Mortal kombat
Streaming has changed music, film and TV. Time for video games
THE LAUNCH in 2018 of “Red Dead Redemption 2” was a huge event in the history of entertainment. It raked in $725m in its first three days, behind only “Avengers: Endgame”, a recent superhero flick, and “Grand Theft Auto V”, a game from 2013—and that despite being available only to owners of pricey games consoles. On November 19th it became available to an even wider audience with the launch of Stadia, Google’s game-streaming service.
电子游戏《荒野大镖客2:救赎》(Red Dead Redemption 2)在2018年发布,是娱乐史上的一个重磅事件。尽管只面向拥有昂贵游戏主机的玩家,该游戏推出三天便大卖7.25亿美元,仅次于今年上半年上映的超级英雄电影《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》及2013年推出的游戏《侠盗猎车手5》。随着谷歌的游戏流媒体服务Stadia于11月19日上线,更广泛的人群玩上了这款游戏。
Google is not the only tech titan to bet that streaming will prove as transformative for the $150bn video-game industry as it has been for music, film and television. Last month Microsoft announced new games for its experimental xCloud service, which is due to launch in 2020. It will work with Xbox Game Pass, an existing download-based subscription service that offers more than 100 titles. Amazon is widely assumed to be working on something similar. Big Tech will be battling second-tier players, including Nvidia, a maker of gaming-focused computer chips, and Electronic Arts (EA), a games publisher. Sony, which makes consoles, already offers streaming through its PlayStation Now service.
谷歌押注流媒体服务会像它变革了音乐和影视那样,变革价值1500亿美元的电子游戏产业。它可不是唯一这么认为的科技巨头。微软上月发布了为其试验性云游戏服务xCloud打造的新游戏。定于2020年上线的xCloud将与现有的订阅服务、提供100多种游戏下载的Xbox Game Pass配合使用。外界普遍认为亚马逊也在开发类似的项目。各大科技巨头将对垒二线玩家,包括游戏专用芯片制造商英伟达(Nvidia)和游戏发行商艺电(EA)。也制造游戏主机的索尼已通过其PlayStation Now平台提供了流媒体游戏服务。
Streaming lets anyone with an internet connection play any game by farming out the computational heavy lifting required to run gaming software to cloud servers. It will not replace consoles overnight; both Microsoft and Sony are launching new machines next year. But by offering the option to play blockbuster games like “Red Dead Redemption 2” without paying upfront for hardware, it could lure owners of comparatively feeble devices such as smartphones, tablets and TVs to cutting-edge games.
Catherine Gluckstein, one of the Microsoft executives in charge of xCloud, points out that of the 5bn people who own smartphones, about half dabble in cheap-and-cheerful mobile games. Next year xCloud tests will be expanded to India, where consoles remain a luxury but internet no longer is; more than 500m Indians enjoy access to the web, mostly on their phones. Michael Pachter of Wedbush, an investment firm, thinks streaming’s worldwide expansion could triple the size of the gaming market to nearly $500bn by 2030.
负责xCloud项目的微软高管凯瑟琳·格鲁克斯坦(Catherine Gluckstein)指出,在拥有智能手机的50亿人口中,大概一半玩过一些便宜有趣的手机小游戏。明年,xCloud的测试将扩展至印度,游戏主机在那里仍然是奢侈品,而互联网已不再稀罕——超过五亿印度人能够上网,大多是通过手机。投资公司Wedbush的迈克尔·帕切特(Michael Pachter)认为,到2030年,流媒体的全球扩张可能令游戏市场扩大三倍,达到近5000亿美元。
If, that is, the companies can pull it off. Streaming a film or a song is straightforward. Data can be downloaded ahead of time to smooth out connection hiccups. Not for games, which must react instantaneously to players’ moves and vice versa. Even with a rock-solid connection (which most mobile ones are not) commands take time to travel from the controller to the data centre and back. This can introduce annoying delays. And distributing games the old way, via physical disks or downloads, is cheap, whereas providing high-end, game-capable computing in the cloud is not, notes Piers Harding-Rolls, an analyst at IHS Markit, a research firm. A decade ago early attempts at game streaming flopped precisely because of high prices and iffy technology.
这一切的前提是这些公司能成功推广这类服务。流媒体播放电影或歌曲很简单,可以把数据提前缓存下来以防连接不畅。游戏不一样,必须根据玩家的操作做出即时反应,反之亦然。即便网络连接稳如磐石(大多数移动设备都做不到),指令从玩家的控制器传给数据中心而后再返回也需要时间。这可能导致恼人的延时问题。研究公司IHS Markit的分析师皮尔斯·哈丁-罗斯(Piers Harding-Rolls)指出,用实体磁盘或下载等传统方式分销游戏成本低廉,相比之下,提供高端的游戏云计算服务并不便宜。十年前,游戏流媒体的早期尝试正是由于价格高昂和技术不足而告败的。
All eyes are now on Google. Like Amazon and Microsoft, it owns a worldwide network of cloud-computing data centres, which could help surmount technological niggles. But unlike Microsoft or Sony, it lacks deep roots in gaming. And in contrast to Amazon, whose 100m Prime subscribers could, Mr Patcher thinks, be offered games as part of their membership, it must build a customer base from scratch.
Stadia’s debut could have gone better. Promised features have been delayed. Prices remain high: early adopters must pay 129 for a controller and $10 a month for a subscription, and then fork out some more for individual games. (A subscription-free option, with less fancy graphics, will launch in 2020.)
Most worrying, Google has struggled to convince publishers to sign up. Just 22 games were available at Stadia’s launch. The test version of Microsoft’s xCloud features over 50. Sony’s PlayStation Now has over 650 games (although some are over a decade old and the service is available only on PCs and the PlayStation). For all its heft elsewhere, in gaming Google continues to look like a bit player.
最令人担忧的是,谷歌难以说服游戏出版商加入自己的平台。Stadia上线时仅有22款游戏上架。微软xCloud的测试版就有50多款游戏。索尼的PlayStation Now有超过650款(不过有些游戏已有十多年的历史,而且该服务只能在个人电脑端和PlayStation上使用)。尽管谷歌在其他方面举足轻重,在游戏领域它还是个小玩家。