connect(*connectionstring, **kwargs) --> Connection
Creates and returns a new connection to the database.
The optional connection string can be passed as a string or Unicode object (connectionstring), as keywords (kwargs), or both.
# a string cnxn = connect('driver={SQL Server};server=localhost;database=test;uid=me;pwd=me2')
# keywords cnxn = connect(driver='{SQL Server}', server='localhost', database='test', uid='me', pwd='me2')
# both cnxn = connect('driver={SQL Server};server=localhost;database=test', uid='me', pwd='me2')
The DB API recommends some keywords that are not usually used in ODBC connection strings, so they are converted:
from | converted to |
host | server |
user | uid |
password | pwd |
Some keywords are used by pyodbc and are not passed to the odbc driver:
keyword | description | default |
autocommit | If False, Connection.commit must be called; otherwise each statement is automatically commited | False |
ansi | If True, the driver does not support Unicode and SQLDriverConnectA should be used | False |
unicode_results | If True, strings returned in result sets are always Unicode (2.1.5+) | False |
readonly | If True, the connection is set to readonly | False |
The ansi keyword should only be used to work around driver bugs. pyodbc will determine if the Unicode connection function (SQLDriverConnectW) exists and always attempt to call it. If the driver returns IM001 indicating it does not support the Unicode version, the ANSI version is tried (SQLDriverConnectA). Any other SQLSTATE is turned into an exception. Setting ansi to true skips the Unicode attempt and only connects using the ANSI version. This is useful for drivers that return the wrong SQLSTATE (or if pyodbc is out of date and should support other SQLSTATEs).
For help on connection strings, see ConnectionStrings