srs流媒体服务器运维(3)--Http CallBack之防盗链

Token Authentication

token类似于refer,不过是放在RTMP url中,或者在connect的请求参数中:

  • token在RTMP url,譬如:rtmp://vhost/app?token=xxxx/stream,这样服务器在on_connect回调接口中, 就会把url带过去验证。



  1. 用户在web页面登录,服务器可以生成一个token,譬如token=md5(time+id+私钥+有效期)=88195f8943e5c944066725df2b1706f8
  2. 服务器返回给用户一个地址,带token,譬如:rtmp://
  3. 配置srs的http回调,on_connect;
  4. 用户播放时,srs会回调那个地址,解析请求的内容,里面的tcUrl就有那些认证信息。 按同样的算法验证,如果md5变了就返回错误,srs就会拒绝连接。如果返回0就会接受连接。

srs配置http_callback.conf 如下:

vhost your_vhost {
    http_hooks {
        # whether the http hooks enalbe.
        # default off.
        enabled         on;
        # when client connect to vhost/app, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_connect",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "tcUrl": "rtmp://",
        #           "pageUrl": ""
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_connect http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_connect http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;
        # when client close/disconnect to vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_close",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_close http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_close http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;
        # when client(encoder) publish to vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_publish",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_publish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_publish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;
        # when client(encoder) stop publish to vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_unpublish",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_unpublish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_unpublish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;
        # when client start to play vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_play",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream",
        #           "pageUrl": ""
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_play http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_play http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;
        # when client stop to play vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_stop",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_stop http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_stop http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;
        # when srs reap a dvr file, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_dvr",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream",
        #           "cwd": "/usr/local/srs",
        #           "file": "./objs/nginx/html/live/livestream.1420254068776.flv"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        on_dvr http://localhost:8085/api/v1/dvrs;

运行srs  ./objs/srs -c http_callback.conf

srs提供有一个简单的python脚本可以用于简单验证  文件在 research/api-server/

指定端口 启动脚本 python research/api-server/ 8085

修改脚本内的返回值  可以简单验证防盗链功能
