, ms-access-2013, solver, m, business-intelligence, xls, ado, ssas-tabular, adodb, xlrd, delete-row, sumifs, openxml-sdk, excel-interop, add-in, excel-2013, worksheet, excel-addins

google: google-sheets

centroid 4: git, github, jenkins, python, docker
git, jenkins, github, jenkins-pipeline, gitlab, continuous-integration, sonarqube, bitbucket, jenkins-plugins, gitlab-ci, devops, azure-pipelines, svn, version-control, phpstorm, webhooks, repository, travis-ci, jekyll, artifactory, atom-editor, jira, pipeline, github-pages, teamcity, slack, push, gitlab-ci-runner, git-bash, github-api, continuous-deployment, branch, nexus, circleci, workflow, git-merge, diff, jenkins-groovy, clone, git-submodules, gitignore, atlassian-sourcetree, pull-request, bitbucket-pipelines, patch, commit, git-branch, versioning, mercurial, gnupg, git-commit, gerrit, rebase, open-source, githooks, allure, ssh-keys, git-push

azure: azure-pipelines

centroid 33: java, hibernate, spring, spring-boot, jpa
hibernate, jpa, spring-data-jpa, spring-data, solr, orm, transactions, spring-batch, wildfly, mapping, many-to-many, lucene, h2, entity, liquibase, jpql, ejb, hql, multi-tenant, persistence, spring-data-rest, hibernate-mapping, eclipselink, querydsl, one-to-many, spring-transactions, hikaricp, criteria, hibernate-criteria, gorm, ehcache, jpa-2.0, criteria-api, entitymanager, transactional

centroid 39: java, python, c#, node.js, android
http, ssl, sockets, curl, server, networking, websocket, encryption, https,, proxy, openssl, tcp, ssl-certificate, cryptography, http-headers, certificate, localhost, udp, mqtt, connection, client, ip, reverse-proxy, network-programming, aes, rsa, port, tls1.2, chat, client-server, lets-encrypt, cloudflare, haproxy, real-time, virtualhost, wireshark, keystore, ipc, x509certificate, zeromq, bouncycastle, django-channels, tcpclient, http-proxy, serversocket, telnet, cryptojs, public-key-encryption, private-key, tcp-ip, x509, client-certificates, certbot, tor, multicast

centroid 30: java, rest, spring, spring-boot, javascript
java, spring-boot, spring, rest, maven, eclipse, spring-mvc, tomcat, jsp, jdbc, web-services, soap, servlets, swagger, jackson, java-ee, thymeleaf, netbeans, web-applications, apache-camel, architecture, salesforce, spring-webflux, jersey, httprequest, jax-rs, wsdl, http-post, multipartform-data, tomcat8, soapui, response, resttemplate, cxf, httpresponse, rest-assured, api-design, struts2, soap-client, jstl, restsharp, spring-rest, spring-test, spring-restcontroller, jax-ws, put, endpoint, http-status-codes, struts, spring-web

centroid 22: java, spring-boot, spring, maven, eclipse
gradle, intellij-idea, neo4j, jsf, jar, grails, jboss, spring-cloud, spring-integration, jaxb, internationalization, log4j, eclipse-plugin, swagger-ui, jms, websphere, ant, activemq, vaadin, spring-kafka, pom.xml, log4j2, project-reactor, weblogic, java-11, netty, jetty, maven-3, javamail, crud, java-9, spring-cloud-stream, couchbase, ibm-mq, weblogic12c, datasource, glassfish, hazelcast, logback, osgi, hybris, openapi, project, maven-plugin, netflix-eureka, mybatis, cloudfoundry, reactive, eclipse-rcp, swagger-2.0, slf4j, netflix-zuul, quartz-scheduler, jetbrains-ide, spring-boot-actuator, lombok, spring-jdbc, sonarqube-scan, war, cdi, javabeans, tomcat7, interceptor, swt, java-10, freemarker, spring-boot-test, aop, jdbctemplate, dependency-management, spring-cloud-config, aspectj, spring-aop, flyway, amqp, classpath, spring-jms, jackson-databind, spring-cloud-dataflow, spring-websocket, spring-amqp, pivotal-cloud-foundry, spring-cloud-netflix, cucumber-jvm, executable-jar, spring-integration-dsl, swagger-codegen, tomcat9, spring-data-redis, javadoc, jndi, consul, intellij-plugin, dto, maven-surefire-plugin, hystrix, stomp, bean-validation, gateway, mapstruct, birt, spring-tool-suite, properties-file, jackson2, camunda, springfox, spring-data-neo4j, spring-rabbitmq, spring-session, pydev, xtext, servlet-filters, payara, code-formatting, spring-cloud-gateway

google: google-maps

centroid 15: javascript, angular, android, typescript, visual-studio-code
ionic-framework, npm, visual-studio-code, ionic3, google-maps, cordova, debugging, electron, nativescript, ionic4, ionic2, meteor, autocomplete, geolocation, cordova-plugins, markdown, vscode-settings, phonegap, ide, webstorm, vscode-extensions, decorator, editor, ionic-native, onesignal, keyboard-shortcuts, angular2-nativescript, xdebug, hybrid-mobile-app, intellisense, nativescript-angular, tslint, remote-debugging, html-framework-7, breakpoints, syntax-highlighting, vscode-debugger, pylint, ibm-mobilefirst, jsdoc, nativescript-vue, prettier, windbg, phonegap-plugins, code-snippets, inappbrowser, phonegap-build

centroid 42: javascript, html, c#, android, python
unity3d, image, tkinter, svg, animation, canvas, three.js, chart.js, scroll, 3d, html5-canvas, camera, geometry, css-animations, bitmap, rotation, aframe, icons, glsl, shader, fabricjs, rendering, webgl, css-transitions, transform, png, scrollbar, transition, textures, blender, html2canvas, drawing, mask, linechart, draw, jquery-animate, angular-animations, konvajs, raycasting, webvr

centroid 43: javascript, html, jquery, css, reactjs
d3.js, leaflet, google-maps-api-3, magento, magento2, ethereum, jquery-ui, cakephp, jinja2, primefaces, extjs, ember.js, fullcalendar, maps, ckeditor, mapbox, solidity, materialize, jquery-select2, dialog, angularjs-directive, recaptcha, openlayers, coldfusion, polymer, gis, react-apollo, styled-components, tinymce, progress-bar, geojson, javascript-events, position, apollo-client, undefined, addeventlistener, sharepoint-2013, semantic-ui, amcharts, web-deployment, joomla, settimeout, render, p5.js, openstreetmap, element, instagram-api, parent-child, liquid, mapbox-gl-js, focus, angularjs-ng-repeat, setinterval, react-admin, alert, polygon, dom-events, web-component, textarea, react-select, href, web3, contact-form-7, zoom, facebook-javascript-sdk, refresh, graphql-js, overlay, height, slick, content-security-policy, jqgrid, html5-audio, delay, anchor, blogger, html-select, child-process, jquery-plugins, width, html-lists,, loading, zurb-foundation, id, bind, whitespace, dropzone.js, onchange, semantic-ui-react, owl-carousel, media, video.js, hide, netlify, background-color, sticky, geocoding, native-base, webpage, inline, tampermonkey, slick.js, form-data, padding, ternary-operator, event-listener, facebook-messenger-bot, underscore.js, formik, jquery-validate, quill, dc.js, highlight, react-table, electron-builder, bulma, jquery-selectors, fullscreen, multi-select, innerhtml, slideshow, parallax, draggable, footer, styling, react-component, jquery-mobile, selector, swiper, infinite-scroll, contenteditable, sidebar, jquery-ui-datepicker, mobx-react, form-submit, shadow-dom, backbone.js, each, margin, html-form, mathjax, jquery-ui-autocomplete, viewport, c3.js, adsense, sweetalert2, web-development-server, keypress, jquery-ui-sortable, facebook-php-sdk, sweetalert, center, font-awesome-5, react-proptypes, placeholder, summernote, font-face, react-context, web-frontend, ref, css-float, parent, wysiwyg, getelementbyid, font-size, higher-order-functions, lifecycle, dropzone, partial-views, asyncstorage, wai-aria, spfx, custom-element, jstree, bootstrap-datepicker, line-breaks, react-dom, fancybox, css-tables, stylesheet, react-google-maps, react-leaflet, timepicker, option, facebook-marketing-api, gsap, crossfilter, draftjs, directive, fixed, show-hide

google: react-google-maps, google-maps-api-3

centroid 1: javascript, python, html, java, android
wordpress, woocommerce, javafx, swing, google-bigquery, button, google-api, video, google-analytics, plugins, kivy, youtube, onclick, calendar, dynamics-crm, youtube-api, widget, background, slider, radio-button, event-handling, save, amp-html, compression, google-tag-manager, javafx-8, click, hover, fxml, analytics, display, firebase-analytics, mouseevent, resize, background-image, size, listener, google-analytics-api, cross-domain, toggle, jpeg, google-data-studio, google-adwords, rgb, submit, gif, pixel, crop, gallery, tiff, thumbnails, image-resizing, exif, user-experience, src, pillow

google: google-adwords, google-bigquery, google-api, google-tag-manager, google-data-studio, google-analytics-api, google-analytics

centroid 26: javascript, reactjs, node.js, typescript, react-native
javascript, node.js, reactjs, firebase, react-native, flutter, firebase-realtime-database, webpack, dart, redux, google-cloud-firestore, ecmascript-6, react-redux, firebase-authentication, google-cloud-functions, jestjs, promise, async-await, react-router, firebase-cloud-messaging, import, push-notification, dialogflow, material-ui, module, react-navigation, react-native-android, expo, fetch, gulp, mocha, firebase-storage, actions-on-google, create-react-app, enzyme, material-design, jsx, flutter-layout, lodash, babel, navigation, es6-promise, node-modules, apollo, state, npm-install, babeljs, eslint, gatsby, react-native-ios, javascript-objects, react-router-v4, next.js, yarnpkg, webpack-4, react-hooks, redux-form, prestashop, firebase-security-rules, flowtype, react-router-dom, typescript-typings, webpack-dev-server, antd, redux-saga, redux-thunk, router, package.json, react-native-flatlist, firebase-admin, react-props, react-native-navigation, mobx, firebaseui, es6-modules, firebase-hosting, aurelia, pm2, immutability, serverside-rendering, action, setstate, gruntjs, requirejs, ecmascript-5, flutter-dependencies, ssr, react-native-firebase, angular-dart, es6-class, require, laravel-mix, arrow-functions, react-native-maps, npm-scripts, flutter-animation, workbox, firebase-cli, destructuring, babel-loader, immutable.js, minify, browserify, node-sass, nodemon, firebase-security, angularfire, reducers, loader, bower

google: google-cloud-functions, actions-on-google, google-cloud-firestore

centroid 13: javascript, selenium, google-chrome, html, selenium-webdriver
selenium, google-chrome, selenium-webdriver, xpath, dom, google-chrome-extension, firefox, caching, automation, iframe, selenium-chromedriver, mobile, browser, internet-explorer, safari, webdriver, css-selectors, google-chrome-devtools, webrtc, progressive-web-apps, service-worker, local-storage, internet-explorer-11, html5-video, microsoft-edge, ignite, phantomjs, chromium, cross-browser, webdriverwait, capybara, screenshot, cpu-architecture, mobile-safari, firefox-addon, webkit, geckodriver, firefox-webextensions, google-chrome-headless, browser-cache, webdriver-io, v8, specflow, selenium-grid, html-agility-pack, memcached, guava, devtools, cucumber-java, headless, domdocument, extentreports, selenium-ide, watir, cache-control, google-chrome-app, browser-automation, rselenium, mozilla

google: google-chrome, google-chrome-headless, google-chrome-devtools, google-chrome-app, google-chrome-extension

centroid 6: javascript, vue.js, vuejs2, vuex, webpack
vue.js, express, vuejs2, axios, vue-component, vuex, vuetify.js, xmlhttprequest, vue-router, nuxt.js, fetch-api, vue-cli, vue-cli-3, store, nuxt, bootstrap-vue, vue-test-utils, element-ui, vee-validate

centroid 40: mongodb, node.js, javascript, python, express
mongodb, qt, mongoose, graphql, pyqt5, pyqt, mongodb-query, aggregation-framework, discord, qml, qt5, nosql, discord.js,, aggregate, ejs, handlebars.js, pymongo, backend, schema, mongoose-schema, mean-stack, sails.js, pug, nestjs, loopbackjs, pyqt4, spring-data-mongodb, multer, geospatial, mean, fs, aggregation, lookup, loopback, apollo-server, parse-server, pyside2, bcrypt,, document, pyside, qt-designer, mongoengine, body-parser,, projection, mern, mongoose-populate, qthread, mlab, joi, passport-local, pyqtgraph, bson, sharding, express-handlebars

centroid 5: multithreading, java, python, concurrency, c++
multithreading, asynchronous, parallel-processing, concurrency, multiprocessing, callback, queue, celery, jvm, task, python-asyncio, synchronization, dask, python-multiprocessing, thread-safety, locking, mpi, openmp, singleton, pickle, python-multithreading, opencl, future, threadpool, mutex, task-parallel-library, tornado, deadlock, aiohttp, atomic, wait, executorservice, semaphore, completable-future, handler, goroutine, channel, race-condition, volatile, pool, runnable, java-threads, synchronous, async.js, producer-consumer, synchronized, java.util.concurrent, blocking

centroid 11: oracle, sql, plsql, oracle11g, database
oracle, plsql, stored-procedures, oracle11g, triggers, db2, oracle12c, sql-server-2014, oracle-sqldeveloper, oracle-apex, cursor, database-trigger, apex, oracle10g, sqlplus, oracle-apex-5.1, procedure, dynamic-sql, cx-oracle, oracle-adf, oracleforms, hierarchical-data, plsqldeveloper, oracle-apex-5

centroid 38: pdf, html, python, php, c#
pdf, merge, webview, printing, fonts, r-markdown, download, base64, puppeteer, itext, hyperlink, latex, export, blob, imagemagick, ocr, pdf-generation, adobe, jspdf, pdfbox, itext7, embed, docx, digital-signature, wkhtmltopdf, fpdf, mpdf, tcpdf, dompdf, ghostscript, acrobat, pypdf2, reportlab

centroid 9: php, laravel, laravel-5, mysql, javascript
php, laravel, ajax, laravel-5, codeigniter, validation, eloquent, session, file-upload, model, pagination, codeigniter-3, laravel-5.6, controller, laravel-5.5, migration, upload, laravel-5.7, laravel-blade, laravel-5.4, relational-database, laravel-5.2, php-7, relationship, lumen, middleware, php-7.2, octobercms, guzzle, image-uploading, laravel-5.8, algolia, query-builder, phpexcel, jobs, laravel-query-builder, laravel-5.3, roles, artisan, laravel-nova, php-carbon, laravel-4, laravel-5.1, homestead, pusher, laravel-eloquent, blade, laravel-routing, laravel-dusk, relation, shared-hosting, eager-loading

centroid 47: php, wordpress, javascript, woocommerce, python
google-apps-script, email, notifications, google-drive-api, paypal, stripe-payments, gmail, smtp, attributes, wordpress-theming, google-calendar-api, google-visualization, google-oauth, google-sheets-api, product, phpmailer, youtube-data-api, advanced-custom-fields, gmail-api, hook-woocommerce, outlook-addin, metadata, google-sheets-formula, cart, html-email, google-app-maker, hook, exchangewebservices, payment-gateway, custom-post-type, exchange-server, checkout, e-commerce, sendgrid, field, content-management-system, nodemailer, categories, gsuite, google-form, admin, mailchimp, comments, web-hosting, outlook-web-addins, orders, wordpress-rest-api, customization, imap, google-docs, rss, custom-wordpress-pages, custom-taxonomy, shortcode, outlook-restapi, email-attachments, google-sheets-query, mailgun, google-api-php-client, woocommerce-rest-api, wordpress-gutenberg, google-apis-explorer, attachment, gmail-addons, price, sendmail, icalendar, blogs, registration, custom-fields, multisite, google-admin-sdk, shipping, gravity-forms-plugin, google-api-client, archive, pagespeed, smtplib, mime, meta, google-api-nodejs-client, contact-form, taxonomy, google-api-python-client, account, stock

google: google-sheets-api, google-docs, google-oauth, google-apps-script, google-sheets-query, google-sheets-formula, google-api-php-client, google-api-nodejs-client, google-visualization, google-admin-sdk, google-calendar-api, google-apis-explorer, google-api-python-client, google-form, google-app-maker, google-api-client, google-drive-api

centroid 23: postgresql, sql, python, javascript, mysql
sqlite, flask, sqlalchemy, hyperledger-fabric, odoo, hyperledger, elixir, blockchain, hyperledger-composer, flask-sqlalchemy, sequence, couchdb, psycopg2, psql, postgis, pyodbc, knex.js, plpgsql, jsonb, jooq, typeorm, postgresql-9.5, ecto, postgresql-10, marshalling, connection-pooling, postgresql-9.6, database-replication, unmarshalling, pgadmin-4, pgadmin, recursive-query, postgresql-9.4, crosstab, go-gorm, database-backups, postgresql-9.3, rds, heroku-postgres

centroid 35: python, java, c++, c#, windows
windows, powershell, batch-file, ffmpeg, audio, cmd, windows-10, path, stream, directory, process, vbscript, prolog, ftp, time-complexity, copy, command, zip, file-io, ocaml, scheduled-tasks, storage, big-o, binary-search-tree, registry, scheme, binary-tree, text-files, dynamic-programming, rename, exe, echo, command-prompt, hashtable, powershell-v3.0, filereader, batch-processing, wmi, stack-overflow, file-handling, windows-server-2016, windows-server-2012-r2, bufferedreader, taskscheduler, fstream, hyper-v, readfile, depth-first-search, fibonacci, ifstream, backtracking

centroid 3: python, java, javascript, arrays, c#
arrays, string, list, function, loops, csv, algorithm, dictionary, performance, for-loop, file, sorting, class, object, if-statement, oop, haskell, recursion, pointers, variables, generics, java-8, matrix, rust, filter, optimization, indexing, math, lambda, arraylist, inheritance, input, multidimensional-array, search, random, vector, data-structures, time, struct, types, methods, while-loop, foreach, design-patterns, dynamic, functional-programming, collections, java-stream, sas, parameters, enums, nested, interface, constructor, linked-list, syntax, casting, tree, hashmap, binary, properties, scope, reference, type-conversion, floating-point, iterator, null, tuples, static, format, set, conditional, iteration, range, switch-statement, return, append, numbers, boolean, output, int, concatenation, polymorphism, hex, compare, initialization, namespaces, integer, pattern-matching, grouping, logic, key, filtering, parameter-passing, list-comprehension, apply, subset, global-variables, slice, vectorization, conditional-statements, combinations, scanf, java.util.scanner, character, lapply, comparison, this, 2d, override, counter, numpy-ndarray, permutation, user-input, rounding, nested-loops, abstract-class, instance, reduce, prototype, itertools, global, reverse, subclass, comparator, key-value, increment, min, infinite-loop, contains, do-while, associative-array, mergesort, abstract, indexof, break, bubble-sort

centroid 48: python, java, javascript, r, php
typo3, wso2, clojure, sublimetext3, drupal-8, acumatica, jframe, docusignapi, teradata, emacs, netsuite, karate, verilog, jasper-reports, marklogic, sparql, vhdl, sympy, autodesk-forge, knitr, erlang, yocto, tcl, odoo-11, cakephp-3.0, mule, phoenix-framework, drupal-7, integration, racket, netlogo, autohotkey, uml, drools, node-red, stata, magento-1.9, common-lisp, aem, opencart, abap, line, python-sphinx, jtable, yii, pentaho, wagtail, coq, regex-lookarounds, slack-api, bioinformatics, openstack, perl6, antlr4, awt, rcpp, upgrade, tweepy, jpanel, macos-high-sierra, documentation, jsonschema, actionscript-3, vmware, wildcard, microsoft-dynamics, prestashop-1.7, typo3-8.x, zend-framework, lisp, gwt, elasticsearch-5, distance, smartcontracts, talend, wso2-am, slim, sfml, message-queue, computer-science, scenebuilder, yii2-advanced-app, rdf, inno-setup, fpga, flask-wtforms, bitcoin, clipboard, special-characters, unreal-engine4, hana, preg-replace, gdal, flash, nginx-config, wso2esb, system-verilog, arangodb, wso2is, netbeans-8, uuid, graphviz, liferay, omnet++, spatial, encode, powershell-v4.0, paypal-sandbox, http2, dynamics-365, local, ip-address, servicestack, hdf5, firewall, kdb, executable, linear-programming, add, orientdb, angularjs-scope, cplex, pymysql, xpages, phaser-framework, maya, powershell-v2.0, nginx-location, adfs, limit, abstract-syntax-tree, variable-assignment, elementtree, wav, mouse, splunk, asterisk, pandoc, publish-subscribe, simulink, webassembly, packages, complexity-theory, ansible-2.x, python-decorators, preg-match, regex-negation, minecraft, spotfire, nested-lists, pcre, gfortran, percentage, matching, monads, jbutton, gsub, numba, sitecore, watson-conversation, dropwizard, edit, frequency, vulkan, cdn, mime-types, wrapper, php-curl, jersey-2.0, scapy, converters, zapier, attributeerror, elm, console.log, web3js, kentico, moodle, intervals, anylogic, multilingual, logical-operators, glm, vlc, owl, autodesk-viewer, dojo, z3, arcgis, classloader, pyomo, sybase, antlr, md5, indexeddb, powerapps, data-conversion, http-status-code-403, web-worker, external, alfresco, airflow-scheduler, finance, typo3-9.x, cpu-usage, pouchdb, ibm-midrange, ping, truffle, qemu, dask-distributed, selection, apache-httpclient-4.x, jsonpath, sha256, coding-style, polymer-2.x, zipfile, vps, symbols, mediawiki, calculation, okta, smarty, blueprism, netcdf, zend-framework3, genetic-algorithm, snmp, repeat, plesk, signature, doxygen, qgis, dlib, jena, ckeditor4.x, tortoisesvn, face-recognition, message, number-formatting, dropbox, lm, default, spss, perforce, assert, uart, acl, symlink, suitescript2.0, kendo-ui-angular2, getter-setter, jira-rest-api, crm, sleep, indentation, prompt, analysis, lme4, ironpython, latitude-longitude, grammar, dotnetnuke, cqrs, gaussian, regex-greedy, koa, yum, numerical-methods, haskell-stack, scala-cats, hugo, rpc, priority-queue, openldap, popen, shapefile, var, partition, record, combinatorics, ada, nio, pentaho-data-integration, appium-ios, scheduling, pyautogui, snakemake, production-environment, lwjgl, computational-geometry, scaling, tabulator, lifetime, naming-conventions, jsf-2, lotus-notes, javac, numeric, odoo-8, modeling, salesforce-lightning, silverstripe, bookdown, websphere-liberty, virtualization, wxwidgets, ramda.js, hapijs, reload, marklogic-9, snapshot, hierarchy, server-side, cakephp-3.x, prestashop-1.6, schedule, unix-timestamp, difference, ontology, readline, configuration-files, opendaylight, block, wolfram-mathematica, rpm, logstash-grok, currency, mount, remote-server, destructor, nsis, captcha, feathersjs, code-generation, hardware, django-2.1, suitescript, typoscript, jython, trim, distributed-system, zabbix, vaadin8, nodemcu, magento2.2, string-matching, shuffle, ckeditor5, mixed-models, fedora, ipv6, new-operator, ember-data, llvm-clang, exit, webcam, str-replace, large-data, simplexml, rules, elasticsearch-aggregation, rhel, dsl, ethernet, event-sourcing, vimeo, hashset, date-formatting, zlib, standards, bamboo, converter, liferay-7, file-get-contents, solrcloud, servicenow, logstash-configuration, xhtml, virtual, pywin32, equals, interp, micronaut, production, cs50, fopen, elasticsearch-6, lazy-evaluation, server-sent-events, extbase, translate, python-module, tabular, libreoffice, sml, private, apostrophe-cms, tostring, bitbake, actionlistener, restore, activiti, mypy, opencart-3, janusgraph, rank, multiplication, keyword, archlinux, optaplanner, imagick, informix, flex-lexer, photoshop, pyaudio, openlayers-3, reset, sentry, umbraco7, messaging, lotus-domino, fiddler, interactive, jlabel, folium, bigcommerce, transparency, nullreferenceexception, operator-keyword, tracking, keyboard-events, twitter-oauth, static-methods, polymer-3.x, prisma, mule-esb, string-comparison, counting, layout-manager, gherkin, inner-classes, docker-for-windows, checksum, imagemagick-convert, connect, php-7.1, sublimetext, wso2carbon, python-telegram-bot, react-native-router-flux, desktop, paypal-rest-sdk, php-5.6, division, typeclass, identityserver3, mapbox-gl, wix-react-native-navigation, sample, point-clouds, web-audio, vertica, java-time, mosquitto, dllimport, dump, covariance, cytoscape.js, cgal, r-package, installshield, eigen3, point-cloud-library, ngx-datatable, sampling, vapor, clojurescript, auto-increment, overlap, ibm-cloud-infrastructure, echarts, web-audio-api, hp-uft, office365api, ngx-translate, shortcut, paho, ember-cli, rfid, applet, swap, predicate, host, detox, cas, jsf-2.2, trigonometry, sandbox, beagleboneblack, filestream, numpy-broadcasting, xsd-validation, fgets, ghc, serenity-bdd, spi, duration, jna, unzip, fiware, rhel7, long-integer, pentaho-spoon, cpython, crystal-lang, assertion, string-concatenation, compatibility, java-module, fluid, meta-tags, wildfly-10, hashicorp-vault, apache-karaf, roblox, gurobi, install4j, development-environment, static-analysis, ffi, h5py, django-authentication, urlencode, directx-11, salt-stack, r-raster, pseudocode, hsqldb, django-celery, fatal-error, pywinauto, peewee, p2p, tinymce-4, mysql-5.7, openlayers-5, vis.js, palindrome, angular-template, resteasy, kable, quickbooks, monaco-editor, rdp, solrj, file-transfer, language-agnostic, mustache, java-7, naudio, velocity, wikidata, copy-constructor, countdown, wtforms, montecarlo, wso2ei, sitemap, stringbuilder, geoserver, joomla3.0, symbolic-math, bytecode, high-availability, sharepoint-2010, assign, semantic-web, rtf, vmware-clarity, odoo-12, informatica, volume, jit, monogame, super, eof, syncfusion, rust-cargo, dataweave, stack-trace, browser-sync, arduino-ide, blogdown, communication, rider, favicon, fill, processbuilder, biginteger, labview, resampling, normal-distribution, linear, angular4-router, hierarchical-clustering, drag, modbus, diagram, word, org-mode, admin-on-rest, equation, webrequest, tinkerpop3, restful-authentication, lib, tizen, user-agent, survival-analysis, point, fragment-shader, tableau-server, ansible-inventory, delete-file, code-injection, clickhouse, text-editor, kettle, angularjs-material, date-range, rpy2, complex-numbers, graphene-python, coded-ui-tests, midi, programming-languages, web-push, pine-script, equality, holoviews, sapply, quotes, jtextfield, emscripten, sas-macro, angular-http, varnish, phalcon, typing, freeze, opentok, password-protection, anonymous-function, resolution, remote-desktop, cryptocurrency, hpc, default-value, tsc, multiline, chromium-embedded, treemap, substitution, arm64, shutil, supervisord, at-command, interpreter, packet, google-search, dynamics-crm-online, can-bus, neo4j-apoc, ranking, httpserver, gsm, freebsd, centos6, yield, c++-winrt, fread, anypoint-studio, jboss7.x, type-hinting, wixcode, epoch, uninstall, autoit, smartcard, wikipedia, angular-service-worker, cosine-similarity, protege,, typescript-generics, dropbox-api, verification, composition, windows-server, using, hmac, dry, ag-grid-angular, median, messenger, rethinkdb, thingsboard, xilinx, named-pipes, office-ui-fabric, dynamics-crm-365, heroku-cli, date-format, imputation, jfreechart, wiremock, packaging, outliers, target, typo3-7.6.x, ngrok, audit, models, jboss-eap-7, moving-average, 32bit-64bit, strapi, views, silverstripe-4, rasa-core, content-type, event-loop, textinput, smoothing, surface, explode, getusermedia, 7zip, confidence-interval, watch, freertos, zend-framework2, circular-dependency, qliksense, repeater, cjk, clock, django-testing, pic, csrf-protection, shopping-cart, encapsulation, paypal-ipn, json-ld, cobol, key-bindings, relative-path, hashcode, thrift, bing-maps, localdate, dicom, netezza

google: google-search

centroid 37: python, machine-learning, tensorflow, python-3.x, keras
tensorflow, numpy, keras, machine-learning, opencv, matlab, deep-learning, scikit-learn, image-processing, neural-network, scipy, nlp, pytorch, computer-vision, conv-neural-network, lstm, data-science, regression, classification, dataset, gpu, nltk, google-colaboratory, linear-regression, artificial-intelligence, object-detection, cluster-analysis, generator, spacy, interpolation, logistic-regression, svm, data-analysis, tesseract, random-forest, tensorflow-datasets, bazel, signal-processing, recurrent-neural-network, opencv3.0, fft, tensorboard, gensim, sparse-matrix, word2vec, cv2, h2o, cross-validation, tensor, caffe, xgboost, reshape, reinforcement-learning, stanford-nlp, linear-algebra, k-means, tensorflow-estimator, prediction, rnn, keras-layer, pca, probability, curve-fitting, decision-tree, text-mining, tensorflow-serving, loss-function, object-detection-api, google-cloud-ml, metrics, mathematical-optimization, image-segmentation, matrix-multiplication, autoencoder, tensorflow-lite, r-caret, text-classification, sentiment-analysis, scikit-image, convolution, training-data, categorical-data, tensorflow.js, knn, mnist, valueerror, sklearn-pandas, gradient-descent, weka, yolo, python-tesseract, word-embedding, feature-extraction, tokenize, emgucv, feature-selection, predict, coreml, similarity, normalization, one-hot-encoding, backpropagation, convolutional-neural-network, ode, lda, tf-idf, openai-gym, image-recognition, theano, naivebayes, rasa-nlu, detection, grid-search, data-mining, differential-equations, layer, torch, roc, mxnet, camera-calibration, topic-modeling, cudnn, kaggle, confusion-matrix, tensorflow2.0, doc2vec, distributed, embedding, tfrecord, recommendation-engine, multilabel-classification, ner

google: google-colaboratory, google-cloud-ml

centroid 46: python, php, apache, python-3.x, ubuntu
apache, nginx, .htaccess, web, url, pip, anaconda, redirect, pycharm, dns, ubuntu-16.04, permissions, url-rewriting, package, mod-rewrite, installation, conda, centos7, ubuntu-18.04, debian, virtualenv, python-import, install, apache2, url-redirection, vagrant, webserver, virtualbox, cpanel, gunicorn, digital-ocean, http-status-code-404, config, hosting, subdomain, systemd, uwsgi, wamp, nvidia, setuptools, ubuntu-14.04, mod-wsgi, pipenv, url-routing, mamp, httpd.conf, environment, query-string, seo, wsgi, subdirectory,, wampserver, permalinks, pypi, apache2.4, lamp, apt, http-status-code-301, miniconda, http-redirect

centroid 50: python, python-3.x, python-2.7, pandas, javascript
python, python-3.x, pandas, dataframe, python-2.7, web-scraping, datetime, parsing, beautifulsoup, post, python-requests, scrapy, request, pygame, python-3.6, pandas-groupby, encoding, unicode, get, utf-8, twitter, character-encoding, header, python-3.7, web-crawler, python-imaging-library, pyinstaller, spyder, tags, export-to-csv, typeerror, odoo-10, openpyxl, jsoup, regex-group, python-3.5, ascii, series, urllib, wxpython, lxml, turtle-graphics, xlsx, rvest, nan, argparse, python-2.x, mysql-python, datetime-format, kivy-language, emoji, importerror, screen-scraping, scrapy-spider, pyserial, html-parsing, python-xarray, flask-restful, tkinter-canvas, cheerio, frame, odoo-9, cx-freeze, twisted, tk, python-datetime, python-unicode, decoding, httr, tkinter-entry, timedelta

centroid 16: python, unix, bash, sed, linux
regex, linux, bash, shell, unix, perl, awk, sed, text, replace, split, cron, command-line, grep, scripting, sh, find, substring, filesystems, notepad++, fork, posix, scheduler, cgi, delimiter, text-processing, aix, cut, solaris

centroid 29: r, python, ggplot2, plot, matplotlib
r, matplotlib, ggplot2, dplyr, shiny, jupyter-notebook, plot, graph, time-series, statistics, colors, plotly, julia, rstudio, graphics, seaborn, cypher, tidyverse, bokeh, data-visualization, bar-chart, label, networkx, histogram, ipython, purrr, tidyr, visualization, gremlin, gnuplot, influxdb, igraph, shinydashboard, legend, heatmap, octave, graph-theory, simulation, data-manipulation, correlation, raster, plotly-dash, statsmodels, data-cleaning, na, matlab-figure, mutate, scatter-plot, boxplot, multi-index, stringr, dashboard, forecasting, scale, lubridate, r-plotly, missing-data, graph-databases, arima, pie-chart, graph-algorithm, jupyter-lab, axis, geopandas, shiny-server, distribution, breadth-first-search, sparklyr, bayesian, lag, sf, tibble, subplot, matplotlib-basemap, xts, contour, plyr, anova, axis-labels, shortest-path, shiny-reactivity, ggmap, dijkstra, figure, rlang, facet, ggplotly, zoo

centroid 49: ruby, ruby-on-rails, ruby-on-rails-5, javascript, activerecord
ruby-on-rails, postgresql, ruby, heroku, redis, ruby-on-rails-5, yii2, hash, activerecord, routes, shopify, ruby-on-rails-4, rspec, rubygems, devise, chef, ruby-on-rails-3, bundle, rails-activestorage, associations, rails-activerecord, puppet, ruby-on-rails-5.2, metaprogramming, rspec-rails, activeadmin, bundler, coffeescript, shopify-app, sidekiq, carrierwave, passenger, sinatra, simple-form, nokogiri, cloudinary, capistrano, puma, webpacker, mongoid, actioncable, erb, haml, rake, paperclip, factory-bot

centroid 41: sql, sql-server, mysql, database, postgresql
sql, mysql, sql-server, database, tsql, date, mysqli, join, select, group-by, mariadb, sequelize.js, pdo, phpmyadmin, sql-server-2008, data.table, count, sql-server-2012, xampp, database-design, duplicates, view, sum, timestamp, pivot, foreign-keys, sql-update, mysql-workbench, timezone, tableau, insert, ssms, odbc, constraints, sql-server-2016, etl, subquery, max, syntax-error, left-join, case, database-connection, decimal, inner-join, prepared-statement, full-text-search, database-migration, sql-order-by, query-optimization, sql-server-2008-r2, sql-server-2017, sql-insert, union, backup, aggregate-functions, where, partitioning, common-table-expression, distinct, query-performance, concat, oledb, innodb, replication, window-functions, sql-injection, mdx, primary-key, greatest-n-per-group, where-clause, database-performance, sql-delete, data-warehouse, rdbms, sql-like, database-administration, ddl, entity-relationship, bulkinsert, ssis-2012, calculated-columns, resultset, derby, database-schema, sql-server-2005, create-table, database-normalization, temp-tables

centroid 14: swift, ios, xcode, objective-c, android
ios, swift, xcode, objective-c, uitableview, swift4, iphone, uicollectionview, facebook-graph-api, realm, bluetooth-lowenergy, twilio, core-data, cocoa, admob, cocoapods, alamofire, arkit, swift3, crash, uiview, tableview, localization, keyboard, autolayout, sprite-kit, frameworks, uiviewcontroller, augmented-reality, uikit, wkwebview, scenekit, accessibility, closures, in-app-purchase, instagram, xcode10, uinavigationcontroller, avfoundation, uibutton, apple-push-notifications, uiscrollview, uitextfield, delegates, crashlytics, app-store, uicollectionviewcell, ios11, protocols, macos-mojave, ios12, xcode9, storyboard, uinavigationbar, qr-code, uilabel, uiimageview, uitabbarcontroller, ipad, optional, decode, uiimage, cell, metal, segue, mapkit, deep-linking, swift4.2, parse-platform, codable, spotify, uitextview, avplayer, itunesconnect, facebook-login, gradient, touch, audiokit, cocoa-touch, textfield, assets, ios-simulator, uistackview, uisearchbar, uiwebview, grand-central-dispatch, firebase-dynamic-links, watchkit, voip, nslayoutconstraint, fastlane, uiimagepickercontroller, iphone-x, nsattributedstring, interface-builder, viewcontroller, uipickerview, nsuserdefaults, core-bluetooth, decodable, xctest, extension-methods, apple-watch, nsurlsession, core-location, code-signing, navigationbar, uialertcontroller, orientation, uigesturerecognizer, objectmapper, swift-playground, keychain, core-graphics, xib, uisearchcontroller, lldb, swift-protocols, avaudioplayer, tvos, cloudkit, shadow, appdelegate, contacts, statusbar, swift4.1, testflight, mkmapview, ios-autolayout, uibezierpath, gesture, uipageviewcontroller, health-kit, uitabbar, cllocationmanager, calayer, xcuitest, provisioning-profile, icloud, uicollectionviewlayout, geofire, uistoryboard, metalkit, pdfkit, plist, uiviewanimation, swifty-json, collectionview, uibarbuttonitem, ipa, xcode-ui-testing

centroid 32: symfony, php, symfony4, javascript, mysql
forms, symfony, symfony4, composer-php, twig, doctrine, annotations, doctrine-orm, phpunit, symfony-3.4, translation, autowired, symfony-forms, sonata-admin,, fosuserbundle, swiftmailer, data-annotations, sonata

centroid 27: testing, java, javascript, unit-testing, automated-tests
angularjs, unit-testing, testing, groovy, junit, jmeter, protractor, mockito, automated-tests, jasmine, mocking, cucumber, appium, pytest, testng, robotframework, integration-testing, cypress, performance-testing, android-espresso, code-coverage, e2e-testing, junit5, chai, python-unittest, junit4, sinon, karma-runner, ui-automation, load, appium-android, nightwatch.js, load-testing, tdd, katalon-studio, testcafe, jest, bdd, spock, powermockito, powermock, codeception, jmeter-plugins, rpa, qa, cucumberjs, jmeter-4.0, angular-test, robolectric

Full code

The code I used to create and display the previous results:
clusters = 50
percent = '01'
one_hot_dimensions = 50

model = 'deleting.kmeans_tagsubtag_%s_big_a_%s_%s' % (clusters, percent,one_hot_dimensions)
clusters_temp_table = 'deleting.clusters_%s_result_a_%s_%s' % (clusters, percent, one_hot_dimensions)

one_hot_p = client.query("""
  FORMAT("IFNULL(ANY_VALUE(IF(tag2='%%s',1,null)),0)X%%s", tag2, REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(tag2,'-','_'),'.','D'),'#','H'),'+','P')) 
) one_hot
  SELECT tag2, SUM(questions) questions 
  FROM `deleting.stack_overflow_tag_co_ocurrence`
  GROUP BY tag2
  ORDER BY questions DESC
  LIMIT %s
)""" % one_hot_dimensions).to_dataframe().iloc[0]['one_hot']

    num_clusters=%s )
WITH tag_and_subtags AS (
    SELECT tag1, %s
    FROM `deleting.stack_overflow_tag_co_ocurrence`
    WHERE percent>0.%s
    GROUP BY tag1
FROM tag_and_subtags
""" % (model, clusters, one_hot_p, percent)).to_dataframe()

df = client.query("""
WITH tag_and_subtags AS (
    SELECT tag1, MAX(questions) questions, %s
    FROM `deleting.stack_overflow_tag_co_ocurrence`
    WHERE percent>0.%s
    GROUP BY tag1

SELECT centroid_id
 , STRING_AGG(tag1, ', ' ORDER BY questions DESC) tags
 , ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(IF(tag1 LIKE '%%google%%', tag1, null)  IGNORE nulls LIMIT 18), ', ') google_tags
 , ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(IF(tag1 LIKE '%%amazon%%' OR tag1 LIKE '%%aws%%', tag1, null)  IGNORE nulls LIMIT 18), ', ') amazon_tags
 , ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(IF(tag1 LIKE '%%azure%%', tag1, null)  IGNORE nulls LIMIT 18), ', ') azure_tags
 , COUNT(*) c
  , (SELECT * FROM tag_and_subtags )
""" % (clusters_temp_table, one_hot_p, percent, model)).to_dataframe()

df = client.query("""
SELECT centroid_id, c, yep, tags
    , IFNULL(google_tags, '') google_tags
    , IFNULL(amazon_tags, '') amazon_tags
    , IFNULL(azure_tags, '') azure_tags
FROM `%s` 
  SELECT centroid_id
    , STRING_AGG(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(feature,'_','-'),'D','.'),'H','#'),'P','+'), 'X', ''), ', ' ORDER BY numerical_value DESC  LIMIT 5) yep
""" % (clusters_temp_table, model)).to_dataframe()

for index, row in df.iterrows():
    print('centroid %s: %s\n-----' % (row['centroid_id'],  row['yep']))
    if row['google_tags']:
        print('google: %s' % row['google_tags'])
    if row['amazon_tags']:
        print('amazon: %s' % row['amazon_tags'])
    if row['azure_tags']:
        print('azure: %s' % row['azure_tags'])
Note that I joined my results with ML.CENTROIDS() — which gives me the top differentiating occurring tags for each centroid — even if they are not part of each cluster.

And that’s all it takes

Are you surprised by the results? Or surprised by how easy was to run our k-means modeling with BigQuery? Or curious for why I chose distance-type: 'COSINE' for this problem? Now it’s your turn to play :). Check the BigQuery docs for creating models and the k-means tutorial.

Lak’s thoughts

How would you choose the best parameters? Check Lak Lakshmanan post for hyper-parameter tuning. Lak also had some interesting ideas about dimensionality reduction for clustering via matrix factorization — but we’ll leave that for a future post. As an untested preview: Once you have the co-occurrence of tag1 and tag2, treat it as a recommendation problem, i.e. tag2 is what tag1 liked percent of the time. Then, you can do matrix factorization:
CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL deleting.tag1_tag2
    user_col='tag1', item_col='tag2', rating_col='percent10' )
SELECT tag1, tag2, percent*10 AS percent10
FROM advdata.stack_overflow_tag_co_ocurrence
From this matrix factorization, you will have tag1_factors and tag2_factors which are essentially an embedding of the tags learned from the data. Concatenate these and cluster it instead …
SELECT feature, factor_weights
FROM ML.WEIGHTS( MODEL deleting.tag1_tag2 )
WHERE processed_input = 'tag1' and feature LIKE '%google%'

Want more?

I’m Felipe Hoffa, a Developer Advocate for Google Cloud. Tweet me @felipehoffa, my previous posts on, and all about BigQuery on – including predicting when will Stack Overflow reply. Tags: big data, BigQuery, bulletin, google cloud, k-means clustering

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