
a at asm ac

a address,string – Assemble at address
at address – Disassemble at address
asm string – Assemble
ac – Analyse code

s stk stop si so sn sob

s – Step into
stk address – Go to address in stack
stop – Pause execution
si – Step into
so – Step over
sn – Search for Name(label) in current module
sob – Scan object files

d dump da db dc dd du dw dasm

d address – Dump at address
dump address – Dump at address
da [address] – Dump as disassembly
db [address] – Dump in hex byte format
dc [address] – Dump in ASCII format
dd [address] – Dump in stack format
du [address] – Dump in UNICODE format
dw [address] – Dump in hex word format
dasm string – Disassemble immediate opcode

f follow fr

follow address – Disassemble at address
fr – Find reference to selected command/address

g ge

g [address] – Run till address
ge [address] – Run and pass exception

h hr hw he hd help

h string – Help on api function
hr address – HW break on access
hw address – HW break on write
he address – HW break on execution
hd [address] – Remove HW breakpoint
help string – Help on api function

l log

l address,string – Label at address
log – View Log window

q quit

quit – Quit OllyDbg

w watch

w string – Add watch expression
watch string – Add watch expression

e exit

exit – Quit OllyDbg

r run rst

run – Run program
rst – Restart current porgrame

t ti to tc toc tr tu

t [address] – Trace in till address
ti [address] – Trace in till address
to [address] – Trace over till address
tc string – Trace in till condition
toc string – Trace over till condition
tr – Till return
tu – Till user code

o orig opt open

orig – Disassemble at EIP
opt – Open Options
open string – Open executable file

p pause

pause – Pause execution

c cpu cs close calc

c address,string – Comment at address
cpu – View CPU window
cs – View Call Stack
close – Close executable
calc expression – Estimate expression

b bp bpx bpd bc brk

bp address,string – Break with condition
bpx string – Break on all calls
bpd string – Delete break on all calls
bc address – Delete breakpoint
brk – View Breakpoints window

m mr mw md mod mem mac

mr address,[expression] – Memory breakpt on access
mw address,[expression] – Memory breakpt on write
md – Remove memory breakpoint
mod – View Modules window
mem – View Memory window
mac string – Execute Macro Command
