

a. 已经跟开发和测试人员沟通所有需求;

b. 需求文档已经就绪;

c. UI/UE稿已经定稿;


a. 该需求相关的所有新增代码都已经完成人工评审;

b. 开发人员已经完成单元测试,主要业务流通也可以走通;

c. 该需求相关的所有测试用例都已经完成评审;


a. 测试用例都已执行;

b. 修复所有等级为P1/P2的bug,P3的bug数量不超过5个;

c. 所有需求都已经通过产品经理/UED的验收;

【Finalize Requirement】

a. Req communication with developers and testers is done;

b. Req documentations are ready;

c. UI and UE are ready;

【Ready for Test】

a. Code review is done;

b. Unit test has been performed;

c. All the test cases have been reviewed

Complete Test】

a. All the test cases have been executed;

b. All the P1/P2 defects have been fixed, less than 5 P3 defects remained;

c. Product manager and UED acceptance check passed;
