New faces, old problems: US governors
Jan 14th 2019

New faces, old problems: US governors

New governors assume office today in four states.

Democrats replace Republicans in Illinois, where J.B. Pritzker enters the governor’s mansion, and in Kansas, where Laura Kelly takes charge.

  • take charge 负责

Each faces hefty fiscal challenges.

  • hefty 大而重的;很大的;超出一般的;可观的
  • fiscal 财政的;国库的

Illinois’s economy is plodding and heavily taxed—yet Mr Pritzker needs to cut enormous debts, notably a $130bn unfunded liability for public pensions.

  • plodding 沉重缓慢的;单调乏味的;行动沉重缓慢的
  • notably 特别;非常;尤其;极大程度上

At least he will work with a Democratic supermajority in the assembly.

  • supermajority 绝对多数;超级多数;绝对多数决议条款
  • assembly 议会;集合

Ms Kelly must corral a Republican-controlled legislature as she tries to undo the effects of a disastrous low-tax experiment by a predecessor.

  • corral 把(一群人)集中起来关在一起to gather a group of people together and keep them in a particular place

Elsewhere Republicans retain office, albeit with new faces.

  • albeit 尽管;虽然

In Ohio a moderate figure, Mike DeWine, enters the governor’s mansion.

In Georgia, Brian Kemp is to preside over a population starkly divided and embittered after last year’s election.

  • preside over 主持会议

He was accused of misusing his position as secretary of state to suppress voters likely to support his opponent in the governor’s race.

Hardly an auspicious start.

  • auspicious 吉利的; 有前途的; 有希望的; 有利的;

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