Making Project Management easy as 1-2-3 简单进行项目管理

Making Project Management easy as 1-2-3: once you've mastered these steps, you'll be gliding effortlessly through your next project - Supplier Business: Plante Moran

简单进行项目管理:一旦掌握了这些方法,将会轻松应对下一个项目——供应商业务:普兰特 莫兰

Automotive Industries, Dec, 2002 by Jonathan E. Probst

Project management (PM). To many, just hearing those wards conjures up a myriad of negative emotions--uncertainty, anxiety, and concern, to name a few. When some people think of PM, they often think of very expensive software systems and large project implementations that last years, leading to countless capital costs yet yielding marginal and unquantifiable savings. This is the wrong approach to PM. PM is not frightening, but trying to function on a day-to-day basis without it is. PM is concerned with all kinds of things that make jobs easier--stress reduction, gaining control, providing tools for their organization and saving money.



It's that simple. Understanding PM and knowing how to create an effective PM process can improve productivity as well as your bottom line.



Defining Project Management


Of the projects you are currently involved with:

1. Can everyone on the project team access a common, regularly updated, project schedule that identifies independent tasks for each individual on the project?

2. Does everyone know where to locate all project forms and documents, including the project scope and objective?

3. Is the correct version of a document always used by project stakeholders?

4. Is scope creep always handled in a standard, manageable manner in which budget, resources, and schedule concerns are addressed?

5. Are project issues captured for everyone to view?

6. Does management always have buy-in to new projects?



1.        是否项目组中的所有人均能访问一个共同的、定期更新的项目时间表?该表列出了每个项目成员所应负责的任务。

2.        是否所有人都知道从哪里去获取项目表格和文档?包括项目范围和目标。

3.        是否项目利益相关者经常使用正确版本的文件?

4.        需求以标准的、可管理的方式来处理需求的渐变?在处理过程中是否腔调预算、资源、时间表?

5.        项目事宜是否抓住了所有人的眼球?

6.        管理人员是否支持项目?


If you answered no, then there is a very simple solution--provide a standardized controllable approach to solving these issues. This can be done with Project Management.



The Project Management Institute defines PM as, "the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations from a project." There are four main application areas in that definition--knowledge, skills, tools and techniques. To simplify, "knowledge and skills" are elements of experience that someone who has experience in projects possess. 'Tools and techniques' are application areas that a PM methodology will provide. Tools and techniques are part of the process that can be tailored to meet your organization's needs.



When Good Projects Go Bad


Why do good projects to bad? Reasons include:

1. Unclear scope or direction

2. Unclear requirements

3. Lack of resources

4. Undefined project end date

5. Lack of clear deliverables t having timeframes for tasks

7. Not knowing who is on the project

8. Poor communication

9. Lack of planning

10. Not knowing where to go to access project information

11. Changing requirements or scope

12. Cost and schedule overruns

13. Lack of buy-in and accountability


1.        不清晰的范围或方向

2.        不清晰的需求

3.        缺乏资源

4.        未定义项目截止日期

5.        缺少清晰的任务可交付物的时间安排

6.        不知道谁负责项目

7.        不畅通的交流

8.        缺少计划

9.        不知道从何处获取项目信息

10.    更改需求或范围

11.    开销和时间表超支

12.    缺少支持和责任


All of these problems have one thing in common--lack of PM. How does an organization go about putting together an effective PM methodology? Use this Top 10 list as a guide.



The Top 10 Tips for Instituting Effective Project Management


1.         With new projects, capture the known project objectives, scope, deliverables, stakeholders, project manager, assumptions, risks, budget constraints and senior management personnel responsible for approving the project.

2.         Determine who you need on your team to plan and execute the scope outlined in Step 1.

Sound like a lot? But if management or the project manager doesn't know the answer to Step 1, then how will project team members? Oftentimes, team members have a different opinion of the scope and head in a different direction. Avoid this pitfall.

The level of experience is often critical to project success. The leadership and technical expertise varies from project to project. The team responsible for planning the project must have some ownership and accountability in the project in order for the planning process to be successful.

3.         How are project stakeholders going to communicate with each other?

Who needs what information, when, how and at what frequency? This applies to all people affected by the project. This is one of the most important overlooked elements to the planning process and includes steps such as when and where the project team will meet, what technology will be used to send information, and how will people be notified.

4.         Where and with what structure will project information be stored?

This step is critical, especially for larger projects that touch many stakeholders. For example, a project team could specify a common drive or web site location where all project forms and documentation Will be stored along with a folder structure to allow team members to quickly and efficiently locate, project information. It's also important to have a PM methodology to locate documents across projects.

5.         Develop your schedule.

Start by creating a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to capture the tasks required to support and relate project deliverables. After the WBS, capture the task relationships -- what needs to happen first. Estimate the time duration and assign a responsible person to complete each task with a discrete output.

6.         Determine your project budget.

Use the WBS and the project schedule to determine when spending will occur. Set a tolerance band on expenses to flag variances and create actions to address the variance.

7.         Record project issues and risks.

Issues and risk will arise throughout the entire project life cycle. Assign individuals to issues with a discrete output, meaning that issues need to be written to identify if the associated task(s) are completed.

8.         Capture and document project approval steps.

Add approval steps throughout the process to ensure management support and to capture team member buy-in to the planning process. Capture the approval steps in the project schedule (Step 5 above) to communicate major milestones and reviews. Documented approval steps should include not only the approval to plan the project but also during technical review points throughout the execution of the project

9.         Identify steps needed during the project execution phase.

This is a critical step because it measures how accurate the planning was for a given project. This information can be used to increase the accuracy of the next similar project. Various Earned Value methods will provide an estimate of how the project is performing relative to cost and schedule.

10.     Institute a continuous improvement process to capture lessons learned.

It is obvious to each of us that documenting lessons learned after and during a project is beneficial. The problem is that many organizations do not capture them and, if they do, they take place in the form of a meeting or discussion around the coffee machine. All potential lessons can be forwarded to the respective process owners, and a proactive approach can be utilized to institute change before the next project begins.

1.         在新项目中,不活已知的项目目标、范围、交付物、利害相关者、项目管理者、假设、风险、预算控制,以及负责批准项目的高级管理人员。

2.         确定在你的团队中你需要谁来计划并执行第1步中所描述的范围。



3.         利害相关者彼此之间是如何进行沟通的?


4.         项目信息在哪里存储?以及通过什么结构存储?


5.         创建时间表


6.         确定项目的预算


7.         记录项目事物和风险


8.         捕获并记录项目批准步骤


9.         在项目执行阶段识别所需的步骤

该步骤很关键,因为对于给定项目,其衡量了计划的准确度。该信息可以用来提高下次面对类似项目时的真确度。Various Earned Value方法可以提供项目是如何执行的与开销和时间表之间关系的评估。

10.     着手可持续性改进过程来捕获经验教训



Taking Baby Steps


You're probably thinking that while PM sounds great -- theoretically -- that practical implementation is a whole other baligame. And you're right -- to an extent.

Some companies roll out very comprehensive PM methodologies within divisions and across organizations. They work to create a project and provide reference material that will address almost every situation. Manuals are often thick and training classes, if they exist, can be weeks long. While this may not always be the wrong approach, it is if an organization didn't have many tools in place to begin with. Introducing new protocol has to be manageable and in small enough steps to I encourage acceptance. PM is a living methodology that should be periodically updated to meet the needs of the users.

Therefore, manageable steps are needed to have sustained, proficient success. This is affectionately known as taking "baby steps." Throwing too much at an organization will result in poor acceptance.






The Bottom Line

So what's the bottom line? It's simply this: you don't need to have a large investment to institute an effective PM methodology at your organization. By following the Top 10 tips for effective project management and using very simple tools, that are already present at your company, you can often create an efficient system to manage your product development and service projects. It doesn't have to be difficult, but if you still have questions, it is often beneficial to utilize the support of experts in this area to kick-start your internal efforts and create a systemic approach that can be quickly implemented.





COPYRIGHT 2002 Reed Business Information

COPYRIGHT 2003 Gale Group

