精尽 Dubbo 源码分析 —— HTTP 服务器


Dubbo 的 HTTP 服务器,在 dubbo-remoting-http 模块中实现,使用在 http://、 rest://、hessian://、webservice://协议上。

dubbo-remoting-http 模块,类图如下:
精尽 Dubbo 源码分析 —— HTTP 服务器_第1张图片


2.1 HttpServer

实现 Resetable 接口,HTTP 服务器接口。方法如下:

 * HTTP 服务器接口
public interface HttpServer extends Resetable {

     * get http handler.
     * @return http handler.
    HttpHandler getHttpHandler();

     * get url.
     * @return url
    URL getUrl();

     * get local address.
     * @return local address.
    InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress();

     * close the channel.
    void close();

     * Graceful close the channel.
    void close(int timeout);

     * is bound.
     * @return bound
    boolean isBound();

     * is closed.
     * @return closed
    boolean isClosed();

2.2 AbstractHttpServer

实现 HttpServer 接口,HTTP 服务器抽象类。代码如下:

 * AbstractHttpServer
 * HTTP 服务器抽象类
public abstract class AbstractHttpServer implements HttpServer {

     * URL 对象
    private final URL url;
     * 处理器
    private final HttpHandler handler;
     * 是否关闭
    private volatile boolean closed;

    public AbstractHttpServer(URL url, HttpHandler handler) {
        if (url == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("url == null");
        if (handler == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("handler == null");
        this.url = url;
        this.handler = handler;

    public HttpHandler getHttpHandler() {
        return handler;

    public URL getUrl() {
        return url;

    public void reset(URL url) {

    public boolean isBound() {
        return true;

    public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() {
        return url.toInetSocketAddress();

    public void close() {
        closed = true;

    public void close(int timeout) {

    public boolean isClosed() {
        return closed;

2.3 HttpHandler

HTTP 处理器接口。方法如下:

 * http invocation handler.
 * HTTP 处理器接口
public interface HttpHandler {

     * invoke.
     * 处理器请求
     * @param request  request. 请求
     * @param response response. 响应
     * @throws IOException 当 IO 发生异常
     * @throws ServletException 当 Servlet 发生异常
    void handle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException;

2.4 HttpBinder

HTTP 绑定器接口。方法如下:

 * HttpBinder
 * HTTP 绑定起接口
public interface HttpBinder {

     * bind the server.
     * @param url server url.
     * @return server.
    HttpServer bind(URL url, HttpHandler handler);

2.5 DispatcherServlet

实现 javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet 接口,服务请求调度 Servlet。代码如下:

 * Service dispatcher Servlet.
 * 服务调度 Servlet
public class DispatcherServlet extends HttpServlet {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5766349180380479888L;

     * 处理器集合
     * key:服务器端口
    private static final Map handlers = new ConcurrentHashMap();
     * 单例
    private static DispatcherServlet INSTANCE;

    public DispatcherServlet() {
        DispatcherServlet.INSTANCE = this;

    public static DispatcherServlet getInstance() {
        return INSTANCE;

     * 添加处理器
     * @param port 服务器端口
     * @param processor 处理器
    public static void addHttpHandler(int port, HttpHandler processor) {
        handlers.put(port, processor);

     * 移除处理器
     * @param port 服务器端口
    public static void removeHttpHandler(int port) {

    protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException {
        // 获得处理器
        HttpHandler handler = handlers.get(request.getLocalPort());
        // 处理器不存在,报错
        if (handler == null) {// service not found.
            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Service not found.");
        // 处理请求
        } else {
            handler.handle(request, response);

2.6 ServletManager

Servlet 管理器,负责管理 ServletContext ,目前仅有 dubbo-rpc-rest 模块,需要使用到这个类。代码如下:

public class ServletManager {

     * 外部服务器端口,用于 `servlet` 的服务器端口
    public static final int EXTERNAL_SERVER_PORT = -1234;

     * 单例
    private static final ServletManager instance = new ServletManager();
     * ServletContext 集合
    private final Map contextMap = new ConcurrentHashMap();

    public static ServletManager getInstance() {
        return instance;

     * 添加 ServletContext 对象
     * @param port 服务器端口
     * @param servletContext ServletContext 对象
    public void addServletContext(int port, ServletContext servletContext) {
        contextMap.put(port, servletContext);

     * 移除 ServletContext 对象
     * @param port 服务器端口
    public void removeServletContext(int port) {

     * 获得 ServletContext 对象
     * @param port 服务器端口
     * @return ServletContext 对象
    public ServletContext getServletContext(int port) {
        return contextMap.get(port);


3. Tomcat 实现

3.1 TomcatHttpServer

实现 AbstractHttpServer 抽象类,基于 Tomcat 的 HTTP 服务器实现类。

 * 基于 Tomcat 的 HTTP 服务器实现类
public class TomcatHttpServer extends AbstractHttpServer {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TomcatHttpServer.class);

     * 内嵌的 Tomcat 对象
    private final Tomcat tomcat;
     * URL 对象
    private final URL url;

    public TomcatHttpServer(URL url, final HttpHandler handler) {
        super(url, handler);
        this.url = url;

        // 注册 HttpHandler 到 DispatcherServlet 中
        DispatcherServlet.addHttpHandler(url.getPort(), handler);

        // 创建内嵌的 Tomcat 对象
        String baseDir = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir")).getAbsolutePath();
        tomcat = new Tomcat();
        tomcat.getConnector().setProperty("maxThreads", String.valueOf(url.getParameter(Constants.THREADS_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_THREADS))); // 最大线程数
//        tomcat.getConnector().setProperty(
//                "minSpareThreads", String.valueOf(url.getParameter(Constants.THREADS_KEY, Constants.DEFAULT_THREADS)));
        tomcat.getConnector().setProperty("maxConnections", String.valueOf(url.getParameter(Constants.ACCEPTS_KEY, -1))); // 最大连接池
        tomcat.getConnector().setProperty("URIEncoding", "UTF-8"); // 编码为 UTF-8
        tomcat.getConnector().setProperty("connectionTimeout", "60000"); // 连接超时,60 秒
        tomcat.getConnector().setProperty("maxKeepAliveRequests", "-1");

        // 添加 DispatcherServlet 到 Tomcat 中
        Context context = tomcat.addContext("/", baseDir);
        Tomcat.addServlet(context, "dispatcher", new DispatcherServlet());
        context.addServletMapping("/*", "dispatcher");

        // 添加 ServletContext 对象,到 ServletManager 中
        ServletManager.getInstance().addServletContext(url.getPort(), context.getServletContext());

        // 启动 Tomcat
        try {
        } catch (LifecycleException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to start tomcat server at " + url.getAddress(), e);
