【论文推荐】滤波嫁接 + 语义分割动态路由 + 基于对抗训练的自监督

DNN的滤波嫁接:Filter Grafting for Deep Neural Networks, CVPR 2020

问题: DNNs have unimportant filters. These filters limit the potential of DNNs since they are identified as having little effect on the network. While filter pruning removes these invalid filters for efficiency consideration, filter grafting re-activates them from an accuracy boosting perspective.


方法: The activation is processed by grafting external information into invalid filters. To better perform the grafting process, we develop an entropy-based criterion to measure the information of filters and an adaptive weighting strategy for balancing the grafted information among networks. After the grafting operation, the network has very few invalid filters compared with its untouched state, enpowering the model with more representation capacity.


效果: Grafted MobileNetV2 outperforms the non-grafted MobileNetV2 by about 7 percent on CIFAR-100 dataset.

嫁接后,MobileNetV2 在CIFAR100数据集上性能提升7%。

代码地址: https://github.com/fxmeng/filter-grafting

语义分割中的动态路由:Learning Dynamic Routing for Semantic Segmentation, CVPR 2020

问题: Previous works intend to handle inputs with various scales in pre-defined static architectures, such as FCN, U-Net, and DeepLab series.

当前的语义分割方法(FCN, U-Net, DeepLab等)处理多种尺度的输入图像时只能在静态的框架下工作。

方法: This paper studies a conceptually new method to alleviate the scale variance in semantic representation, named dynamic routing. The proposed framework generates data-dependent routes, adapting to the scale distribution of each image. To this end, a differentiable gating function, called soft conditional gate, is proposed to select scale transform paths on the fly. In addition, the computational cost can be further reduced in an end-to-end manner by giving budget constraints to the gating function.

为缓解语义分割中的输入图像尺度问题,本文提出了dynamic routing。本方法可以针对输入数据的分布生成网络路径。为了达到这一目标,我们设计soft conditional gate方法用于忙碌的选择尺度转换路径。此外,通过对gating进行限制,计算复杂度可以进一步降低。

效果: Extensive experiments are conducted on Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC 2012 to illustrate the effectiveness of the dynamic framework.

本方法在Cityscapes和PASCAL VOC 2012数据集上改进了分割性能。

代码地址: https://github.com/yanwei-li/DynamicRouting

对抗鲁棒性:Adversarial Robustness: From Self-Supervised Pretraining to Fine-Tuning, CVPR 2020

问题: Pretrained models from self-supervision are prevalently used in fine-tuning downstream tasks faster or for better accuracy. However, gaining robustness from pretraining is left unexplored.


方法: We introduce adversarial training into self-supervision, to provide general-purpose robust pretrained models for the first time. We find these robust pretrained models can benefit the subsequent fine-tuning in two ways: (1) boosting final model robustness; (2) saving the computation cost.


效果: The proposed framework achieves large performance margins (e.g., 3.83% on robust accuracy on the CIFAR-10 dataset). Moreover, we find that different self-supervised pretrained models have diverse adversarial vulnerability. It inspires us to ensemble several pretraining tasks, which boosts robustness more. Our ensemble strategy contributes to a further improvement of 3:59% on robust accuracy, while maintaining a slightly higher standard accuracy on CIFAR-10


代码地址: https://github.com/TAMU-VITA/Adv-SS-Pretraining
