20190125 concern



v. if something such as a book or a piece of information concerns a particular subject, it is about that subject.  关于,涉及   V n  /  V pron-refl(反身代词) with n   / no cont(没有进行时态) (中性)

柯林斯词典语法信息的缩略语:pron-refl   reflexive pronoun 反身代词  /  cont  continuous  进行时态

 if a situation, event, or activity concerns you, it affects or invovles you. 对……有影响,与……相关 V n / no cont

if something concerns you, it worries you.// if you concern yourself with something, you give it attention because you think that it is important.  使担忧,使心烦;关注,关心  (既有正面也有负面)

n. concern is worry about a situation.  不可数名词  忧虑,担心  oft N prep

n. a concern is a fact or situation that worries you. 可数名词  令人担忧的事实或情况  usu with poss (poss   possessive 所有格)

n. someone's concern with something is their feeling that it is important. 可变名词(可变名词是指有时可以做可数名词有时可以做不可数名词的名词)关心,关切  oft N with n

n. someone's concerns are the things that they consider to be important. 可数名词 (对…)重要的事,关心的事  usu with poss

n. concern for someone is a feeling that you want them to be happy, safe, and well. if you do something out of concern for someone, you do it because you want them to be happy, safe, and well. 可变名词  关心,关怀,关爱   oft poss N

n. if a situation or problem is your concern, it is something that you have a duty or responsibility to be involved with.  单数名词  分内之事,(某人)负责的事  with poss

n. you can refer to a company or business as a concern, usually when you are describing what type of company or business it is. 可数名词  公司,企业(通常用于描述其类型) oft supp(名词补语) N    (formal ) BUSINESS 商科语言

if a story, book, report etc concerns someone or something, it is about them.




1. The study concerns what people want at the end of life.

2. The most rigorously contended almost always concerns politics.

rigorously adv. 严厉地,残酷地


3. Poker playing concerns decision making.= Poker playing is all about decision making.  玩扑克时需要做许多决策。

4. The significant legal question concerning any charges that may be brought against Donald Trump is whether he will brazenly act on the claim that he has the absolute right to pardon himself from criminal jeopardy.

brezenly /ˈbreɪzənli/ adv. 厚颜无耻地 

jeopardy /ˈdʒɛpədɪ/ n. dangerous situation  危险处境




This new reaserch concerns the correlation/relationship between income and the infulency of English. (自己)

The newest report concerns the correlation between English proficiency and income./ The most recent report concerns the relationship between language skills and earnings. (参考翻译)




I am interested in the courses concerning game theory on Coursera.

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