“hit the books”是“打书”的意思吗?

“hit the books”是“打书”的意思吗?才不是,是“用功读书,好好学习”的意思。与之对应的一个说法是“hit the hay(上床睡觉)”,两个俚语一起记啊,“不要这么早睡,起来学习啊”,就可以说“Don't hit the hay so early. Let's hit the books.”。

再来举个栗子吧: The final examination is coming. I have to hit the books. I wish I could go to the date, but I've got to hit the books.


hit the road 出发

hit the nerve 触到伤心处

hit it off 合得来

hit the bricks 闲逛,压马路

hit the deck 准备行动

hit me up! 联系我

hit the roof火冒三丈

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