Add a YARN User to the Superuser Group
Add the YARN user on the cluster to the group defined by dfs.permissions.superusergroup property. The dfs.permissions.superusergroup property can be found in hdfs-site.xml file on your cluster or in the Cloudera Manager.
将YARN 用户添加到超级用户组将集群上, YARN 用户添加到由 dfs.permissions.superusergroup 属性定义的组中。 dfs.permissions.superusergroup 属性可以在您的集群上或在Cloudera管理器中的hdfs-site.xml 文件中找到。
检测到英语 中文
在集群上配置Kerberos安全性,包括Kerberos域、Kerberos KDC和Kerberos管理服务器。
为需要访问Hadoop集群的每一个PANDAHO用户添加Kerberos数据库的用户帐户凭据。此外,请确保Hadoop集群中的每个节点上有一个操作系统用户帐户,用于要添加到Kerberos数据库的每个用户。如有必要,添加操作系统用户帐户。注意,用户帐户UID应该大于最小用户ID值(min .U.I.ID)。通常,最小用户ID值设置为1000
Add the following lines of the code to the oozie-site.xml file on cluster, substituting
Save and close the file
You must configure the shim in each of the following Pentaho components, on each computer from which Pentaho will be used to connect to the cluster:
As a best practice, configure the shim in Spoon first. Spoon has features that will help you test your configuration. Then copy the tested Spoon configuration files to other components, making changes if necessary.
You can also opt to go through these instructions for each Pentaho component, and not copy the shim files from Spoon. If you do not plan to connect to the cluster from Spoon, you can configure the shim in another component first instead.
Shims and other parts of the Pentaho Adaptive Big Data Layer are in the Pentaho Big Data Plugin directory. The path to this directory differs by component. You need to know the locations of this directory, in each component, to complete shim configuration and testing tasks.
步骤1:大日期定位垫片和the Pentaho的插件目录
与其他部分shims of the Pentaho的自适应层是大日大日期在Pentaho的插件目录。differs by the path to this目录组件。你知道the need to each of this目录位置,和垫片组件,完整的测试任务的配置。
<目录> Pentaho的Pentaho的where is the is installed。
Components | Location of Pentaho Big Data Plugin Directory |
Spoon | |
Pentaho Server | |
Pentaho Report Designer | |
Pentaho Metadata Editor |
Shims are located in the pentaho-big-data-plugin/hadoop-configurations directory. Shim directory names consist of a three or four letter Hadoop Distribution abbreviation followed by the Hadoop Distribution's version number. The version number does not contain a decimal point. For example, the shim directory named cdh54 is the shim for the CDH (Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop), version 5.4. Here is a list of the shim directory abbreviations.
垫片位于PATAHO大数据插件/Hadoop配置目录中。Shim目录名由三个或四个字母Hadoop Distribution缩写组成,后面跟着Hadoop Distribution的版本号。版本号不包含小数点。例如,名为CDH54的垫片目录是CDH(Hadoop的Cloudera发行版)的版本,版本5.4。这是一个SIMM目录缩写列表。
Abbreviation | Shim |
cdh | Cloudera's Distribution of Apache Hadoop |
emr | Amazon Elastic Map Reduce |
hdi | Microsoft Azure HDInsight |
hdp | Hortonworks Data Platform |
mapr | MapR |
Although Pentaho often supports one or more versions of a Hadoop distribution, the download of the Pentaho suite only contains the latest, supported, Pentaho-certified version of the shim. The other supported versions of shims can be downloaded from the Pentaho Customer Support Portal.
Before you begin, verify that the shim you want is supported by your version of Pentaho shown in the Components Reference.
步骤2:选择Correct Shim
导航到PATAHO大数据插件/Hadoop配置目录,查看SIMM目录。如果要使用的垫片已经存在,可以转到步骤3:将配置文件从群集复制到Shim。在客户门户主页上,使用Pentaho Welcome Packet中提供的Pentaho支持用户名和密码登录。
Copying configuration files from the cluster to the shim helps keep key configuration settings in sync with the cluster and reduces configuration errors.
You need to verify or change settings in authentication, Oozie, Hive, MapReduce, and YARN in these shim configuration files:
Edit config.properties (Unsecured Cluster)
If you are connecting to an unsecure cluster, verify that these values are properly set. Set the Oozie proxy user if needed.
Parameter | Values |
authentication.superuser.provider | NO_AUTH |
pentaho.oozie.proxy.user | Add a proxy user's name to access the Oozie service through a proxy, otherwise, leave it set to oozie. |
Edit config.properties (Secured Clusters)
If you are connecting to a secure cluster, add Kerberos information to the config.properties file. If you plan to use secure impersonation to access your cluster, see Use Secure Impersonation to Access a Cloudera Cluster before editing the config.properties file.
Perform the following steps to add Kerberos information to the config.properties file:
Parameter | Values |
authentication.superuser.provider | cdh-kerberos (This should be the same as the authentication.kerberos.id .) |
authentication.kerberos.principal | Set the Kerberos principal. |
authentication.kerberos.password | Set the Kerberos password. You only need to set the password or the keytab, not both. |
authentication.kerberos.keytabLocation | set the Kerberos keytab. You only need to set the password or the keytab, not both. |
pentaho.oozie.proxy.user | Add the proxy user's name if you plan to access the Oozie service through a proxy. Otherwise, leave it set to oozie. |
Edit hive-site.xml
Follow these instructions to set the location of the hive metastore in the hive-site.xml file:
Parameter | Value |
hive.metastore.uris | Set this to the location of your hive metastore if it differs from what is on the cluster. |
Edit mapred-site.xml
Edit the mapred-site.xml file to indicate where the job history logs are stored and to allow MapReduce jobs to run across platforms.
Parameter | Value | ||||||||
mapreduce.jobhistory.address | Set this to the place where job history logs are stored. | ||||||||
mapreduce.app-submission.cross-platform | Add this property to allow MapReduce jobs to run on either Windows client or Linux server platforms.
Edit yarn-site.xml
Make changes to these YARN parameters:
Parameter | Values |
yarn.application.classpath | Add the classpaths you need to run YARN applications. Use commas to separate multiple paths. |
yarn.resourcemanager.hostname | Change to the hostname of the resource manager in your environment. |
yarn.resourcemanager.address | Change to the hostname and port for your environment. |
yarn.resourcemanager.admin.address | Change to the hostname and port for your environment. |
Creating a connection to the cluster involves setting an active shim, then configuring and testing the connection to the cluster. Making a shim active means it is used by default when you access a cluster. When you initially install Pentaho, no shim is active by default. You must choose a shim to make active before you can connect to a cluster. Only one shim can be active at a time. The way you make a shim active, as well as the way you configure and test the cluster connection differs by Pentaho component.
Creating and testing a connection to the CDH cluster from Spoon involves two tasks:
Set the Active Shim in Spoon
You must set an active shim when you want to connect to a Hadoop cluster the first time, or when you want to switch clusters. To set a shim as active, complete the following steps:
Configure and Test the Cluster Connection
You must provide connection details for the cluster and services you will use, such as the hostname for HDFS or the URL for Oozie. Then, you can use a built-in tool to test your configuration to find and troubleshoot common configuration issues, such as wrong hostnames and user permission errors.
Connection settings are set in the Hadoop cluster window. You can get to the settings from several places, but in these instructions, you will get the Hadoop cluster window from the View tab in a transformation or job. Complete the following steps to configure and test a connection:
As a best practice, use Kettle variables for each connection parameter value to mitigate risks associated with running jobs and transformations in environments that are disconnected from the repository.
Option | Definition |
Cluster Name | Name that you assign the cluster connection. |
Storage | Specifies the type of storage you want to use for this connection. Use the drop-down box to select one of the following:
Hostname (in selected storage section) | Hostname for the HDFS or WASB node in your Hadoop cluster. |
Port (in selected storage section) | Port for the HDFS or WASB node in your Hadoop cluster. If your cluster has been enabled for high availability (HA), then you do not need a port number. Clear the port number. |
Username (in selected storage section) | Username for the HDFS or WASB node. |
Password (in selected storage section) | Password for the HDFS or WASB node. |
Hostname (in JobTracker section) | Hostname for the JobTracker node in your Hadoop cluster. If you have a separate job tracker node, type in the hostname here. |
Port (in JobTracker section) | Port for the JobTracker in your Hadoop cluster. |
Hostname (in ZooKeeper section) | Hostname for the ZooKeeper node in your Hadoop cluster. Supply this only if you want to connect to a ZooKeeper service. |
Port (in Zookeeper section) | Port for the ZooKeeper node in your Hadoop cluster. Supply this only if you want to connect to a ZooKeeper service. |
URL (in Oozie section) | Oozie client address. Supply this only if you want to connect to the Oozie service. |
Copy Spoon Shim Files to Other Pentaho Components
Once your connection has been properly configured on Spoon, you can copy the configuration files to the shim directories in the other Pentaho components. Copy the following configuration files from the pentaho-big-data-plugin/hadoop-configurations/hadoop-configurations/cdhxx directory in Spoon to the pentaho-big-data-plugin/hadoop-configurations/cdhxx
directory on the Pentaho Server, PRD, or PME:
These instructions explain how to create and test a connection to the cluster in the Pentaho Server, PRD, and PME. Creating and testing a connection to the cluster in Spoon involves two tasks:
Set the Active Shim on PRD, PME, and the Pentaho Server
Modify the plugin.properties file to set the active shim for the Pentaho Server, PRD, and PME.
1 |
active.hadoop.configuation=cdh54 |
Create and Test Connections
Connection tests appear in the following table.
Component | Test |
Pentaho Server for DI | Create a transformation in Spoon and run it remotely. |
Pentaho Server for BA | Create a connection to the cluster in the Data Source Wizard. |
PME | Create a connection to the cluster in PME. |
PRD | Create a connection to the cluster in PRD. |
Once you've connected to the cluster and its services properly, provide connection information to users who need access to the cluster and its services. Those users can only obtain access from computers that have been properly configured to connect to the cluster.
Here is what they need to connect:
They might also need more information depending on the job entries, transformation steps, and services they use. Here's a more detailed list of information that your users might need from you.
To access Hive, you need to set several database connection parameters from within Spoon.
Verify the valid Kerberos principal values have been set to Hive.metastore.kerberos.principal and hive.server2.authentication.kerberos.principal in hive-site.xml.
Start Spoon.
In Spoon, open the Database Connection window.
Click Options.
Add the principal parameter and set it to the values that you noted in the hive-site.xml file. The principal typically looks like hive/HiveServer2.pentaho.com@mydomain
Click OK to close the window.
If you are using Pentaho 6.0 and the Java version on your cluster is older than the Java version that Pentaho uses, you must change Pentaho's JDK so it is the same major version as the JDK on the cluster. The JDK that you install for Pentaho must meet the requirements in the Supported Components matrix. To learn how to download and install the JDK read this article.
The following are special topics for CDH.
The following notes address issues with CDH 5.4.
Simba Driver Support Note
If you are using Pentaho 6.0 or later, the CDH 5.4 shim supports the Cloudera JDBC Simba driver: Impala JDBC Connector 2.5.28 for Cloudera Enterprise. This replaces the Apache Hive JDBC that was supported previously in previous versions of the CDH 5.4 shim.
In the Database connection window, you will need to select the Cloudera Impala option. If Impala is secured on your cluster, you also need to supply KrbHostFQDN, KrbServiceName, and KrbRealm in the Options tab. For more information on how to set up a database connection see the database connection articles at help.pentaho.com.
You will need to install the driver in the shim directory for each Pentaho component (e.g., Spoon, Pentaho Server, PRD) you want to use.
The following notes address issues with CDH 5.3.
Configuring High Availability for CDH 5.3
If you are configuring CDH 5.3 to be used in High Availability mode, we recommend that you use the Cloudera Manager "Download Client Configuration" feature. The Download Client Configuration feature provides a convenient way to get configuration files from the cluster for a service (such as HBase, HDFS, or YARN). Use this feature to download the unzip the configuration zip files to the pentaho-big-data-plugin/hadoop-configurations/cdh53 directory.
For more information on how to do this, see Cloudera documentation: http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/documentation/core/v5-3-x/topics/cm_mc_client_config.html
The issues in this section explain how to resolve common configuration problems.
Shim and Configuration Issues
Symptoms | Common Causes | Common Resolutions |
No shim |
Shim doesn't load |
The file system's URL does not match the URL in the configuration file. | Configuration files (*-site.xml files) were not configured properly. | Verify that the configuration files were configured correctly. Verify that the core-site.xml file is configured correctly. See the instructions for your Hadoop distribution in the Set Up Pentaho to Connect to a Hadoop Cluster section of the Configuration article for details. |
Connection Problems
Symptoms | Common Causes | Common Resolutions |
Hostname incorrect or not resolving properly. |
Port name is incorrect. |
Can't connect. |
Directory Access or Permissions Issues
Symptoms | Common Causes | Common Resolutions |
Can't access directory. |
Can't create, read, update, or delete files or directories |
Authorization and/or authentication issues. |
Test file cannot be overwritten. | Pentaho test file is already in the directory. |
Oozie Issues
Symptoms | Common Causes | Common Resolutions |
Can't connect to Oozie. |
ZooKeeper Problems
Symptoms | Common Causes | Common Resolutions |
Can't connect to ZooKeeper. |
ZooKeeper hostname or port not found or doesn't resolve properly. |