#口语粉碎机# L1 Day45

#口语粉碎机# L1 Day45【打卡序列03】

1. 她现在一定住在乡下。

翻译:She must be living in the countryside.

答案:She must be living in the country. 解析:country&countryside


land which is not in towns, cities or industrial areas and is either used for farming or left in its natural condition乡村,乡下


land not in towns, cities or industrial areas, which is either used for farming or left in its natural condition农村,乡下;郊外

2. 我本可以走另一条路的。

翻译:I may have went another road.

答案:I might have taken another path.

解析:走另一条路take another path

3. 你一定在想心事。【重点】

翻译:You must be having something on your mind.

答案:You must be thinking of something. 解析:想心事:think of sth.

4. 有时候她会在那里一坐就是几个小时,什么也不做。

翻译:Sometimes She may sit there for seceral hours without doing anything.

答案:She would sit there for hours sometimes, doing nothing at all.



5. 你可能把包丢在餐厅里了吧?

翻译:May you have lost your bag in restaurant?

答案:Could you have left your bag in the dining-hall?



6. 约翰可能在那次事故中受了重伤。

翻译:John may have severe injury in that accident.

答案:John could have been seriously hurt in the accident.


受了重伤,我用了have sth.的结构,答案用了have been done 的动词结构来表示。

7. 他们勤奋地工作,以便能过上更好的日子。

翻译:They work so hard that they may have a better life.

答案:They work hard in order that they may / will / can live a better life. 解析:我用了so…that 如此以至于的结构,答案用了 in order that 为了短语来表示。

8. 他们可能是昨天完的工。

翻译:They may have finished the work yesterday.

答案:They could have finished the work yesterday.


9. 她说他可能误了航班。

翻译:She said he might have missed the flight.

答案:She said that he might have missed the plane.



翻译:Swallows have left and may come back again.

答案:Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return.

解析:有再来的时候there is a time of return


心得:本次情态动词翻译过程中,仔细分析了时态,本次翻译时态都对了。但是,may和could 的使用根据语境,表达的程度不同,要再进一步整理完善和强化。


It is the way that you say it.


It 主语  is 系动词  the way  表语  that you say it.定语从句。

定语从句,不过是有点特殊。当先行词有time, day, place, reason, way等的时候,可以用that代替when或where或why或介词+which,口语中that 还可以省略。


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