完整代码见链接:http://download.csdn.net/detail/rehongchen/4586263 (可在VC、CFree下成功运行)
0 | 1 | 2
3 | 4 | 5
6 | 7 | 8
函数 | 描述 |
void instructions(); | 显示游戏操作指南 |
char askYesNo(string question); |
接受一个问题,返回“y”或“n” |
int askNumber(string question, int high, int low = 0); | 询问一定范围内的数字。接受一个问题、一个范围上限和一个范围下限。返回low到high之间的数字 |
char humanPiece(); | 确定玩家的棋子。返回X或O |
char opponent(char piece); | 返回给定棋子的对应棋子。 |
void displayBoard(const vector |
在屏幕上显示当前棋盘。 |
char winner(const vector |
确定游戏的胜者。返回X、O、或T(和棋)或N(还没有哪一方胜出) |
bool isLegal(const vector |
判断输入的数字是否合法 |
int humanMove(const vector |
获取人类玩家的下棋。接受一个棋盘与人类玩家的棋子作为参数,返回玩家下棋的数字位置。 |
int computerMove(vector |
获取计算机玩家的下棋。接受一个棋盘与人类玩家的棋子作为参数,返回玩家下棋的数字位置。 |
void announceWinner(char winner, char computer, char human); | 宣布最后结果。 |
// Tic-Tac-Toe
// Plays the game of tic-tac-toe against a human opponent
using namespace std;
// global constants
const char X = 'X';
const char O = 'O';
const char EMPTY = ' ';
const char TIE = 'T';
const char NO_ONE = 'N';
// function prototypes
void instructions();
char askYesNo(string question);
int askNumber(string question, int high, int low = 0); //注:low默认为0
char humanPiece();
char opponent(char piece);
void displayBoard(const vector& board);
char winner(const vector& board);
bool isLegal(const vector& board, int move);
int humanMove(const vector& board, char human);
int computerMove(vector board, char computer);
void announceWinner(char winner, char computer, char human);
// main function
int main()
int move;
const int NUM_SQUARES = 9;
vector board(NUM_SQUARES, EMPTY);
const char human = humanPiece(); //确定人类是否第一步走棋,返回y或n
const char computer = opponent(human);
char turn = X; //与X相同的先走棋
while (winner(board) == NO_ONE) //验证是有胜出者
if (turn == human)
move = humanMove(board, human); //因为用户走棋时可能不合法,所以需要在humanMove进行验证,
board[move] = human;
move = computerMove(board, computer); //计算机走棋时不需验证合法性,但需完成智能走棋
board[move] = computer;
turn = opponent(turn); //用以交换出棋顺序
announceWinner(winner(board), computer, human); //宣布结果:获胜者或平手
return 0;
// functions
void instructions()
cout << "欢迎来到人机终极大战: Tic-Tac-Toe.\n";
cout << "--where human brain is pit against silicon processor\n\n";
cout << "键入数字 0 - 8来选择你选棋的位置. \n";
cout << "它会被如实的反映在下面的棋盘上:\n\n";
cout << " 0 | 1 | 2\n";
cout << " ---------\n";
cout << " 3 | 4 | 5\n";
cout << " ---------\n";
cout << " 6 | 7 | 8\n\n";
cout << "准备好了吗?人类, 这场大战马上开始!\n\n";
char askYesNo(string question)
char response;
cout << question << " (y/n): ";
cin >> response;
} while (response != 'y' && response != 'n');
return response;
int askNumber(string question, int high, int low)
int number;
cout << question << " (" << low << " - " << high << "): ";
cin >> number;
} while (number > high || number < low); //直到获得合法结果(0-8)才能退出循环
return number;
char humanPiece() //确定人类第一步走棋
char go_first = askYesNo("你确定你第一步走棋?");
if (go_first == 'y')
cout << "\n好吧,让你先来,你走棋.\n";
return X;
cout << "\n你的勇气欠佳... 我先走棋.\n";
return O;
char opponent(char piece) //返回对手走棋标志
if (piece == X)
return O;
return X;
void displayBoard(const vector& board) //注意:这里接收棋盘的引用,展示当前棋盘布局
cout << "\n\t" << board[0] << " | " << board[1] << " | " << board[2];
cout << "\n\t" << "---------";
cout << "\n\t" << board[3] << " | " << board[4] << " | " << board[5];
cout << "\n\t" << "---------";
cout << "\n\t" << board[6] << " | " << board[7] << " | " << board[8];
cout << "\n\n";
char winner(const vector& board) //表示棋盘的向量是通过常量引用传递(const vector&)的,
{ //传递引用非常高效,且向量被保护起来,防止任何修改
const int WINNING_ROWS[8][3] = { {0, 1, 2},
{3, 4, 5},
{6, 7, 8},
{0, 3, 6},
{1, 4, 7},
{2, 5, 8},
{0, 4, 8},
{2, 4, 6} };
const int TOTAL_ROWS = 8;
// if any winning row has three values that are the same (and not EMPTY),
// then we have a winner
for(int row = 0; row < TOTAL_ROWS; ++row)
if ( (board[WINNING_ROWS[row][0]] != EMPTY) &&
(board[WINNING_ROWS[row][0]] == board[WINNING_ROWS[row][1]]) &&
(board[WINNING_ROWS[row][1]] == board[WINNING_ROWS[row][2]]) )
return board[WINNING_ROWS[row][0]]; //返回第一个棋子的位置,也就是返回“X”或“O”
// since nobody has won, check for a tie (no empty squares left)
if (count(board.begin(), board.end(), EMPTY) == 0)
return TIE;
// since nobody has won and it isn't a tie, the game ain't over
return NO_ONE;
inline bool isLegal(int move, const vector& board)
return (board[move] == EMPTY);
int humanMove(const vector& board, char human)
int move = askNumber("你打算选哪个位置?", (board.size() - 1));
while (!isLegal(move, board))
cout << "\n这个位置已经有棋子占据了, 愚蠢的人类.\n";
move = askNumber("你打算选哪个位置?", (board.size() - 1));
cout << "好吧...\n";
return move;
int computerMove(vector board, char computer)
unsigned int move = 0;
bool found = false;
//if computer can win on next move, that抯 the move to make
while (!found && move < board.size())
if (isLegal(move, board))
//try move
board[move] = computer;
//test for winner
found = winner(board) == computer;
//undo move
board[move] = EMPTY;
if (!found)
//otherwise, if opponent can win on next move, that's the move to make
if (!found)
move = 0;
char human = opponent(computer);
while (!found && move < board.size())
if (isLegal(move, board))
//try move
board[move] = human;
//test for winner
found = winner(board) == human;
//undo move
board[move] = EMPTY;
if (!found)
//otherwise, moving to the best open square is the move to make
if (!found)
move = 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
const int BEST_MOVES[] = {4, 0, 2, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7};
//pick best open square
while (!found && i < board.size())
move = BEST_MOVES[i];
if (isLegal(move, board))
found = true;
cout << "我选择的位置是: " << move << endl;
return move;
void announceWinner(char winner, char computer, char human)
if (winner == computer)
cout << winner << " 胜出!\n";
cout << "我早就预料到了, 人类, 事实证明,我才是最优秀的。\n";
cout << "计算机要比人类聪明!\n";
else if (winner == human)
cout << winner << "'s won!\n";
cout << "不不! 这不是真的! 你肯定耍花招了, 人类.\n";
cout << "但是不会又下一次了! 我,计算机,我发誓!\n";
cout << "平手了.\n";
cout << "这次是你幸运, 人类, 肯定是什么操纵了这场比赛.\n";
cout << "同样祝贺你... 因为这是你从没有过的殊荣.\n";