iOS7 Sprite Kit 学习

iOS 7有一个新功能 Sprite Kit 这个有点类似cocos2d 感觉用法都差不多。下面简单来介绍下Sprite Kit 

About Sprite Kit

Sprite Kit provides a graphics rendering and animation infrastructure that you can use to animate arbitrary textured images, or sprites. Sprite Kit uses a traditional rendering loop that allows processing on the contents of each frame before it is rendered. Your game determines the contents of the scene and how those contents change in each frame. Sprite Kit does the work to render frames of animation efficiently using the graphics hardware. Sprite Kit is optimized to allow essentially arbitrary changes to each frame of animation.

Sprite Kit also provides other functionality that is useful for games, including basic sound playback support and physics simulation. In addition, Xcode provides built-in support for Sprite Kit, allowing complex special effects and texture atlases to be easily created and then used in your app. This combination of framework and tools makes Sprite Kit a good choice for games and other apps that require similar kinds of animation. For other kinds of user-interface animation, use Core Animation instead.



Jumping into Sprite Kit

The best way to learn Sprite Kit is to see it in action. This example creates a pair of scenes and animates content in each. By working through this example, you will learn some of the fundamental techniques for working with Sprite Kit content, including:

  • Using scenes in a Sprite Kit–based game.

  • Organizing node trees to draw content.

  • Using actions to animate scene content.

  • Adding interactivity to a scene.

  • Transitioning between scenes.

  • Simulating physics inside a scene.

Getting Started


首先新建一个项目 SpriteWalkthrough 。 

项目建好后在 ViewController.m 里添加如下代码

打开storyboard 然后找到右边 Sustom Slass 把Class 改成SKView!!!这个一定要改,不然会报错 -[UIView setShowsFPS:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x9742e30

#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>

- (void)viewDidLoad


    [super viewDidLoad];


    SKView *spriteView = (SKView*)self.view;


    spriteView.showsFPS = YES;

    spriteView.showsDrawCount = YES;

    spriteView.showsNodeCount = YES;

    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.


新建一个class  命名为HelloScene.h文件不需要做修改

#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>

@interface HelloScene : SKScene



然后再回到ViewController.m .修改如下

#import "HelloScene.h"



    HelloScene* hello = [[HelloScene alloc] initWithSize:CGSizeMake(self.view.frame.size.width,self.view.frame.size.height)];

    SKView *spriteView = (SKView*)self.view;

    [spriteView presentScene:hello];



OK 。。run it ..



@interface HelloScene()

@property BOOL contentCreated;



-(void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view




        [self  createSceneContents];

        self.contentCreated = YES;






    self.backgroundColor = [SKColor blackColor];

    self.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFit;

    [self addChild:[self newHelloNode]];





    SKLabelNode *helloNode = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:@"Chalkduster"]; = @"helloNode";//@ 这个和下面的一样

    helloNode.text = @"hello game ";

    helloNode.fontSize = 24;

    helloNode.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame), CGRectGetMidY(self.frame));

    return helloNode;




iOS7 Sprite Kit 学习


接下来继续,在HelloScene.m 里添加

-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event



    SKNode *helloNode = [self childNodeWithName:@"helloNode"]; //@与上面的相同

    if(helloNode !=nil)


        = nil;

        SKAction *moveUp = [SKAction moveByX:0 y:100.0 duration:0.5]; //向上移动

        SKAction *zoom = [SKAction scaleTo:2.0 duration:0.25];    //扩大两倍

        SKAction *pause = [SKAction waitForDuration:0.5];    //暂停

        SKAction *fadeAway = [SKAction fadeOutWithDuration:0.25];  //消失

        SKAction *remove = [SKAction removeFromParent];

        SKAction *moveSequence = [SKAction sequence:@[moveUp, zoom, pause, fadeAway, remove]];

        [helloNode runAction:moveSequence];








新建一个class 命名为 SpaceshipScene 然后在SpaceshipScene.m里添加如下 

@import "SpaceshipScene.h"

@interface SpaceshipScene ()

@property BOOL contentCreated;


@implementation SpaceshipScene

- (void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view


    if (!self.contentCreated)


        [self createSceneContents];

        self.contentCreated = YES;



- (void)createSceneContents


    self.backgroundColor = [SKColor blackColor];

    self.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFit;




#import <SpriteKit/SpriteKit.h>

@interface SpaceshipScene : SKScene




SpaceshipScene.m 修改如下代码。

-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event



    SKNode *helloNode = [self childNodeWithName:@"helloNode"]; //@与上面的相同

    if(helloNode !=nil)


        = nil;

        SKAction *moveUp = [SKAction moveByX:0 y:100.0 duration:0.5]; //向上移动

        SKAction *zoom = [SKAction scaleTo:2.0 duration:0.25];    //扩大两倍

        SKAction *pause = [SKAction waitForDuration:0.5];    //暂停

        SKAction *fadeAway = [SKAction fadeOutWithDuration:0.25];  //消失

        SKAction *remove = [SKAction removeFromParent];

        SKAction *moveSequence = [SKAction sequence:@[moveUp, zoom, pause, fadeAway, remove]];

        //[helloNode runAction:moveSequence];

        [helloNode runAction: moveSequence completion:^{

            SKScene *spaceshipScene  = [[SpaceshipScene alloc] initWithSize:self.size];

            SKTransition *doors = [SKTransition doorsOpenVerticalWithDuration:0.5];

            [self.view presentScene:spaceshipScene transition:doors];






最后把SpaceshipScene.m 文件修改如下


//  SpaceshipScene.m

//  SpriteWalkthrough


//  Created by qingyun on 8/13/13.

//  Copyright (c) 2013 qingyun. All rights reserved.


#import "SpaceshipScene.h"

@interface SpaceshipScene ()

@property BOOL contentCreated;


@implementation SpaceshipScene

- (void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view


    if (!self.contentCreated)


        [self createSceneContents];

        self.contentCreated = YES;



- (void)createSceneContents


    self.backgroundColor = [SKColor blackColor];

    self.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeAspectFit;


    SKSpriteNode *spaceship = [self newSpaceship];

    spaceship.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame),CGRectGetMidY(self.frame)-150);

    [self addChild:spaceship];



    SKAction *makeRocks = [SKAction sequence: @[

                                                [SKAction performSelector:@selector(addRock) onTarget:self],

                                                [SKAction waitForDuration:0.10 withRange:0.15]


    [self runAction: [SKAction repeatActionForever:makeRocks]];


- (SKSpriteNode *)newSpaceship


    SKSpriteNode *hull = [[SKSpriteNode alloc] initWithColor:[SKColor grayColor] size:CGSizeMake(64,32)];


    SKAction *hover = [SKAction sequence:@[

                                           [SKAction waitForDuration:1.0],

                                           [SKAction moveByX:100 y:50.0 duration:1.0],

                                           [SKAction waitForDuration:1.0],

                                           [SKAction moveByX:-100.0 y:-50 duration:1.0]]];

    [hull runAction: [SKAction repeatActionForever:hover]]; //重复移动hover 里的action 



    SKSpriteNode *light1 = [self newLight];

    light1.position = CGPointMake(-28.0, 6.0);

    [hull addChild:light1];


    SKSpriteNode *light2 = [self newLight];

    light2.position = CGPointMake(28.0, 6.0);

    [hull addChild:light2];



    hull.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:hull.size];

    hull.physicsBody.dynamic = NO;


    return hull;



- (SKSpriteNode *)newLight


    SKSpriteNode *light = [[SKSpriteNode alloc] initWithColor:[SKColor yellowColor] size:CGSizeMake(8,8)];


    SKAction *blink = [SKAction sequence:@[

                                           [SKAction fadeOutWithDuration:0.25],

                                           [SKAction fadeInWithDuration:0.25]]];

    SKAction *blinkForever = [SKAction repeatActionForever:blink];  //重复闪闪发光。

    [light runAction: blinkForever];


    return light;



static inline CGFloat skRandf() {

    return rand() / (CGFloat) RAND_MAX;


static inline CGFloat skRand(CGFloat low, CGFloat high) {

    return skRandf() * (high - low) + low;


- (void)addRock


    SKSpriteNode *rock = [[SKSpriteNode alloc] initWithColor:[SKColor brownColor] size:CGSizeMake(8,8)];

    rock.position = CGPointMake(skRand(0, self.size.width), self.size.height-50); = @"rock";

    rock.physicsBody = [SKPhysicsBody bodyWithRectangleOfSize:rock.size];

    rock.physicsBody.usesPreciseCollisionDetection = YES;

    [self addChild:rock];




    [self enumerateChildNodesWithName:@"rock" usingBlock:^(SKNode *node, BOOL *stop) {

        if (node.position.y < 0)

            [node removeFromParent];




好了。一个简单的sprite 小游戏做成了。

iOS7 Sprite Kit 学习


demo 下载地址:
