


primitive类型的用小写。少用object/any。可以直接用[key: string]这样的方式去定义规范。

interface Person {
  readonly sex: string;
  [key: string] : string | number;

const a: Person = {
  sex: 'man',
  name: 'as',
  foo: 2

class 语法, implements与extends

interface Person {
  name: string;
  address?: string;
  sayHi: Function

class Patient implements Person {
  name: string;
  address?: string | undefined;
  constructor ( name: string, addressCode?: number) {
    this.name = name
    this.address = 'nation:' + (addressCode || 'empty')
  sayHi = () => {
    console.log(this.name + ' say hey')

class BadPatient extends Patient {
  age: number
  constructor ( name:string, age:number, addressCode?:number ) {
    super(name, addressCode)
    this.age = age
  sayHi = () => {
    console.log(this.name + ' is ' + this.age)

const xiaoMing = new BadPatient( 'xiaoming',23, 32 )


class Greeter<A> {
  private greeting: A

  constructor ( message: A ) {
    this.greeting = message
  public greet() {
    console.log(`hello ${this.greeting}`)

const a = new Greeter<string>( 'miya' )


interface add {
  ( a: number, b: number ): number

interface add {
  ( a: string, b: string ): string

const addFunc: add = ( s: any, d: any ) => s + d

console.log(addFunc( '2', '32' ))

console.log(addFunc(2, 32))


interface Lengthwise {
  length: number,
  0: number

function loggingIdentity<T extends Lengthwise>( arg: T ): T {
  console.log( arg.length, arg[ 0 ].toExponential() )
  return arg


module可以在tsconfig里配,正常import export即可。node8之后实验性地支持es6。

node --experimental-modules bar.mjs


namespace lala {
  function foo( a: string ): number {
    return a.length
  let name:string = 'sdsd'

// 编译后:
(function (lala) {
    function foo(a) {
        return a.length;
    var name = 'sdsd';
})(lala || (lala = {}));


function log( target: any, key: any, descriptor: any ) {
  const original = descriptor.value
  if ( typeof original === 'function' ) {
    descriptor.value = function () {
      const result = original.apply( this, arguments )
      console.log( {result})
  return descriptor

class Foo {
  greet( a: void ): string {
    return 'hello'

const b = new Foo()

// T has to be in construtor form so the fucntion know how to extends it
function init<T extends { new( ...args: any[] ): {} }>( constructor: T ): T {
  return class extends constructor {
    firstName = 'mengge'
    lastName = 'xue'

class Coder{
  firstName: string = ''
  lastName: string =  ''

const a = new Coder()
console.log(a.firstName, a.lastName, a instanceof Coder)


class Swimer {
  speed = 10
  swim( distance: number ): number {
    return distance * this.speed

class Runner {
  speed = 10
  run( distance: number ): number {
    console.log(distance, this.speed, '---')
    return distance * this.speed * 10

class Person implements Swimer, Runner {
  speed = 2
  swim( distance?:number ) {
    return -2
  run( distance?: number ) {
    return 1200
function applyMixins( derivedCtor: any, baseCtors: any[] ) {
  baseCtors.forEach( baseCtor => {
    Object.getOwnPropertyNames( baseCtor.prototype ).forEach( name => {
      derivedCtor.prototype[ name ] = baseCtor.prototype[ name ]
    } )
  } )
applyMixins( Person, [ Swimer, Runner ] )

const person = new Person()
console.log(person.run(12), person.speed)


interface Person {
  name: string
  sayHi?: Function

interface Animal {
  type: string

type Kitty = Person & Animal

const cat: Kitty = {
  name: 'kemo',
  type: 'cat'

this type。this也是一种特殊的类型。函数中返回this,可以用于链式函数。

class BasicCalculator {
  // 这里加上protected之后,constructor里等于写了this.value = value
  public constructor ( protected value: number = 0 ) { }
  public currentValue(): number {
    return this.value
  public add( operand: number ): this {
    this.value += operand
    return this

  public multiply( operand: number ): this {
    this.value *= operand
    return this

const c = new BasicCalculator( 2 )


mapped types 快捷写法,利用已有的type,生成相应的特殊type。在react/angular中很有用

in lib.es5.d.ts
type Readonly = {
  readonly [p in keyof T]: T[P]
type Partial = {
  [P in keyof T]?: T[P]
type Person = {
  name: string,
  age: number

type PersonPartial = Partial<Person>

type ReadonlyPerson = Readonly<Person>

const zhenzhen: ReadonlyPerson = {
  name: 'zhenzhen',
  age: 12

// zhenzhen.age = 23 cannot assign to 'age' cause it is readonly

// pick
type Pick<T, K extends keyof T> = { [P in K]: T[P] }
type ColorDuck = Pick<Duck, 'color>
// = {color: string}

async function fetchUserById<T extends keyof Person>(id: string, ...fields: T[]): Promise<Pick<Reaction, T>> {
  return await kenx('User').where({id}).select(fields).first()
declare function f<T extends boolean>( x: T ): T extends true ? string : number 

let x = f(Math.random() < 0.5)

type StringOrNumber<T> = T extends boolean? string : number
type T1 = StringOrNumber<true> // string
type T2 = StringOrNumber<object> //number
type ElementType = T extends (infer U)[]? U: never
type T = ElementType<[]> // never
type T1 = ElementType // string
