Howto Install and Configure Doxygen for QtCreator on Ubuntu

HowtoInstall and Configure Doxygen for QtCreator on Ubuntu

  1. Downloaddoxygen- from extract the file;

  2. Configure, build and installdoxygen follow the commands:

    1. $sudo apt-get install flex

    2. $sudo apt-get install bison

    3. $sh ./configure–with-doxywizard

    4. $make

    5. $make install

The command make will generate doxygenand doxywizard, the command install will install doxygen anddoxywizard to /usr/local/bin. You can also run $make pdf togenerate a pdf documentation of doxygen.

  1. Download doxygen from,here we choose Binary for Linux x86_64: forqtcreator 2.4.0, then Extract the file;

  2. Copy the plugin to qt directory:

    $sudo cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qtcreator/plugins/

  3. Start up qtcreator, there will bea dialog show that the version of qtcreator(2.4.1) anddoxygen(2.4.0) is not compatible, just change all the version infoin the pluginspec 2.4.0 to 2.4.1:$sudo gedit Doxygen.pluginspec.

  4. Set the doxygen command inqtcreator, Tools->Options->Doxygen Plugin, set the doxygencommand and doxywizard command to the generated command.

Howto use doxygen in QtCreator:

GenerateDoxygen tags: CTRL+SHIFT+F3 and the context menu -> "CreateDoxygen Documentation"

  • GenerateDoxygen tags for a whole file: CTRL+SHIFT+F5 and the context menu ->"Document whole file"

  • Buildingproject documentation: CTRL+SHIFT+F4 and the "Tools/Doxygen"menu -> "Build Doxygen Documentation".
    If you didn'tcreate and configure a Doxyfile at your project root, the defaultone will be generated and used.

  • EditDoxyfile with doxywizard: CTRL+SHIFT+F6

Don'tforget to configure the "doxygen" and "doxywizard"commands in "Settings/Documentation/Doxygen Plugin" if itis not in your  $PATH .
