

  • MyQR 代码地址
  • QR二维码编码原理
    • QR码的特点
    • QR码结构
      • 简要的编码过程
      • 数据内容编码
        • 1、数字模式下的编码
        • 2、混合字符模式下的编码
        • 3、8bit字节数据不经编码转换直接保存。
        • 4、编码终止符(Terminator)
        • 5、编成8bit码字
  • 文件代码解析
    • 文件结构
      • MyQR.myqr
  • 参考文章


MyQR 代码地址




  • 高速读取
  • 高容量、高密度
  • 支持纠错处理
  • 结构化
  • 扩展能力(一个QR码可以分解成多个QR码,反之,也可以将多个QR码的数据组合到一个QR码中来。)



  • 位置探测图形、位置探测图形分隔符、定位图形:用于对二维码的定位,对每个QR码来说,位置都是固定存在的,只是大小规格会有所差异。
  • 校正图形:规格确定,校正图形的数量和位置也就确定了。
  • 格式信息:表示改二维码的纠错级别,分为L、M、Q、H
  • 版本信息:即二维码的规格,QR码符号共有40种规格的矩阵(一般为黑白色),从21x21(版本1),到177x177(版本40),每一版本符号比前一版本 每边增加4个模块。
  • 数据和纠错码字:实际保存的二维码信息,和纠错码字(用于修正二维码损坏带来的错误)。


  1. 数据分析
    确定编码的字符类型,按相应的字符集转换成符号字符; 选择纠错等级,在规格一定的条件下,纠错等级越高其真实数据的容量越小。
  2. 数据编码
格式 容量
数字 最多7089字符
字母 最多4296字符
二进制数(8 bit) 最多2953字节
日文汉字/片假名 最多1817字符(采用Shift JIS)
中文汉字 最多984字符(采用UTF-8)
中文汉字 最多1800字符(采用BIG5)


模式 指示符
ECI 0111
数字 0001
字母数字 0010
8位字节 0100
日本汉字 1000
中文汉字 1101
结构链接 0011
FNCI 0101(第一位置)1001(第二位置)
终止符(信息结尾) 0000
  1. 纠错编码
  2. 构造最终数据信息
    按规定把数据分块,然后对每一块进行计算,得出相应的纠错码字区块,把纠错码字区块 按顺序构成一个序列,添加到原先的数据码字序列后面。
  3. 构造矩阵
  4. 掩摸
  5. 格式和版本信息



数据被限制为3个数字一段,分成若干段。如:“123456” 将分成"123" 和 “456”,分别被编码成10bit的二进制数。“123”的10bit二进制表示法为:0001111011,实际上就是二进制的123。
如:“9876"被分成"987"和"6"两段,因此被表示为"1111011011 0110”。



0 0 A 10 K 20 U 30 + 40
1 1 B 11 L 21 V 31 - 41
2 2 C 12 M 22 W 32 . 42
3 3 D 13 N 23 X 33 / 43
4 4 E 14 O 24 Y 34 : 44
5 5 F 15 P 25 Z 35
6 6 G 16 Q 26 [sp] 36
7 7 H 17 R 27 $ 37
8 8 I 18 S 28 % 38
9 9 j 19 T 29 * 39



“AB” “CD” “E1” “23”
45*10+11 45*12+13 45*14+1 45*2+3
461 553 631 93
0010 000001000 00111001101 01000101001 01001110111 00001011101





按8bit一组,形成码字(code words)。
如果编码后的数据不足版本及纠错级别的最大容量,则在尾部补充 “11101100” 和 “00010001”,直到全部填满。



    │		# 使用接口
    │	# 参数设置(命令行、代码)
  		# 数据
  			# 数据编码
  			# 生成二维码
  			# 纠错编码
  		# QR矩阵
  	# 构造最终数据信息
  	# 逻辑函数

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# To be used just when MyQR is not installed

from MyQR.terminal import main


导入MyQR模块 运行terminal.main

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from MyQR.myqr import run
import os

def main():
    import argparse	# 命令行参数模块
    argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    argparser.add_argument('Words', help = 'The words to produce you QR-code picture, like a URL or a sentence. Please read the README file for the supported characters.')
    argparser.add_argument('-v', '--version', type = int, choices = range(1,41), default = 1, help = 'The version means the length of a side of the QR-Code picture. From little size to large is 1 to 40.')
    argparser.add_argument('-l', '--level', choices = list('LMQH'), default = 'H', help = 'Use this argument to choose an Error-Correction-Level: L(Low), M(Medium) or Q(Quartile), H(High). Otherwise, just use the default one: H')
    argparser.add_argument('-p', '--picture', help = 'the picture  e.g. example.jpg')
    argparser.add_argument('-c', '--colorized', action = 'store_true', help = "Produce a colorized QR-Code with your picture. Just works when there is a correct '-p' or '--picture'.")
    argparser.add_argument('-con', '--contrast', type = float, default = 1.0, help = 'A floating point value controlling the enhancement of contrast. Factor 1.0 always returns a copy of the original image, lower factors mean less color (brightness, contrast, etc), and higher values more. There are no restrictions on this value. Default: 1.0')
    argparser.add_argument('-bri', '--brightness', type = float, default = 1.0, help = 'A floating point value controlling the enhancement of brightness. Factor 1.0 always returns a copy of the original image, lower factors mean less color (brightness, contrast, etc), and higher values more. There are no restrictions on this value. Default: 1.0')
    argparser.add_argument('-n', '--name', help = "The filename of output tailed with one of {'.jpg', '.png', '.bmp', '.gif'}. eg. exampl.png")
    argparser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', default = os.getcwd(), help = 'The directory of output.')
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    if args.picture and args.picture[-4:]=='.gif':	# 如果是gif图片则解析的时间较多让用户稍作等待
        print('It may take a while, please wait for minutes...')
        ver, ecl, qr_name = run(
        print('Succeed! \nCheck out your', str(ver) + '-' + str(ecl), 'QR-code:', qr_name)
        raise	# 引起异常



#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
from MyQR.mylibs import theqrmodule
from PIL import Image
# 必填参数
#   words: str
# 可选参数
#   version: int, from 1 to 40
#   level: str, just one of ('L','M','Q','H')
#   picutre: str, a filename of a image
#   colorized: bool
#   constrast: float
#   brightness: float
#   save_name: str, the output filename like 'example.png'
#   save_dir: str, the output directory
# See [] for more details!
def run(words, version=1, level='H', picture=None, colorized=False, contrast=1.0, brightness=1.0, save_name=None, save_dir=os.getcwd()):

    # 支持的字符
    supported_chars = r"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ··,.:;+-*/\~!@#$%^&`'=<>[]()?_{}|"

    # 检查参数是否正确
    # 看样子这好像不支持输入中文啊
    if not isinstance(words, str) or any(i not in supported_chars for i in words):
        raise ValueError('Wrong words! Make sure the characters are supported!')
    # QR码的最大容量取决于选择的版本、纠错级别和编码模式。这里支持40个版本。
    if not isinstance(version, int) or version not in range(1, 41):
        raise ValueError('Wrong version! Please choose a int-type value from 1 to 40!')
    # 纠错能力 L:约%7 M:约%15 Q:约%25 H:约%30
    if not isinstance(level, str) or len(level)>1 or level not in 'LMQH':
        raise ValueError("Wrong level! Please choose a str-type level from {'L','M','Q','H'}!")
    # 背景图片只支持jpg, png, bmp, gif
    if picture:
        if not isinstance(picture, str) or not os.path.isfile(picture) or picture[-4:] not in ('.jpg','.png','.bmp','.gif'):
            raise ValueError("Wrong picture! Input a filename that exists and be tailed with one of {'.jpg', '.png', '.bmp', '.gif'}!")
        # gif图片只能导出gif图片
        if picture[-4:] == '.gif' and save_name and save_name[-4:] != '.gif':
            raise ValueError('Wrong save_name! If the picuter is .gif format, the output filename should be .gif format, too!')
        if not isinstance(colorized, bool):
            raise ValueError('Wrong colorized! Input a bool-type value!')
        if not isinstance(contrast, float):
            raise ValueError('Wrong contrast! Input a float-type value!')
        if not isinstance(brightness, float):
            raise ValueError('Wrong brightness! Input a float-type value!')
    # 导出文件格式只支持jpg, png, bmp, gif
    if save_name and (not isinstance(save_name, str) or save_name[-4:] not in ('.jpg','.png','.bmp','.gif')):
        raise ValueError("Wrong save_name! Input a filename tailed with one of {'.jpg', '.png', '.bmp', '.gif'}!")
    # 保存文件夹一定要存在(感觉不存在也可以创建一下啊)
    if not os.path.isdir(save_dir):
        raise ValueError('Wrong save_dir! Input a existing-directory!')
    # 合并图片(背景和二维码)
    def combine(ver, qr_name, bg_name, colorized, contrast, brightness, save_dir, save_name=None):
        from MyQR.mylibs.constant import alig_location
        from PIL import ImageEnhance, ImageFilter
        qr =    # 二维码
        qr = qr.convert('RGBA') if colorized else qr    # 二维码是否着色
        bg0 ='RGBA')   # 背景图片(4x8位像素,带透明度掩模的真彩色)
        bg0 = ImageEnhance.Contrast(bg0).enhance(contrast)  # 调节对比度
        bg0 = ImageEnhance.Brightness(bg0).enhance(brightness)  # 调节亮度

        # 调整背景图片大小
        if bg0.size[0] < bg0.size[1]:
            bg0 = bg0.resize((qr.size[0]-24, (qr.size[0]-24)*int(bg0.size[1]/bg0.size[0])))
            bg0 = bg0.resize(((qr.size[1]-24)*int(bg0.size[0]/bg0.size[1]), qr.size[1]-24))    

        # convert('1')(1位像素,黑白,每字节一个像素存储)
        bg = bg0 if colorized else bg0.convert('1')
        # 校准模式
        aligs = []
        if ver > 1:
            aloc = alig_location[ver-2]
            for a in range(len(aloc)):
                for b in range(len(aloc)):
                    if not ((a==b==0) or (a==len(aloc)-1 and b==0) or (a==0 and b==len(aloc)-1)):
                        for i in range(3*(aloc[a]-2), 3*(aloc[a]+3)):
                            for j in range(3*(aloc[b]-2), 3*(aloc[b]+3)):

        # 将新加的图片覆盖原有的二维码图片,生成新的图片并保存。
        for i in range(qr.size[0]-24):
            for j in range(qr.size[1]-24):
                if not ((i in (18,19,20)) or (j in (18,19,20)) or (i<24 and j<24) or (i<24 and j>qr.size[1]-49) or (i>qr.size[0]-49 and j<24) or ((i,j) in aligs) or (i%3==1 and j%3==1) or (bg0.getpixel((i,j))[3]==0)):
                    qr.putpixel((i+12,j+12), bg.getpixel((i,j)))
        qr_name = os.path.join(save_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(bg_name))[0] + '_qrcode.png') if not save_name else os.path.join(save_dir, save_name)
        qr.resize((qr.size[0]*3, qr.size[1]*3)).save(qr_name)
        return qr_name

    # 临时文件夹暂存图片
    tempdir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.myqr')
        # 创建临时文件夹
        if not os.path.exists(tempdir):

        # 得到一个qrcode图片(每个模块3*3 pixels)
        ver, qr_name = theqrmodule.get_qrcode(version, level, words, tempdir)

        if picture and picture[-4:]=='.gif':
            import imageio
            im =
            duration ='duration', 0)   # 获得gif持续时间
            # 获得gif的所有帧0.png 1.png 2.png...
  , '0.png'))
            while True:
                    seq = im.tell()
           + 1)
          , '%s.png' %(seq+1)))
                except EOFError:
            # 组合每帧图片和二维码
            imsname = []
            for s in range(seq + 1):
                bg_name = os.path.join(tempdir, '%s.png' % s)
                imsname.append(combine(ver, qr_name, bg_name, colorized, contrast, brightness, tempdir))
            # 把合成的帧组合成gif
            ims = [imageio.imread(pic) for pic in imsname]
            qr_name = os.path.join(save_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(picture))[0] + '_qrcode.gif') if not save_name else os.path.join(save_dir, save_name)
            imageio.mimwrite(qr_name, ims, '.gif', **{ 'duration': duration/1000 })
        elif picture:   # 有背景图片就需要合并背景和二维码
            qr_name = combine(ver, qr_name, picture, colorized, contrast, brightness, save_dir, save_name)
        elif qr_name:
            qr =
            # 没有输入保存名字就使用默认名字qr_name变量(qrcode)
            qr_name = os.path.join(save_dir, os.path.basename(qr_name)) if not save_name else os.path.join(save_dir, save_name)
            qr.resize((qr.size[0]*3, qr.size[1]*3)).save(qr_name)
        # 返回QR码版本 纠错能力 导出文件名字
        return ver, level, qr_name
        # 销毁临时文件夹
        import shutil
        if os.path.exists(tempdir):

其他内容主要就是把背景图片加入二维码里面(qr.putpixel((i+12,j+12), bg.getpixel((i,j))))

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from MyQR.mylibs import data, ECC, structure, matrix, draw

# ver: Version from 1 to 40
# ecl: Error Correction Level (L,M,Q,H)
# get a qrcode picture of 3*3 pixels per module
def get_qrcode(ver, ecl, str, save_place):
    # Data Coding
    # 将数据字符转换为位流,每8位一个码字,整体构成一个数据的码字序列。
    ver, data_codewords = data.encode(ver, ecl, str)

    # Error Correction Coding
    # 按需要将上面的码字序列分块,并根据纠错等级和分块的码字,产生纠错码字,并把纠错码字加入到数据码字序列后面,成为一个新的序列。
    ecc = ECC.encode(ver, ecl, data_codewords)
    # Structure final bits
    # 构造最终数据信息
    final_bits = structure.structure_final_bits(ver, ecl, data_codewords, ecc)
    # Get the QR Matrix
    # 得到二维码的矩阵
    qrmatrix = matrix.get_qrmatrix(ver, ecl, final_bits)
    # Draw the picture and Save it, then return the real ver and the absolute name
    # 生成二维码
    return ver, draw.draw_qrcode(save_place, qrmatrix)


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
***** for *******
# character capacities
# {level1: [version1(mode1,mode2,mode3,mode4), version2(..,..,..,..), ...],
#   level2: [version1(mode1,mode2,mode3,mode4), version2(..,..,..,..),...],
#   ...}
# mode1:纯数字(每三个为一组压缩成10bit)
# mode2:字母数字混合字符(每两个为一组,压缩成11bit)
# mode3:8bit字节数据(无压缩直接保存)
# mode4:多字节字符(每一个字符被压缩成13bit)
char_cap = {
        'L': [(41, 25, 17, 10), (77, 47, 32, 20), (127, 77, 53, 32), (187, 114, 78, 48), (255, 154, 106, 65), (322, 195, 134, 82), (370, 224, 154, 95), (461, 279, 192, 118), (552, 335, 230, 141), (652, 395, 271, 167), (772, 468, 321, 198), (883, 535, 367, 226), (1022, 619, 425, 262), (1101, 667, 458, 282), (1250, 758, 520, 320), (1408, 854, 586, 361), (1548, 938, 644, 397), (1725, 1046, 718, 442), (1903, 1153, 792, 488), (2061, 1249, 858, 528), (2232, 1352, 929, 572), (2409, 1460, 1003, 618), (2620, 1588, 1091, 672), (2812, 1704, 1171, 721), (3057, 1853, 1273, 784), (3283, 1990, 1367, 842), (3517, 2132, 1465, 902), (3669, 2223, 1528, 940), (3909, 2369, 1628, 1002), (4158, 2520, 1732, 1066), (4417, 2677, 1840, 1132), (4686, 2840, 1952, 1201), (4965, 3009, 2068, 1273), (5253, 3183, 2188, 1347), (5529, 3351, 2303, 1417), (5836, 3537, 2431, 1496), (6153, 3729, 2563, 1577), (6479, 3927, 2699, 1661), (6743, 4087, 2809, 1729), (7089, 4296, 2953, 1817)],
        'M': [(34, 20, 14, 8), (63, 38, 26, 16), (101, 61, 42, 26), (149, 90, 62, 38), (202, 122, 84, 52), (255, 154, 106, 65), (293, 178, 122, 75), (365, 221, 152, 93), (432, 262, 180, 111), (513, 311, 213, 131), (604, 366, 251, 155), (691, 419, 287, 177), (796, 483, 331, 204), (871, 528, 362, 223), (991, 600, 412, 254), (1082, 656, 450, 277), (1212, 734, 504, 310), (1346, 816, 560, 345), (1500, 909, 624, 384), (1600, 970, 666, 410), (1708, 1035, 711, 438), (1872, 1134, 779, 480), (2059, 1248, 857, 528), (2188, 1326, 911, 561), (2395, 1451, 997, 614), (2544, 1542, 1059, 652), (2701, 1637, 1125, 692), (2857, 1732, 1190, 732), (3035, 1839, 1264, 778), (3289, 1994, 1370, 843), (3486, 2113, 1452, 894), (3693, 2238, 1538, 947), (3909, 2369, 1628, 1002), (4134, 2506, 1722, 1060), (4343, 2632, 1809, 1113), (4588, 2780, 1911, 1176), (4775, 2894, 1989, 1224), (5039, 3054, 2099, 1292), (5313, 3220, 2213, 1362), (5596, 3391, 2331, 1435)],
        'Q': [(27, 16, 11, 7), (48, 29, 20, 12), (77, 47, 32, 20), (111, 67, 46, 28), (144, 87, 60, 37), (178, 108, 74, 45), (207, 125, 86, 53), (259, 157, 108, 66), (312, 189, 130, 80), (364, 221, 151, 93), (427, 259, 177, 109), (489, 296, 203, 125), (580, 352, 241, 149), (621, 376, 258, 159), (703, 426, 292, 180), (775, 470, 322, 198), (876, 531, 364, 224), (948, 574, 394, 243), (1063, 644, 442, 272), (1159, 702, 482, 297), (1224, 742, 509, 314), (1358, 823, 565, 348), (1468, 890, 611, 376), (1588, 963, 661, 407), (1718, 1041, 715, 440), (1804, 1094, 751, 462), (1933, 1172, 805, 496), (2085, 1263, 868, 534), (2181, 1322, 908, 559), (2358, 1429, 982, 604), (2473, 1499, 1030, 634), (2670, 1618, 1112, 684), (2805, 1700, 1168, 719), (2949, 1787, 1228, 756), (3081, 1867, 1283, 790), (3244, 1966, 1351, 832), (3417, 2071, 1423, 876), (3599, 2181, 1499, 923), (3791, 2298, 1579, 972), (3993, 2420, 1663, 1024)],
        'H': [(17, 10, 7, 4), (34, 20, 14, 8), (58, 35, 24, 15), (82, 50, 34, 21), (106, 64, 44, 27), (139, 84, 58, 36), (154, 93, 64, 39), (202, 122, 84, 52), (235, 143, 98, 60), (288, 174, 119, 74), (331, 200, 137, 85), (374, 227, 155, 96), (427, 259, 177, 109), (468, 283, 194, 120), (530, 321, 220, 136), (602, 365, 250, 154), (674, 408, 280, 173), (746, 452, 310, 191), (813, 493, 338, 208), (919, 557, 382, 235), (969, 587, 403, 248), (1056, 640, 439, 270), (1108, 672, 461, 284), (1228, 744, 511, 315), (1286, 779, 535, 330), (1425, 864, 593, 365), (1501, 910, 625, 385), (1581, 958, 658, 405), (1677, 1016, 698, 430), (1782, 1080, 742, 457), (1897, 1150, 790, 486), (2022, 1226, 842, 518), (2157, 1307, 898, 553), (2301, 1394, 958, 590), (2361, 1431, 983, 605), (2524, 1530, 1051, 647), (2625, 1591, 1093, 673), (2735, 1658, 1139, 701), (2927, 1774, 1219, 750), (3057, 1852, 1273, 784)]

# numeric:数字 alphanumeric:字母数字 byte:字节 kanji:汉字
mindex = {'numeric':0, 'alphanumeric':1, 'byte':2, 'kanji':3}

# [
# version1[level1,level2,level3,level4], 
# version2[..,..,..,..],
# ...
#   ]
# 数据码字计数(count of data code words)
required_bytes = [
        [19, 16, 13, 9], [34, 28, 22, 16], [55, 44, 34, 26], [80, 64, 48, 36], [108, 86, 62, 46], [136, 108, 76, 60], [156, 124, 88, 66], [194, 154, 110, 86], [232, 182, 132, 100], [274, 216, 154, 122], [324, 254, 180, 140], [370, 290, 206, 158], [428, 334, 244, 180], [461, 365, 261, 197], [523, 415, 295, 223], [589, 453, 325, 253], [647, 507, 367, 283], [721, 563, 397, 313], [795, 627, 445, 341], [861, 669, 485, 385], [932, 714, 512, 406], [1006, 782, 568, 442], [1094, 860, 614, 464], [1174, 914, 664, 514], [1276, 1000, 718, 538], [1370, 1062, 754, 596], [1468, 1128, 808, 628], [1531, 1193, 871, 661], [1631, 1267, 911, 701], [1735, 1373, 985, 745], [1843, 1455, 1033, 793], [1955, 1541, 1115, 845], [2071, 1631, 1171, 901], [2191, 1725, 1231, 961], [2306, 1812, 1286, 986], [2434, 1914, 1354, 1054], [2566, 1992, 1426, 1096], [2702, 2102, 1502, 1142], [2812, 2216, 1582, 1222], [2956, 2334, 1666, 1276]

# 支持的数字
num_list = '0123456789'
# 支持的字母字符
alphanum_list = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $%*+-./:'

# [
# version1[
#       level1(num_of_group_1_blocks, DC_per_group_1_block, num_of_group_2_blocks, DC_per_group_2_block),
#       level2(..,..,..,..),
#       level3(..,..,..,..),
#       level4(..,..,..,..)
#       ], 
# version2[level1(..), level2(..), level3(..), level4(..)],
# ...
#   ]
# 码元分组
grouping_list = [
    [(1, 19, 0, 0), (1, 16, 0, 0), (1, 13, 0, 0), (1, 9, 0, 0)], [(1, 34, 0, 0), (1, 28, 0, 0), (1, 22, 0, 0), (1, 16, 0, 0)], [(1, 55, 0, 0), (1, 44, 0, 0), (2, 17, 0, 0), (2, 13, 0, 0)], [(1, 80, 0, 0), (2, 32, 0, 0), (2, 24, 0, 0), (4, 9, 0, 0)], [(1, 108, 0, 0), (2, 43, 0, 0), (2, 15, 2, 16), (2, 11, 2, 12)], [(2, 68, 0, 0), (4, 27, 0, 0), (4, 19, 0, 0), (4, 15, 0, 0)], [(2, 78, 0, 0), (4, 31, 0, 0), (2, 14, 4, 15), (4, 13, 1, 14)], [(2, 97, 0, 0), (2, 38, 2, 39), (4, 18, 2, 19), (4, 14, 2, 15)], [(2, 116, 0, 0), (3, 36, 2, 37), (4, 16, 4, 17), (4, 12, 4, 13)], [(2, 68, 2, 69), (4, 43, 1, 44), (6, 19, 2, 20), (6, 15, 2, 16)], [(4, 81, 0, 0), (1, 50, 4, 51), (4, 22, 4, 23), (3, 12, 8, 13)], [(2, 92, 2, 93), (6, 36, 2, 37), (4, 20, 6, 21), (7, 14, 4, 15)], [(4, 107, 0, 0), (8, 37, 1, 38), (8, 20, 4, 21), (12, 11, 4, 12)], [(3, 115, 1, 116), (4, 40, 5, 41), (11, 16, 5, 17), (11, 12, 5, 13)], [(5, 87, 1, 88), (5, 41, 5, 42), (5, 24, 7, 25), (11, 12, 7, 13)], [(5, 98, 1, 99), (7, 45, 3, 46), (15, 19, 2, 20), (3, 15, 13, 16)], [(1, 107, 5, 108), (10, 46, 1, 47), (1, 22, 15, 23), (2, 14, 17, 15)], [(5, 120, 1, 121), (9, 43, 4, 44), (17, 22, 1, 23), (2, 14, 19, 15)], [(3, 113, 4, 114), (3, 44, 11, 45), (17, 21, 4, 22), (9, 13, 16, 14)], [(3, 107, 5, 108), (3, 41, 13, 42), (15, 24, 5, 25), (15, 15, 10, 16)], [(4, 116, 4, 117), (17, 42, 0, 0), (17, 22, 6, 23), (19, 16, 6, 17)], [(2, 111, 7, 112), (17, 46, 0, 0), (7, 24, 16, 25), (34, 13, 0, 0)], [(4, 121, 5, 122), (4, 47, 14, 48), (11, 24, 14, 25), (16, 15, 14, 16)], [(6, 117, 4, 118), (6, 45, 14, 46), (11, 24, 16, 25), (30, 16, 2, 17)], [(8, 106, 4, 107), (8, 47, 13, 48), (7, 24, 22, 25), (22, 15, 13, 16)], [(10, 114, 2, 115), (19, 46, 4, 47), (28, 22, 6, 23), (33, 16, 4, 17)], [(8, 122, 4, 123), (22, 45, 3, 46), (8, 23, 26, 24), (12, 15, 28, 16)], [(3, 117, 10, 118), (3, 45, 23, 46), (4, 24, 31, 25), (11, 15, 31, 16)], [(7, 116, 7, 117), (21, 45, 7, 46), (1, 23, 37, 24), (19, 15, 26, 16)], [(5, 115, 10, 116), (19, 47, 10, 48), (15, 24, 25, 25), (23, 15, 25, 16)], [(13, 115, 3, 116), (2, 46, 29, 47), (42, 24, 1, 25), (23, 15, 28, 16)], [(17, 115, 0, 0), (10, 46, 23, 47), (10, 24, 35, 25), (19, 15, 35, 16)], [(17, 115, 1, 116), (14, 46, 21, 47), (29, 24, 19, 25), (11, 15, 46, 16)], [(13, 115, 6, 116), (14, 46, 23, 47), (44, 24, 7, 25), (59, 16, 1, 17)], [(12, 121, 7, 122), (12, 47, 26, 48), (39, 24, 14, 25), (22, 15, 41, 16)], [(6, 121, 14, 122), (6, 47, 34, 48), (46, 24, 10, 25), (2, 15, 64, 16)], [(17, 122, 4, 123), (29, 46, 14, 47), (49, 24, 10, 25), (24, 15, 46, 16)], [(4, 122, 18, 123), (13, 46, 32, 47), (48, 24, 14, 25), (42, 15, 32, 16)], [(20, 117, 4, 118), (40, 47, 7, 48), (43, 24, 22, 25), (10, 15, 67, 16)], [(19, 118, 6, 119), (18, 47, 31, 48), (34, 24, 34, 25), (20, 15, 61, 16)]

# 模式标识符:对于不同的模式,都有对应的模式标识符来帮助解码程序进行匹配
mode_indicator = {'numeric': '0001', 'alphanumeric': '0010', 'byte': '0100', 'kanji': '1000'}

******  for  *******
#GP: Generator Polynomial, MP: Message Polynomial
# GP:生成多项式 MP:消息多项式
GP_list = {
        7: [0, 87, 229, 146, 149, 238, 102, 21],
        10: [0, 251, 67, 46, 61, 118, 70, 64, 94, 32, 45],
        13: [0, 74, 152, 176, 100, 86, 100, 106, 104, 130, 218, 206, 140, 78],
        15: [0, 8, 183, 61, 91, 202, 37, 51, 58, 58, 237, 140, 124, 5, 99, 105],
        16: [0, 120, 104, 107, 109, 102, 161, 76, 3, 91, 191, 147, 169, 182, 194, 225, 120],
        17: [0, 43, 139, 206, 78, 43, 239, 123, 206, 214, 147, 24, 99, 150, 39, 243, 163, 136],
        18: [0, 215, 234, 158, 94, 184, 97, 118, 170, 79, 187, 152, 148, 252, 179, 5, 98, 96, 153],
        20: [0, 17, 60, 79, 50, 61, 163, 26, 187, 202, 180, 221, 225, 83, 239, 156, 164, 212, 212, 188, 190],
        22: [0, 210, 171, 247, 242, 93, 230, 14, 109, 221, 53, 200, 74, 8, 172, 98, 80, 219, 134, 160, 105, 165, 231],
        24: [0, 229, 121, 135, 48, 211, 117, 251, 126, 159, 180, 169, 152, 192, 226, 228, 218, 111, 0, 117, 232, 87, 96, 227, 21],
        26: [0, 173, 125, 158, 2, 103, 182, 118, 17, 145, 201, 111, 28, 165, 53, 161, 21, 245, 142, 13, 102, 48, 227, 153, 145, 218, 70],
        28: [0, 168, 223, 200, 104, 224, 234, 108, 180, 110, 190, 195, 147, 205, 27, 232, 201, 21, 43, 245, 87, 42, 195, 212, 119, 242, 37, 9, 123],
        30: [0, 41, 173, 145, 152, 216, 31, 179, 182, 50, 48, 110, 86, 239, 96, 222, 125, 42, 173, 226, 193, 224, 130, 156, 37, 251, 216, 238, 40, 192, 180]

# Error Correction Codewords per block
# [version1(level1,level2,level3,level4),
#  version2(..,..,..,..),
#   ....]
# 每个块的错误纠正码字
ecc_num_per_block = [
    (7, 10, 13, 17), (10, 16, 22, 28), (15, 26, 18, 22), (20, 18, 26, 16), (26, 24, 18, 22), (18, 16, 24, 28), (20, 18, 18, 26), (24, 22, 22, 26), (30, 22, 20, 24), (18, 26, 24, 28), (20, 30, 28, 24), (24, 22, 26, 28), (26, 22, 24, 22), (30, 24, 20, 24), (22, 24, 30, 24), (24, 28, 24, 30), (28, 28, 28, 28), (30, 26, 28, 28), (28, 26, 26, 26), (28, 26, 30, 28), (28, 26, 28, 30), (28, 28, 30, 24), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (26, 28, 30, 30), (28, 28, 28, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30), (30, 28, 30, 30)

# powers of 2 list  
po2 = [
    1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 29, 58, 116, 232, 205, 135, 19, 38, 76, 152, 45, 90, 180, 117, 234, 201, 143, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 157, 39, 78, 156, 37, 74, 148, 53, 106, 212, 181, 119, 238, 193, 159, 35, 70, 140, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 93, 186, 105, 210, 185, 111, 222, 161, 95, 190, 97, 194, 153, 47, 94, 188, 101, 202, 137, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 253, 231, 211, 187, 107, 214, 177, 127, 254, 225, 223, 163, 91, 182, 113, 226, 217, 175, 67, 134, 17, 34, 68, 136, 13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 189, 103, 206, 129, 31, 62, 124, 248, 237, 199, 147, 59, 118, 236, 197, 151, 51, 102, 204, 133, 23, 46, 92, 184, 109, 218, 169, 79, 158, 33, 66, 132, 21, 42, 84, 168, 77, 154, 41, 82, 164, 85, 170, 73, 146, 57, 114, 228, 213, 183, 115, 230, 209, 191, 99, 198, 145, 63, 126, 252, 229, 215, 179, 123, 246, 241, 255, 227, 219, 171, 75, 150, 49, 98, 196, 149, 55, 110, 220, 165, 87, 174, 65, 130, 25, 50, 100, 200, 141, 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224, 221, 167, 83, 166, 81, 162, 89, 178, 121, 242, 249, 239, 195, 155, 43, 86, 172, 69, 138, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 61, 122, 244, 245, 247, 243, 251, 235, 203, 139, 11, 22, 44, 88, 176, 125, 250, 233, 207, 131, 27, 54, 108, 216, 173, 71, 142, 1
# log list
log = [
    None, 0, 1, 25, 2, 50, 26, 198, 3, 223, 51, 238, 27, 104, 199, 75, 4, 100, 224, 14, 52, 141, 239, 129, 28, 193, 105, 248, 200, 8, 76, 113, 5, 138, 101, 47, 225, 36, 15, 33, 53, 147, 142, 218, 240, 18, 130, 69, 29, 181, 194, 125, 106, 39, 249, 185, 201, 154, 9, 120, 77, 228, 114, 166, 6, 191, 139, 98, 102, 221, 48, 253, 226, 152, 37, 179, 16, 145, 34, 136, 54, 208, 148, 206, 143, 150, 219, 189, 241, 210, 19, 92, 131, 56, 70, 64, 30, 66, 182, 163, 195, 72, 126, 110, 107, 58, 40, 84, 250, 133, 186, 61, 202, 94, 155, 159, 10, 21, 121, 43, 78, 212, 229, 172, 115, 243, 167, 87, 7, 112, 192, 247, 140, 128, 99, 13, 103, 74, 222, 237, 49, 197, 254, 24, 227, 165, 153, 119, 38, 184, 180, 124, 17, 68, 146, 217, 35, 32, 137, 46, 55, 63, 209, 91, 149, 188, 207, 205, 144, 135, 151, 178, 220, 252, 190, 97, 242, 86, 211, 171, 20, 42, 93, 158, 132, 60, 57, 83, 71, 109, 65, 162, 31, 45, 67, 216, 183, 123, 164, 118, 196, 23, 73, 236, 127, 12, 111, 246, 108, 161, 59, 82, 41, 157, 85, 170, 251, 96, 134, 177, 187, 204, 62, 90, 203, 89, 95, 176, 156, 169, 160, 81, 11, 245, 22, 235, 122, 117, 44, 215, 79, 174, 213, 233, 230, 231, 173, 232, 116, 214, 244, 234, 168, 80, 88, 175

******  for + + +  *******
# 模式标识符对应的简写
lindex = {'L':0, 'M':1, 'Q':2, 'H':3}
******  for  *******
# 剩余部分需要的位数
required_remainder_bits = (0,7,7,7,7,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,0)

# [
# version1[
#       level1(num_of_group_1_blocks, DC_per_group_1_block, num_of_group_2_blocks, DC_per_group_2_block),
#       level2(..,..,..,..),
#       level3(..,..,..,..),
#       level4(..,..,..,..)
#       ], 
# version2[level1(..), level2(..), level3(..), level4(..)],
# ...
#   ]
# 码元分组
grouping_list = [
    [(1, 19, 0, 0), (1, 16, 0, 0), (1, 13, 0, 0), (1, 9, 0, 0)], [(1, 34, 0, 0), (1, 28, 0, 0), (1, 22, 0, 0), (1, 16, 0, 0)], [(1, 55, 0, 0), (1, 44, 0, 0), (2, 17, 0, 0), (2, 13, 0, 0)], [(1, 80, 0, 0), (2, 32, 0, 0), (2, 24, 0, 0), (4, 9, 0, 0)], [(1, 108, 0, 0), (2, 43, 0, 0), (2, 15, 2, 16), (2, 11, 2, 12)], [(2, 68, 0, 0), (4, 27, 0, 0), (4, 19, 0, 0), (4, 15, 0, 0)], [(2, 78, 0, 0), (4, 31, 0, 0), (2, 14, 4, 15), (4, 13, 1, 14)], [(2, 97, 0, 0), (2, 38, 2, 39), (4, 18, 2, 19), (4, 14, 2, 15)], [(2, 116, 0, 0), (3, 36, 2, 37), (4, 16, 4, 17), (4, 12, 4, 13)], [(2, 68, 2, 69), (4, 43, 1, 44), (6, 19, 2, 20), (6, 15, 2, 16)], [(4, 81, 0, 0), (1, 50, 4, 51), (4, 22, 4, 23), (3, 12, 8, 13)], [(2, 92, 2, 93), (6, 36, 2, 37), (4, 20, 6, 21), (7, 14, 4, 15)], [(4, 107, 0, 0), (8, 37, 1, 38), (8, 20, 4, 21), (12, 11, 4, 12)], [(3, 115, 1, 116), (4, 40, 5, 41), (11, 16, 5, 17), (11, 12, 5, 13)], [(5, 87, 1, 88), (5, 41, 5, 42), (5, 24, 7, 25), (11, 12, 7, 13)], [(5, 98, 1, 99), (7, 45, 3, 46), (15, 19, 2, 20), (3, 15, 13, 16)], [(1, 107, 5, 108), (10, 46, 1, 47), (1, 22, 15, 23), (2, 14, 17, 15)], [(5, 120, 1, 121), (9, 43, 4, 44), (17, 22, 1, 23), (2, 14, 19, 15)], [(3, 113, 4, 114), (3, 44, 11, 45), (17, 21, 4, 22), (9, 13, 16, 14)], [(3, 107, 5, 108), (3, 41, 13, 42), (15, 24, 5, 25), (15, 15, 10, 16)], [(4, 116, 4, 117), (17, 42, 0, 0), (17, 22, 6, 23), (19, 16, 6, 17)], [(2, 111, 7, 112), (17, 46, 0, 0), (7, 24, 16, 25), (34, 13, 0, 0)], [(4, 121, 5, 122), (4, 47, 14, 48), (11, 24, 14, 25), (16, 15, 14, 16)], [(6, 117, 4, 118), (6, 45, 14, 46), (11, 24, 16, 25), (30, 16, 2, 17)], [(8, 106, 4, 107), (8, 47, 13, 48), (7, 24, 22, 25), (22, 15, 13, 16)], [(10, 114, 2, 115), (19, 46, 4, 47), (28, 22, 6, 23), (33, 16, 4, 17)], [(8, 122, 4, 123), (22, 45, 3, 46), (8, 23, 26, 24), (12, 15, 28, 16)], [(3, 117, 10, 118), (3, 45, 23, 46), (4, 24, 31, 25), (11, 15, 31, 16)], [(7, 116, 7, 117), (21, 45, 7, 46), (1, 23, 37, 24), (19, 15, 26, 16)], [(5, 115, 10, 116), (19, 47, 10, 48), (15, 24, 25, 25), (23, 15, 25, 16)], [(13, 115, 3, 116), (2, 46, 29, 47), (42, 24, 1, 25), (23, 15, 28, 16)], [(17, 115, 0, 0), (10, 46, 23, 47), (10, 24, 35, 25), (19, 15, 35, 16)], [(17, 115, 1, 116), (14, 46, 21, 47), (29, 24, 19, 25), (11, 15, 46, 16)], [(13, 115, 6, 116), (14, 46, 23, 47), (44, 24, 7, 25), (59, 16, 1, 17)], [(12, 121, 7, 122), (12, 47, 26, 48), (39, 24, 14, 25), (22, 15, 41, 16)], [(6, 121, 14, 122), (6, 47, 34, 48), (46, 24, 10, 25), (2, 15, 64, 16)], [(17, 122, 4, 123), (29, 46, 14, 47), (49, 24, 10, 25), (24, 15, 46, 16)], [(4, 122, 18, 123), (13, 46, 32, 47), (48, 24, 14, 25), (42, 15, 32, 16)], [(20, 117, 4, 118), (40, 47, 7, 48), (43, 24, 22, 25), (10, 15, 67, 16)], [(19, 118, 6, 119), (18, 47, 31, 48), (34, 24, 34, 25), (20, 15, 61, 16)]

******  for  *******
# Alignment Pattern Locations
# 对齐模式位置
alig_location = [
    (6, 18), (6, 22), (6, 26), (6, 30), (6, 34), (6, 22, 38), (6, 24, 42), (6, 26, 46), (6, 28, 50), (6, 30, 54), (6, 32, 58), (6, 34, 62), (6, 26, 46, 66), (6, 26, 48, 70), (6, 26, 50, 74), (6, 30, 54, 78), (6, 30, 56, 82), (6, 30, 58, 86), (6, 34, 62, 90), (6, 28, 50, 72, 94), (6, 26, 50, 74, 98), (6, 30, 54, 78, 102), (6, 28, 54, 80, 106), (6, 32, 58, 84, 110), (6, 30, 58, 86, 114), (6, 34, 62, 90, 118), (6, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122), (6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126), (6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130), (6, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134), (6, 34, 60, 86, 112, 138), (6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142), (6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146), (6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150), (6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154), (6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158), (6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162), (6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166), (6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170)

# List of all Format Information Strings
# [
#   level1[mask_pattern0, mask_pattern1, mask_...3,...], 
#   level2[...], 
#   level3[...], 
#   level4[...]
#   ]    
# 所有格式信息字符串的列表
format_info_str = [
    ['111011111000100', '111001011110011', '111110110101010', '111100010011101', '110011000101111', '110001100011000', '110110001000001', '110100101110110'], ['101010000010010', '101000100100101', '101111001111100', '101101101001011', '100010111111001', '100000011001110', '100111110010111', '100101010100000'], ['011010101011111', '011000001101000', '011111100110001', '011101000000110', '010010010110100', '010000110000011', '010111011011010', '010101111101101'], ['001011010001001', '001001110111110', '001110011100111', '001100111010000', '000011101100010', '000001001010101', '000110100001100', '000100000111011']

# Version Information Strings
# 版本信息字符串
version_info_str = [
    '000111110010010100', '001000010110111100', '001001101010011001', '001010010011010011', '001011101111110110', '001100011101100010', '001101100001000111', '001110011000001101', '001111100100101000', '010000101101111000', '010001010001011101', '010010101000010111', '010011010100110010', '010100100110100110', '010101011010000011', '010110100011001001', '010111011111101100', '011000111011000100', '011001000111100001', '011010111110101011', '011011000010001110', '011100110000011010', '011101001100111111', '011110110101110101', '011111001001010000', '100000100111010101', '100001011011110000', '100010100010111010', '100011011110011111', '100100101100001011', '100101010000101110', '100110101001100100', '100111010101000001', '101000110001101001'


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from MyQR.mylibs.constant import char_cap, required_bytes, mindex, lindex, num_list, alphanum_list, grouping_list, mode_indicator
# ecl: Error Correction Level(L,M,Q,H)
def encode(ver, ecl, str):
    # 模式编码
    mode_encoding = {
            'numeric': numeric_encoding,
            'alphanumeric': alphanumeric_encoding,
            'byte': byte_encoding,
            'kanji': kanji_encoding
    # 确定编码模式
    ver, mode = analyse(ver, ecl, str)
    print('line 16: mode:', mode)
    # mode_indicator[mode]:模式标识符 'numeric': '0001', 'alphanumeric': '0010', 'byte': '0100', 'kanji': '1000'
    # get_cci(ver, mode, str):计算字符数
    # mode_encoding[mode](str):编码字符串(word)
    code = mode_indicator[mode] + get_cci(ver, mode, str) + mode_encoding[mode](str)
    # Add a Terminator
    # 添加编码终止符
    rqbits = 8 * required_bytes[ver-1][lindex[ecl]]
    b = rqbits - len(code)
    code += '0000' if b >= 4 else '0' * b
    # 编成8bit码字
    # Make the Length a Multiple of 8
    # 长度不足补全
    while len(code) % 8 != 0:
        code += '0'
    # Add Pad Bytes if the String is Still too Short
    # 如果编码后的数据不足版本及纠错级别的最大容量,则在尾部补充 "11101100" 和 "00010001",直到全部填满。
    while len(code) < rqbits:    
        code += '1110110000010001' if rqbits - len(code) >= 16 else '11101100'
    # 分组编码
    data_code = [code[i:i+8] for i in range(len(code)) if i%8 == 0]
    data_code = [int(i,2) for i in data_code]

    g = grouping_list[ver-1][lindex[ecl]]
    data_codewords, i = [], 0
    for n in range(g[0]):
        i += g[1]
    for n in range(g[2]):
        i += g[3]
    return ver, data_codewords

# 确定编码模式和版本
def analyse(ver, ecl, str):
    if all(i in num_list for i in str):
        mode = 'numeric'
    elif all(i in alphanum_list for i in str):
        mode = 'alphanumeric'
        mode = 'byte'
    # 根据编码模式和纠错信息确定能容纳所有信息的最小版本
    # 如果比输入的参数小则不修改
    # 如果比输入的参数大则修改
    m = mindex[mode]
    l = len(str)
    for i in range(40):
        if char_cap[ecl][i][m] > l:
            ver = i + 1 if i+1 > ver else ver
    return ver, mode

# 数字编码
def numeric_encoding(str):   
    str_list = [str[i:i+3] for i in range(0,len(str),3)]
    code = ''
    for i in str_list:
        rqbin_len = 10
        if len(i) == 1: 
            rqbin_len = 4
        elif len(i) == 2:
            rqbin_len = 7
        code_temp = bin(int(i))[2:]
        code += ('0'*(rqbin_len - len(code_temp)) + code_temp)
    return code

# 字母数字编码
def alphanumeric_encoding(str):
    code_list = [alphanum_list.index(i) for i in str]
    code = ''
    for i in range(1, len(code_list), 2):
        c = bin(code_list[i-1] * 45 + code_list[i])[2:]
        c = '0'*(11-len(c)) + c
        code += c
    if i != len(code_list) - 1:
        c = bin(code_list[-1])[2:]
        c = '0'*(6-len(c)) + c
        code += c
    return code

# 字节编码
def byte_encoding(str):
    code = ''
    for i in str:
        c = bin(ord(i.encode('iso-8859-1')))[2:]
        c = '0'*(8-len(c)) + c
        code += c
    return code
# 中文字符编码不支持
def kanji_encoding(str):
# cci: character count indicator
# 计算字符数
def get_cci(ver, mode, str):
    if 1 <= ver <= 9:
        cci_len = (10, 9, 8, 8)[mindex[mode]]
    elif 10 <= ver <= 26:
        cci_len = (12, 11, 16, 10)[mindex[mode]]
        cci_len = (14, 13, 16, 12)[mindex[mode]]
    cci = bin(len(str))[2:]
    cci = '0' * (cci_len - len(cci)) + cci
    return cci
if __name__ == '__main__':
    s = '123456789'
    v, datacode = encode(1, 'H', s)
    print(v, datacode)


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from MyQR.mylibs.constant import GP_list, ecc_num_per_block, lindex, po2, log
#ecc: Error Correction Codewords
# 得到纠错码字
def encode(ver, ecl, data_codewords):
    en = ecc_num_per_block[ver-1][lindex[ecl]]  # 错误纠正码字
    ecc = []
    for dc in data_codewords:
        ecc.append(get_ecc(dc, en))
    return ecc

def get_ecc(dc, ecc_num):
    gp = GP_list[ecc_num]   # 得到适当的项乘生成多项式
    remainder = dc
    for i in range(len(dc)):
        remainder = divide(remainder, *gp)  # 使用消息多项式(在第一个乘法步骤中)或余数(在所有后续乘法步骤中)对结果进行异或
    return remainder

# 得到余数
def divide(MP, *GP):
    if MP[0]:
        GP = list(GP)
        for i in range(len(GP)):
            GP[i] += log[MP[0]]
            if GP[i] > 255:
                GP[i] %= 255
            GP[i] = po2[GP[i]]
        return XOR(GP, *MP)
        return XOR([0]*len(GP), *MP)
# 异或
def XOR(GP, *MP):
    MP = list(MP)
    a = len(MP) - len(GP)
    if a < 0:
        MP += [0] * (-a)
    elif a > 0:
        GP += [0] * a
    remainder = []
    for i in range(1, len(MP)):
    return remainder


  1. 找到适当的项乘生成多项式,使得乘法的结果与消息多项式具有相同的第一项。
  2. 使用消息多项式(在第一个乘法步骤中)或余数(在所有后续乘法步骤中)对结果进行异或。
  3. 执行这些步骤n次,其中n是消息多项式中的系数。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from MyQR.mylibs.constant import required_remainder_bits, lindex, grouping_list

def structure_final_bits(ver, ecl, data_codewords, ecc):
    # 将产生的序列按次序放到分块中
    final_message = interleave_dc(ver, ecl, data_codewords) + interleave_ecc(ecc)
    # convert to binary & Add Remainder Bits if Necessary
    # 转换为二进制 如果必要则添加余数位
    final_bits = ''.join(['0'*(8-len(i))+i for i in [bin(i)[2:] for i in final_message]]) + '0' * required_remainder_bits[ver-1]
    return final_bits

# 数据区块
def interleave_dc(ver, ecl, data_codewords):
    id = []
    for t in zip(*data_codewords):
        id += list(t)
    g = grouping_list[ver-1][lindex[ecl]]
    if g[3]:
        for i in range(g[2]):
    return id
# 纠错码字区块
def interleave_ecc(ecc):
    ie = []
    for t in zip(*ecc):
        ie += list(t)
    return ie

按规定把数据分块,然后对每一块进行计算,得出相应的纠错码字区块,把纠错码字区块 按顺序构成一个序列,添加到原先的数据码字序列后面。

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from MyQR.mylibs.constant import alig_location, format_info_str, version_info_str, lindex
def get_qrmatrix(ver, ecl, bits):
    num = (ver - 1) * 4 + 21
    qrmatrix = [[None] * num for i in range(num)]   # 构造矩阵
    #  [([None] * num * num)[i:i+num] for i in range(num * num) if i % num == 0] 

    # Add the Finder Patterns & Add the Separators
    # 添加查找器模式和添加分隔符
    # Add the Alignment Patterns
    # 添加校准模式
    add_alignment(ver, qrmatrix)
    # Add the Timing Patterns
    # 添加时间模式
    # Add the Dark Module and Reserved Areas
    # 添加涂黑模块和保留区域
    add_dark_and_reserving(ver, qrmatrix)
    maskmatrix = [i[:] for i in qrmatrix]
    # Place the Data Bits
    # 放置数据位
    place_bits(bits, qrmatrix)
    # Data Masking
    # 掩摸图形
    mask_num, qrmatrix = mask(maskmatrix, qrmatrix)
    # Format Information
    # 格式信息
    add_format_and_version_string(ver, ecl, mask_num, qrmatrix)

    return qrmatrix

# 添加查找器模式和添加分隔符(左上角 右上角 左下角矩形和空白部分)
def add_finder_and_separator(m):             
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(8):
            if i in (0, 6):
                m[i][j] = m[-i-1][j] = m[i][-j-1] = 0 if j == 7 else 1
            elif i in (1, 5):
                m[i][j] = m[-i-1][j] = m[i][-j-1] = 1 if j in (0, 6) else 0  
            elif i == 7:
                m[i][j] = m[-i-1][j] = m[i][-j-1] = 0
                m[i][j] = m[-i-1][j] = m[i][-j-1] = 0 if j in (1, 5, 7) else 1

# 添加校准模式(矩形校正图形)
def add_alignment(ver, m):
    if ver > 1:
        coordinates = alig_location[ver-2]
        for i in coordinates:
            for j in coordinates:
                if m[i][j] is None:
                    add_an_alignment(i, j, m)

# 添加一个校正图形
def add_an_alignment(row, column, m):
    for i in range(row-2, row+3):
        for j in range(column-2, column+3):
            m[i][j] = 1 if i in (row-2, row+2) or j in (column-2, column+2) else 0
    m[row][column] = 1

# 添加时间模式
def add_timing(m):
    for i in range(8, len(m)-8):
        m[i][6] = m[6][i] = 1 if i % 2 ==0 else 0
# 添加涂黑模块和保留区域
def add_dark_and_reserving(ver, m):
    for j in range(8):
        m[8][j] = m[8][-j-1] = m[j][8] = m[-j-1][8] = 0
    m[8][8] = 0
    m[8][6] = m[6][8] = m[-8][8] = 1
    if ver > 6:
        for i in range(6):
            for j in (-9, -10, -11):
                m[i][j] = m[j][i] = 0
# 放置数据位            
def place_bits(bits, m):
    bit = (int(i) for i in bits)

    up = True
    for a in range(len(m)-1, 0, -2):
        a = a-1 if a <= 6 else a
        irange = range(len(m)-1, -1, -1) if up else range(len(m))
        for i in irange:
            for j in (a, a-1):
                if m[i][j] is None:
                    m[i][j] = next(bit)
        up = not up

# 将掩摸图形用于符号的编码区域,使得二维码图形中的深色和浅色(黑色和白色)区域能够比率最优的分布。
def mask(mm, m):
    mps = get_mask_patterns(mm)
    scores = []
    for mp in mps:
        for i in range(len(mp)):
            for j in range(len(mp)):
                mp[i][j] = mp[i][j] ^ m[i][j]
    best = scores.index(min(scores))
    return best, mps[best]
def get_mask_patterns(mm):
    def formula(i, row, column):
        if i == 0:
            return (row + column) % 2 == 0
        elif i == 1:
            return row % 2 == 0
        elif i == 2:
            return column % 3 == 0
        elif i == 3:
            return (row + column) % 3 == 0
        elif i == 4:
            return (row // 2 + column // 3) % 2 == 0
        elif i == 5:
            return ((row * column) % 2) + ((row * column) % 3) == 0
        elif i == 6:
            return (((row * column) % 2) + ((row * column) % 3)) % 2 == 0
        elif i == 7:
            return 	(((row + column) % 2) + ((row * column) % 3)) % 2 == 0

    mm[-8][8] = None
    for i in range(len(mm)):
        for j in range(len(mm)):
            mm[i][j] = 0 if mm[i][j] is not None else mm[i][j]
    mps = []
    for i in range(8):
        mp = [ii[:] for ii in mm]
        for row in range(len(mp)):
            for column in range(len(mp)):
                mp[row][column] = 1 if mp[row][column] is None and formula(i, row, column) else 0
    return mps
def compute_score(m):
    def evaluation1(m):
        def ev1(ma):
            sc = 0
            for mi in ma:
                j = 0
                while j < len(mi)-4:
                    n = 4
                    while mi[j:j+n+1] in [[1]*(n+1), [0]*(n+1)]:
                        n += 1
                    (sc, j) = (sc+n-2, j+n) if n > 4 else (sc, j+1)
            return sc
        return ev1(m) + ev1(list(map(list, zip(*m))))
    def evaluation2(m):
        sc = 0
        for i in range(len(m)-1):
            for j in range(len(m)-1):
                sc += 3 if m[i][j] == m[i+1][j] == m[i][j+1] == m[i+1][j+1] else 0
        return sc
    def evaluation3(m):
        def ev3(ma):
            sc = 0
            for mi in ma:
                j = 0
                while j < len(mi)-10:
                    if mi[j:j+11] == [1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0]:
                        sc += 40
                        j += 7
                    elif mi[j:j+11] == [0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1]:
                        sc += 40
                        j += 4
                        j += 1
            return sc
        return ev3(m) + ev3(list(map(list, zip(*m))))
    def evaluation4(m):
        darknum = 0
        for i in m:
            darknum += sum(i)
        percent = darknum  / (len(m)**2) * 100
        s = int((50 - percent) / 5) * 5
        return 2*s if s >=0 else -2*s

    score = evaluation1(m) + evaluation2(m)+ evaluation3(m) + evaluation4(m)
    return score
# 生成格式和版本信息放入相应区域内
def add_format_and_version_string(ver, ecl, mask_num, m):
    fs = [int(i) for i in format_info_str[lindex[ecl]][mask_num]]
    for j in range(6):
        m[8][j] = m[-j-1][8] = fs[j]
        m[8][-j-1] = m[j][8] = fs[-j-1]
    m[8][7] = m[-7][8] = fs[6]
    m[8][8] = m[8][-8] = fs[7]
    m[7][8] = m[8][-7] = fs[8]
    # 版本7-40都包含了版本信息,没有版本信息的全为0。
    if ver > 6:
        vs = (int(i) for i in version_info_str[ver-7])
        for j in range(5, -1, -1):
            for i in (-9, -10, -11):
                m[i][j] = m[j][i] = next(vs)


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from PIL import Image
import os

def draw_qrcode(abspath, qrmatrix):
    unit_len = 3
    x = y = 4*unit_len
    pic ='1', [(len(qrmatrix)+8)*unit_len]*2, 'white')   # 新建一张白色的底图
    # 循环矩阵中的单位,在需要涂黑的单位启用dra_a_black_unit()函数涂黑。
    for line in qrmatrix:
        for module in line:
            if module:
                draw_a_black_unit(pic, x, y, unit_len)
            x += unit_len
        x, y = 4*unit_len, y+unit_len

    saving = os.path.join(abspath, 'qrcode.png')    # 保存二维码图片
    return saving
# 画出黑单位
def draw_a_black_unit(p, x, y, ul):
    for i in range(ul):
        for j in range(ul):
            p.putpixel((x+i, y+j), 0)



二维码 编码原理简介
