

  • 来源
  • 为什么使用配置管理工具
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本文翻译自 Top 5 configuration management tools


Configuration management tools enable changes and deployments to be faster, repeatable, scalable, predictable, and able to maintain the desired state, which brings controlled assets into an expected state.

Some advantages of using configuration management tools include:

  • Adherence to coding conventions that make it easier to navigate code
  • Idempotency, which means that the end state remains the same, no matter how many times the code is executed
  • Distribution design to improve managing large numbers of remote servers

Some configuration management tools use a pull model, in which an agent installed on the servers runs periodically to pull the latest definitions from a central repository and apply them to the server. Other tools use a push model, where a central server triggers updates to managed servers.


软件 介绍 功能 开源 免费
Ansible Ansible是一款非常简单的IT自动化平台,简化了应用和系统的部署,避免了部署或者升级时写脚本或者代码. 使用SSH,不需要在远端系统上部署agent
CFEngine CFEngine 3是一个受欢迎的开源配置管理系统,专门为大型计算机系统提供自动化的配置和维护
Chef A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.
Puppet Puppet, an automated administrative engine for your Linux, Unix, and Windows systems, performs administrative tasks (such as adding users, installing packages, and updating server configurations) based on a centralized specification
Salt Software to automate the management and configuration of any infrastructure or application at scale

Salt was created for high-speed data collection and scale beyond tens of thousands of servers. It uses Python modules to handle configuration details and specific actions. These modules manage all of Salt’s remote execution and state management behavior. Some level of technical skills are required to configure the modules.

Salt uses a client-server topology (with the Salt master as server and Salt minions as clients). Configurations are kept in Salt state files, which describe everything required to keep a system in the desired state.
