[机器学习 - 特征工程] Category/分类变量预处理 - Label Encoding和OneHot Encoding的选择


Label Encoding



OneHot Encoding






  • 摘自https://www.kaggle.com/willkoehrsen/start-here-a-gentle-introduction

The problem with label encoding is that it gives the categories an arbitrary ordering. The value assigned to each of the categories is random and does not reflect any inherent aspect of the category. In the example above, programmer recieves a 4 and data scientist a 1, but if we did the same process again, the labels could be reversed or completely different. The actual assignment of the integers is arbitrary. Therefore, when we perform label encoding, the model might use the relative value of the feature (for example programmer = 4 and data scientist = 1) to assign weights which is not what we want. If we only have two unique values for a categorical variable (such as Male/Female), then label encoding is fine, but for more than 2 unique categories, one-hot encoding is the safe option.

There is some debate about the relative merits of these approaches, and some models can deal with label encoded categorical variables with no issues. Here is a good Stack Overflow discussion. I think (and this is just a personal opinion) for categorical variables with many classes, one-hot encoding is the safest approach because it does not impose arbitrary values to categories. The only downside to one-hot encoding is that the number of features (dimensions of the data) can explode with categorical variables with many categories. To deal with this, we can perform one-hot encoding followed by PCA or other dimensionality reduction methods to reduce the number of dimensions (while still trying to preserve information).

In this notebook, we will use Label Encoding for any categorical variables with only 2 categories and One-Hot Encoding for any categorical variables with more than 2 categories. This process may need to change as we get further into the project, but for now, we will see where this gets us. (We will also not use any dimensionality reduction in this notebook but will explore in future iterations).

  • 相关stackoverflow讨论https://datascience.stackexchange.com/questions/9443/when-to-use-one-hot-encoding-vs-labelencoder-vs-dictvectorizor

There are some cases where LabelEncoder or DictVectorizor are useful, but these are quite limited in my opinion due to ordinality.

LabelEncoder can turn [dog,cat,dog,mouse,cat] into [1,2,1,3,2], but then the imposed ordinality means that the average of dog and mouse is cat. Still there are algorithms like decision trees and random forests that can work with categorical variables just fine and LabelEncoder can be used to store values using less disk space.

One-Hot-Encoding has the advantage that the result is binary rather than ordinal and that everything sits in an orthogonal vector space. The disadvantage is that for high cardinality, the feature space can really blow up quickly and you start fighting with the curse of dimensionality. In these cases, I typically employ one-hot-encoding followed by PCA for dimensionality reduction. I find that the judicious combination of one-hot plus PCA can seldom be beat by other encoding schemes. PCA finds the linear overlap, so will naturally tend to group similar features into the same feature.
