Ctrl+ww //切换窗口
Ctrl+] //跳转到函数定义
Ctrl+t //t(tag) 跳转出函数,上一次调用点
Set mouse= //选择模式,可以复制文件内容
Set mouse=a //光标模式,无法复制文件内容
Ctrl+z //让当前程序转入后台运行
Jobs //列出当前后台运行的所有程序
fg 2 //让编号为2的后台程序调到前台运行
.nn //隐藏和打开目录树
.f //打开和关闭函数
ctags -R //对当前目录下的代码,添加标记
:([10:57:20].../bin/toolkit/vim_awesome(master) > cd$CROOT
:)[10:57:27].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> vim
[1]+ Stopped vim
:([11:02:07].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> fg
[1]+ Stopped vim
:([11:02:20].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546) >
:([11:02:22].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> ctags -R
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_python.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_random.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_date_time.so" : No such fileor directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_locale.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_iostreams.so" : No such fileor directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file "lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_atomic.so": No such file or directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_prg_exec_monitor.so" : No suchfile or directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file "lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_chrono.so": No such file or directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_math_c99l.so" : No such fileor directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_math_c99.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_unit_test_framework.so" : Nosuch file or directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_regex.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_graph.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_math_c99f.so" : No such fileor directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_math_tr1.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_signals.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_math_tr1l.so" : No such fileor directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_math_tr1f.so" : No such fileor directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_context.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_system.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_serialization.so" : No suchfile or directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_filesystem.so" : No such fileor directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_coroutine.so" : No such fileor directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_wserialization.so" : No suchfile or directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file "lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_timer.so": No such file or directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_thread.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_wave.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_log.so" : No such file ordirectory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_log_setup.so" : No such fileor directory
ctags: Warning: cannot open source file"lib/c/boost_lib/lib/boost_so/libboost_program_options.so" : No suchfile or directory
ctags: Warning: ignoring null tag inlib/c/boost/boost_1_55_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.ann.py
:)[11:03:04].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> ls
app arch common ct deploy.sh ebin help infra lib r10a_ref sgsn_ref tags
:)[11:03:56].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> git st
On branch 15A23_TR15546
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add
(use "git checkout --
modified: app/sims/icap_sim/erl/src/icap_processor.erl
modified: app/sims/icap_sim/erl/src/icap_server.erl
modified: arch/ap/erl/src/tcp_dd.erl
modified: arch/ap/erl/src/vdp_driver.erl
Untracked files:
(use "git add
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or"git commit -a")
:)[11:04:00].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> fg
[1]+ Stopped vim
:([11:04:18].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> fg
[1]+ Stopped vim
:([11:10:02].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> fg
[1]+ Stopped vim
:([11:10:10].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> ^C
:([11:12:52].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> ^C
:([11:13:42].../egaolng/15A23_TR15546/lts(15A23_TR15546)> ^C
[1]+ Stopped lts_log -t
[root@epgtool416-60 ~]# jobs
[1]+ Stopped lts_log -t
[root@epgtool416-60 ~]# vim
[2]+ Stopped vim
[root@epgtool416-60 ~]# jobs
[1]- Stopped lts_log -t
[2]+ Stopped vim
[root@epgtool416-60 ~]# fg 2
[2]+ Stopped vim
[root@epgtool416-60 ~]# fg 1
lts_log -t
[root@epgtool416-60 ~]# fg
Liang Gao
Cell: +86 13611679892
Tel: +86 21 22089788 (Interal: 29788)
From: Heng Yin
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 11:07 AM
To: BUCI DUNC PC SH Test Tools All
Subject: RE: Tool Share: Vim Awesome
Correct a little.
Open/closefunction tree: 单引号 + ff
Share another familiar tool called vim. Its powerful wrapperalready exists in our server for a long time. I add the resource (from canxing)in our toolkit collection and share it here.
The Way toUse Shared Vim
1. cd/proj/pcn/carroll/bin/toolkit/vim_awesome
2. executeinstall.sh
3. orto execute uninstall.sh to get rid of it
The Benefitsof Vim Awesome
Benefit1>> Easy file navigation
Benefit2>> Easy function/macro navigation
Benefit3>> Easy file searching
Benefit4>> Easy applying coding rule (To be done more)
Benefit5>> Fun
User Guide
Open/close filetree: 单引号 + nn
Search file intree: ctrl + f
Search file inbutter: ctrl + b
Open/closefunction tree: 单引号 + nn
More: Refer to cheat-sheet(/proj/pcn/carroll/bin/toolkit/vim_awesome/cheat-sheets)
The Way toContribute
Upgrade plugins
Write codingrule pattern
- Any furtherproblem, contact me