低迷油价致西方大型油企负债飙升 Big oil groups raise net debt by a third to cope with low prices

The net debts of the largest Western oil companies have surged by a third over the past year, increasing their vulnerability to another fall in oil prices.


The aggregate net debt of the 15 largest North American and European oil groups rose to $383bn at the end of March, up $97bn from 12 months ago, according to company reports compiled by Bloomberg.


Oil companies’ revenues have slumped as a result of the crash in crude prices that began in the summer of 2014. Although they have cut capital and operating costs sharply, most of them have had to borrow to finance their investment programmes and dividend payments.


The debt surge was particularly sharp in the first quarter of this year, when oil prices dropped to a low of about $27 per barrel.


Although interest rates are near record lows and oil prices have since recovered, ending last week at about $49, the increased indebtedness of the industry means it will face greater difficulties should oil prices slip back again.


That would be likely to mean more job losses and investment cuts, as well as possibly dividend cuts and more defensive mergers and acquisitions.


Part of the increase in oil debt over the past year is accounted for by the $19bn cash component of Royal Dutch Shell’s acquisition of BG Group. But all the large companies have reported sharp increases in their borrowings.

过去一年期间石油业债务增加,有一部分可归因于荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)以现金加股票方式收购BG集团(BG Group)的190亿美元现金部分。但是所有大公司都报告借款急剧增加。

ExxonMobil’s net debts rose to $38.3bn at the end of March from $27.6bn a year earlier, while BP’s rose to $30.6bn from $24.6bn over the same period.


The rising debts and lowered expectations for future oil prices have prompted many credit rating agencies to downgrade oil companies, with Exxon last month losing its triple A grade from Standard & Poor’s.

债务不断上升,而对未来油价水平的预期有所降低,这种局面促使很多信用评级机构调降石油企业的评级,上月埃克森失去了标准普尔(Standard & Poor’s)的AAA评级。

Although the rebound in oil prices is improving companies’ cash flows, and they are continuing to bear down on costs, they are still under financial strain with crude at present levels.


Jason Bloom, director of commodity research at Invesco PowerShares, said: “Prices at these levels are a big problem, not just for the smaller exploration and production companies, but also for the majors.”

Invesco PowerShares的大宗商品研究主管贾森•布鲁姆(Jason Bloom)表示:“目前的油价水平是一个很大的问题,不仅对较小的勘探和生产企业是如此,对大公司同样如此。”


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