<% int i = 1; try { while (true) { out.print("在Pushlet源代码中提供了此页面(examples/basics/push-html-stream.jsp)。上面的页面并不是十分有用,因为在我们刷新页面时,新内容机械地、持续不断地被添加到页面中,而不是server端更新的内容。 示例2 现在让我们步入Pushlet工作机理中一探究竟。通过运行Pushlet的示例源代码(examples/basics/ push-js-stream.html),我们会看到这个每3秒刷新一次的页面。那么它是如何实现的呢? 此示例中包含了三个文件:push-js-stream.html、push-js-stream-pusher.jsp、push-js-stream-display.html。 其中push-js-stream.html是主框架文件,它以HTML Frame的形式包含其它两个页面。 push-js-stream-pusher.jsp是一个JSP,它执行在server端,此文件内容如下:"+(i++)+"
"); out.flush(); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { out.print(""+e+"
"); } } } catch (Exception e) { out.print(""+e+"
"); } %>
7: <% 8: /** Start a line of JavaScript with a function call to parent frame. */ 9: String jsFunPre = " "; 13: 14: int i = 1; 15: try { 16: 17: // Every three seconds a line of JavaScript is pushed to the client 18: while (true) { 19: 20: // Push a line of JavaScript to the client 21: out.print(jsFunPre+"Page "+(i++)+jsFunPost); 22: out.flush(); 23: 24: // Sleep three secs 25: try { 26: Thread.sleep(3000); 27: } catch (InterruptedException e) { 28: // Let client display exception 29: out.print(jsFunPre+"InterruptedException: "+e+jsFunPost); 30: } 31: } 32: } catch (Exception e) { 33: // Let client display exception 34: out.print(jsFunPre+"Exception: "+e+jsFunPost); 35: } 36: %>注意在示例1和示例2中使用JSP时都存在一个问题:一些servlet引擎在某个client离开时会“吃掉”IOException,以至于JSP页面将永不抛出此异常。所以在这种情况下,页面循环将会永远执行下去。而这正是Pushlet实现采用servlet的原因之一:可以捕获到IOException。 在上面代码的第21行中可以看到在一个定时器循环(3秒/周期)中打印了一些HTML并将它们输出到client浏览器。请注意,这里推送的并非HTML而是Javascript!这样做的意义何在? 它把类似“”的一行代码推送到浏览器;而具有JavaScript引擎的浏览器可以直接执行收到的每一行代码,并调用parent.push()函数。而代码中的Parent便是浏览器页面中所在Frame的Parent,也就是push-js-stream.html。让我们看看都发生了什么?
可以看到push-js-stream.html中的push()函数被名为pushletFrame的JSP Frame调用:把传入的参数值写入到displayFrame(此Frame为push-js-stream-display.html)。这是动态HTML的一个小技巧:使用document对象的writeln方法刷新某个Frame或者Window的内容。 于是displayFrame成为了用于显示内容的、真正的视图。displayFrame初始化为黑色背景并显示“wait…”直到来自server的内容被推送过来:
这便是Pushlet的基本做法:我们从servlet(或者从示例中的JSP)把JavaScript代码作为HTTP流推送到浏览器。这些代码被浏览器的JavaScript引擎解释并完成一些有趣的工作。于是便轻松地完成了从server端的Java到浏览器中的JavaScript的回调。 上面的示例展示了Pushlet原理,但这里存在一些等待解决的问题和需要增添的特性。于是我建立了一个小型的server端Pushlet框架(其类结构图表将会展示在下面),添加了一些用在client中的JavaScript库。由于client需要依赖更多的DHTML特性(比如Layers),我们将首先粗略地温习一些 DHTML知识。示例代码见examples/dhtml。 DHTML(动态HTML) DHTML(动态HTML)提供了在浏览器中维护内容、进行用户交互的扩展能力。就像Java开发者使用servlet和JSP那样,DHTML也应该是你的工具箱中的一部分。 DHTML涉及到HTML、级联样式表(CSS)、JavaScript和DOM。传统的页面只能通过重新装载来自server新页面的方式进行更新。DHTML提供了在页面被装载完毕后对浏览器内的HTML文档的完全控制。你应该见过一些带有“图像翻滚”、弹出内容、可收缩菜单功能的web页面,它们便是使用DHTML技术实现的。尽管存在一些标准上的差异(见下面的“跨浏览器DHTML”),多数兼容JavaScript1.4版本的浏览器 (后面将简称为“版本4的浏览器”)都支持DHTML。 从开发者的角度审视浏览器中的整个文档,比如Frame、图片、表格等,它们都可以表示为具有层次的对象模式——DOM。通过使用JavaScript可以维护DOM的成员,不但可以改变文档的内容和外观,而且还可以捕捉例如鼠标移动、form提交这些用户事件,而后对DOM进行相应修改。例如鼠标移动到图片的上方可以产生“mouse-over”事件,这时通过显示高亮版本的图片或者弹出解释性文字的方式修改页面外观。这听起来不错吧!我们现在就熟悉一下DHTML标准!但是谁定义了DHTML标准? 这是一些DHTML初学者首先遇到的问题。首先,你需要一个版本4以上的浏览器。DHTML相关规范的官方标准出自 World Wide Web Consortium (W3)。但是微软和Netscape出品的版本4以上的浏览器都有一些私有的DHTML扩展,这是你必须注意的。 幸运的是大多数用户都有版本4以上的浏览器,而且一些开发者( Dannymen、 Dan Steinman和 Danny Goodman)建造了跨越浏览器的、可重用的DHTML库。 作为一名Java开发者,你要接受这个事实:你应该适当地明白基于对象、甚至面向对象的JavaScript编程。在我的DHTML中你将找到一些示例,但了解更多的DHTML资源也是很值得的。尤其在使用跨越浏览器的DHTML库对付那些顽固的浏览器问题时,一切都变得有趣、而不是枯燥。 就如Java获得在广阔的server端市场、DHTML在client领域具有许多强大特性那样,Pushlet以一种直接的方式将这两项伟大的技术捆绑在一起。下一个章节将详细讨论Pushlet这个server端轻量级框架和client端DHTML库。 框架的设计 注意:本章节仅反映了Pushlet server端框架的1.0版本(随着版本升级可能还会重新构造)。 Pushlet框架允许client订阅在server端的主题(subject),而server则接收订阅,然后在server端的订阅主题所对应的数据变化时推送数据到client。此框架的基本设计模板是发布/订阅(Publish/Subscrib),也被称为观察者(Observer)。它具有server和client两部分组建而成: Server端: 由围绕着Pushlet类的Java类集合构成(见下面的UML类设计图表)。 Client端: 脚本与页面:可重用的JavaScript库(pushlet.js)和用来在DHTML client(这里指浏览器)中接收事件的HTML(pushlet.html)组成。 Client端Java类: JavaPushletClient.java和JavaPushletClientListener.java,负责在Java client中接收事件。 跨越浏览器的DHTML工具库: layer.js, layer-grid.js, layer-region.js,用来在DHTML层中显示数据内容。 最后,还有用于测试事件的生成工具类EventGenerators.java以及一些示例应用。 server端类设计 下面是server端Java类的UML图表:WAIT...
http://www.fluidiom.com:8080/servlet/pushlet?subject="/stocks/aex"主题(subject)表示为具有层次的“主题树”(topic-tree)形式。例如:“/stocks”表示与股票价格相关的所有事件,而“/stocks/aex”表示Amsterdam Exchange公司的股票价格。“/”表示所有事件。这并不时硬性规定,而是由开发者根据应用自行定义。 当前只有接收方协议是发送到client的HTTP回应流(response stream)。在将来的扩展版本中,接收方协议能够提供多种选择,比如TCP、UDP、RMI、HTTP POST甚至只SMTP。 Event(事件)类:仅仅是name/value的字符串对(使用java.util.Properties实现)的集合。 产生Event的方式:Publisher类为生成的Event提供了发布接口,它内部保存了订阅者(那些实现Subscriber接口的类)列表,并把每个Event发送给那些主题与Event匹配的订阅者。Event在server端也可以通过能够侦听外部Event的EventGenerators类来生成。另外client可以通过基于HTTP通讯的Postlet类来发布Event。 在上面的图表中,为了适配不同请求源(浏览器、Java client程序),PushletSubscriber以及它所包含的那些类提供了多种订阅者的实现。 场景1: 事件订阅
Client端框架 由于这是对于所有浏览器client的通用任务,所以Pushlet Client端框架提供了两个可重用的文件: pushlet.html和pushlet.js。 Pushlet.html本身是被附着在一个隐藏的HTML Frame中。这个Frame的parent调用并实现push()方法。 pushlet.html :被包含在client端的HTML文档中的Frame中。它可以传入主题标识和背景颜色两个参数。而它所做的最重要的工作是下面的push方法:
function push() { // 根据传入的参数建立PushletEvent object // push.arguments是来自server的Event数据 pushletEvent = new PushletEvent(push.arguments) // 更新状态Frame:显示闪光表示接收数据 updateStatusFrame(); // parent frame是否准备好接收Event? if (!parent.onPush) { return; } // 把Event转发给parent frame指定的处理方法 parent.onPush(pushletEvent); }Push()函数首先根据传入的参数建立了一个JavaScript对象——pushletEvent。接着使用updateStatusFrame()显示闪光,表示我们正在接收Event数据,如果parent frame存在onPush()函数,则将前面建立的PushletEvent对象作为参数调用parent frame指定的处理方法。 在pushlet.js 中的PushletEvent类代码如下:
/* Object to represent nl.justobjects.pushlet.Event in JavaScript. Arguments are an array where args[i] is name and args[i+1] is value */ function PushletEvent(args) { // Map存放Name/Value pairs this.map = new Map(); // 设置成员方法 this.getSubject = PushletEventGetSubject this.put = PushletEventPut this.get = PushletEventGet this.toString = PushletEventToString this.toTable = PushletEventToTable // 将传入的参数值放入到map中 for (var i=0; i < args.length; i++) { this.put(args[i], args[++i] ); } } // 获取事件主题 function PushletEventGetSubject() { return this.map.get('subject') } // 获取事件属性 function PushletEventGet(name) { return this.map.get(name) } // 存放事件属性 function PushletEventPut(name, value) { return this.map.put(name, value) } function PushletEventToString() { return this.map.toString(); } // 将map内容转化为HTML Table function PushletEventToTable() { return this.map.toTable(); }PushletEvent使用了一个我增加的Map JavaScript对象,它类似于java.util.Hashtable。 Pushlet协议 详见 http://www.pushlets.com/doc/protocol.html 应用 Pushlet可以开发多种类型的web应用。由于此框架允许client主动更新事件(通过Postlet),所以应用就并不只是被动地推送数据了。每个Pushlet应用都可以根据下面进行分类: 事件由server发起、还是client发起或者两者都有可能;状态是否保持在server、还是在client或者两者都有可能。 由于事件不但被做成了对JavaScript有效,而且也是其它脚本化的插件能够接收实时的事件更新。例如你可以脚本化Macromedia Flash或者 VRML应用。 为了说明Pushlet应用的范围,下面提供了一些简单的demo。 监控 例如股票、天气、投票、机场到达系统,这些应用都可以采用Pushlet对实时数据进行监控。 这是一个实时FX股票/新闻应用: www.rabotreasuryweb.com (IE only). 另一个部署Pushlet的实时股票/新闻应用: www.marketnews.com. 游戏 从象棋到描述危机和垄断者的游戏。 分布式MVC 这涉及到了在用户接口框架(例如Java Swing和微软MFC)中常见的设计模板。在分布式MVC的各种变体中,模式层位于server,而client控制着是视图层和控制层。Client通过控制进而修改模式,然后模式将通知所有依附的视图,而视图将进行自我刷新。 一些应用具有web前端(front end),其数据存放在server上可被多个用户更新。比如预订系统和登记系统。如果一个client完成一次更新,而其它client却不能马上见到变化直至刷新页面。在某些情况下,这是很简单、可行的解决方案,但同时也存在着用户需要同步变化的情况。这种情况下,应用可以使用Pushlet简单地将URL作为单一事件推送到client,client接收到这个URL后将刷新页面。 另外一点值得注意的示例是争议颇多的EJB。尽管Java client能够直接和EJB对话(通过RMI或者CORBA),但多数情况下则是由servlet和作为client前端的JSP来完成。在这种情况下,“通知”工作变得很艰难。使用Pushlet,EJB可以在其状态发生改变时通知依附于它的web client。 Web表示层 在放弃使用PowerPonit作Java课程讲解工具后,我开发了一个基于XML的内容管理框架。由于在某些情形下,教室没有“卷轴工”,但是所有的学生人手一台网络计算机,所以我开发了这个简单的应用,它使我能够同步改变学生和我的页面内容。 用户辅助 这种类型的应用可用于call center、银行、帮助桌面、电子商务web应用。当你由于问题而拨打call center电话时,代理程序可以使你通过上网的方式浏览解决方案、供货等信息。 使用EJB作为后台和JSP作为前台,client可以买/卖外币。一个“AutoTrader”对象自动提供处理,如果自动处理失败或者client请求人工处理时,一个“处理干预”将发生,处理者将被通知并提供相应的服务。 社区工具 这是一种多用户参加实时会话的应用。我正在计划扩充Pushlet框架,使其支持多用户session的特性。目前可以实现简单的web聊天,我称之为WCQ,大家可以在Pushlet源代码的example中见到它。 比较 本章节对Pushlet与基于CORBA/RMI的Java applet解决方案进行一下比较。 优势 直接与浏览器中的DHTML集成。 标准的HTTP端口和协议:消息和RMI/CORBA使用非标准端口(相对HTTP标准端口而言),遇到“防火墙”、“禁止回调”、“禁止接收UDP数据”的浏览器安全限制时可能无法工作。 client负载:基于CORBA/RMI的Java applet使client在启动时更加沉重,并消耗更多的资源。 无需额外的server:消息和RMI/CORBA需要单独的server产品。Pushlet理论上可以在任何server引擎上运行,并具备连接管理和多线程能力。 缺点 跨越浏览器的DHTML:Pushlet需要使用能工作在任何平台、所有浏览器版本的DHTML库。 可测量性:当100个以上的client通过Pushlet连接到server时,server上的线程和socket资源都将出现紧张。而解决这一问题的方式就是使用单独的Pushlet服务器。 Web server问题:一般的web server往往不是为长连接而设计的。针对这一问题的解决方案与上面的可测量性相同。 代理缓存:一些代理服务器可能缓存HTTP数据。 参考资源: 什么是Comet? Pushlet官网 Pushlet白皮书 JavaWorld《An in-depth look at RMI callbacks》 JavaWorld《POSTing via Java/ Learn how to POST data to Web servers in Java》 avaWorld《POSTing via Java revisited. Learn how to display the HTML document returned by the Web server》J JavaWorld《Connect to a Java server via HTTP》 Doug Lea编写的《Concurrent Programming in Java - 2nd edition》 Dynamic Duo[Cross-Browser Dynamic HTML] Danny Goodman编写的 《Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference》 进阶资源: Pushlet安装手册 Pushlet协议解释 Pushlet Cookbook Pushlet API文档 感谢阅读此文 请支持 cleverpig发起的
Pushlet 已經存在了好一段日子, 都是因為 AJAX 才再有人留意到他們的存在. 早在 2000 年 JavaWorld 提及到 Pushlet 的文章 http://www.javaworld.com/jw-03-2000/jw-03-pushlet.html 有興趣的我推介這網頁, 當中提及到不同的 HTTP Streaming 的方法 http://ajaxpatterns.org/HTTP_Streaming 還有, 我想問一下: "跨越浏览器的DHTML:Pushlet需要使用能工作在任何平台、所有浏览器版本的DHTML库。" 這個好像是所有不同類型的 AJAX 都遇到的問題呢. 我在會, 會不會和其他的 HTTP Streaming/Reverse AJAX 的方法作比較會合適一點? 前部份的原文: http://www.pushlets.com/doc/whitepaper-toc.html (BTW, "垄断者" 這游戲, 是不是就是 "大富翁" 呢? "Risk" 應該是"戰國風雲" 呢, 翻譯文章時要留意的細節)
很早的技术了,若用在一般的服务器上开销会很大,很浪费资源。一般这样做的都是自己开发web server。不过现在jetty已经支持了,她的Continuation结合SelectChannelConnector正解决此问题,不知道其他服务器什么时候会支持...
感谢tcmak同学的帮助,翻译的如此写意! 垄断者-->大富翁 Risk-->戰國風雲..佩服。希望以后多多纠错哦!
to fjzuser同学: >>这个始终不是解决问题的好办法,能不能用消息结合dhtml达到服务器主动发送信息呢? Pushlet支持poll、push、pull、AJAX请求等方式,而且并不是采用无限循环,而是使用wait/notify的通知模式。相对request/response的模式来讲,其弱点便是需要建立长连接,当用户数过多时,服务器网络/内存负载都会大大增加。 如果采用NIO技术会提升一定的server端处理能力。 而dwr2.0的reverse ajax也只能通过client poll来模拟comet 连接。这虽然减少了server负担,但是这并不是push而是poll。
使用可以比较有效的减少对server端资源的消耗: 首先Jetty挂起请求时,request handler调用continuation.getEvent(timeoutMS),将抛出RetryReqeuest runtime异常,Jetty捕捉此异常并处理之:将此事件放置到timeout对列,并将此线程回收; 当请求过期或者其它线程调用continuation.resume(event)方法企图继续使用此请求,此时Jetty将调用continuation.getEvent(timeoutMS)方法,它将返回事件或者表示事件已经过期的null,request handler会根据返回的事件产生相应的response。 这样便依照请求的利用情况有效的分配server资源(socket、线程),减少浪费在挂起线程上的长连接。
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
本人用pushlet进行英文聊天就没有问题,但是用中文聊天的时候,就出现当前会话session被removed掉,push不了信息。 请问下是什么原因?多谢!
OVER the course of history it has been artists, poets and playwrights who have Defects can be disabling, and become apparent as disorders such as autism and schizophrenia—and, indeed, as the serious depression that can result from rejection in love. Research is also shedding light on some of the more extreme forms of sexual behaviour. And, controversially, some utopian fringe groups see such work as the doorway to a future where love is guaranteed because it will be provided chemically, or even genetically engineered from conception.The scientific tale of love begins innocently enough, with voles. The prairie vole is a sociable creature, one of the only 3% of mammal species that appear to form monogamous relationships. Mating between prairie voles is a tremendous 24-hour effort. After this, they This is where the vasopressin and oxytocin come in. They are involved in parts of the brain that help to pick out the salient features used to identify individuals. If a mouse before birth, that mouse will become a social amnesiac and have no memory of the other mice it meets. The same is true if the vasopressin gene is knocked out.bond for life. They prefer to spend time with each other, groom each other for hours on end and nest together. They avoid meeting other potential mates. The male becomes an aggressive guard of the female. And when their pups are born, they become affectionate and attentive parents. However, another vole, a close relative called the montane vole, has no interest in partnership beyond one-night-stand sex. What is intriguing is that details of what is going on—the vole story, as it were—is a fascinating one. When prairie voles have sex, two hormones called oxytocin and vasopressin are released. If the this is—with an injection.A clue to what is happening—and how these results might bear on the human condition—was found when this magic juice was given to the montane vole: it made receptors for oxytocin and vasopressin in brain regions The question is, do humans (another species in the 3% of allegedly monogamous mammals) have brains similar to prairie voles?To answer that question you need to dig a little deeper. As Larry Young, a researcher into social attachment at Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia, explains,animals continue to do these things is because they make them feel good. And they feel good because of the release of a chemical called dopamine into the to him because of the dopamine. He learns that sex is enjoyable, and seeks out more of it based on how it happened the first time. But, in contrast to the prairie vole, at no time do rats learn to associate The salient feature in this case is odour. Rats, new nerve cells in the brains of prairie voles—in particular pleasure?
OVER the course of history it has been artists, poets and playwrights who have Defects can be disabling, and become apparent as disorders such as autism and schizophrenia—and, indeed, as the serious depression that can result from rejection in love. Research is also shedding This is where the vasopressin and oxytocin come in. They are involved in parts of the brain that help to pick out the salient features used to identify individuals. If a mouse before birth, that mouse will become a social amnesiac and have no memory of the other mice it meets. The same is true if the vasopressin gene is knocked out. details of what is going on—the vole story, as it were—is a fascinating one. When prairie voles have sex, two hormones called oxytocin and vasopressin are released. If the this is—with an injection.A receptors for oxytocin and vasopressin in brain regions The question is, do humans (another species in the 3% of allegedly monogamous mammals) have brains similar to prairie voles?To answer that question you need to dig a little deeper. As Larry Young, a researcher into social attachment at Emory University, in Atlanta, Georgia, explains,animals continue to do these things is because they because of the release of a chemical called dopamine into the The salient feature in this case is odour. Rats, pleasure? This thesis attempts to provide an interpretation of Charlotte Bront how comparison to Jane Eyre. Creating a IF IT were a country, California would be one with more people than Canada and an economy the size of China's. Its scientists shoot, with their rockets, for the moon; its films spread Hollywood's culture around at the cutting edge, be it in the flower-power ]days of the 1960s or the dotcom boom of the 1990s. As Kevin Starr points out in his history of the state, California has long been “one of the prisms through which the American people, for better and for worse, could glimpse their futureheroine alienating from the Victorian ideal image of womanhood, Bront? aroused lots of hostile responses when the first edition of Jane Eyre was published in 1847. Bront? and Jane were accused of doing unconventional deeds and subverting social, political and religious institutions. Meanwhile, the contemporary negative reviews manifest that the novel really challenged As the bus pulls away, Wang stares ahead into the middle distance while his wife, Sun Jing, buries her head in her arms. Neither dare glance out the rear window at what they are leaving behind: their two-year-old daughter, named Siting, nestled in the arms of Wang's father. It was barely a year ago, just ten days after Sun had finished nursing, that they first left their daughter. When the couple returned home two weeks ago, they out anxiously from between her legs. the girl The bus is starting to roll down the rutted dirt road in Dongfa village, carrying the young worker and his wife away from this ghost town near the Russian border. The couple squeeze into the backseat, she carrying a bright blue gym bag, he the dull burden ofhistory. Twenty-six years ago, his parents named him Wang Tieren, or Iron Man Wang. I a region whose state-run factories and furnaces fueled the Even as other parts of Chin Besummarize the and race are all culturally
This thesis attempts to provide an interpretation of Charlotte Bront how comparison to Jane Eyre. Creating a IF IT were a country, California would be one with more people than Canada and an economy the size of China's. Its scientists shoot, with their rockets, for the moon; its films spread Hollywood's culture around at the cutting edge, be it in the flower-power ]days of the 1960s or the dotcom boom of the 1990s. As Kevin Starr points out in his history of the state, California has long been “one of the prisms through which the American people, for better and for worse, could glimpse their futureheroine alienating from the Victorian ideal image of womanhood, Bront? aroused lots of hostile responses when the first edition of Jane Eyre was published in 1847. Bront? and Jane were accused of doing unconventional deeds and subverting social, political and religious institutions. Meanwhile, the contemporary negative reviews manifest that the novel really challenged As the bus pulls away, Wang stares ahead into the middle distance while his wife, Sun Jing, buries her head in her arms. Neither dare glance out the rear window at what they are leaving behind: their two-year-old daughter, named Siting, nestled in the arms of Wang's father. It was barely a year ago, just ten days after Sun had finished nursing, that they first left their daughter. When the couple returned home two weeks ago, they out anxiously from between her legs. the girl The bus is starting to roll down the rutted dirt road in Dongfa village, carrying the young worker and his wife away from this ghost town near the Russian border. The couple squeeze into the backseat, she carrying a bright blue gym bag, he the dull burden ofhistory. Twenty-six years ago, his parents named him Wang Tieren, or Iron Man Wang. I a region whose state-run factories and furnaces fueled the Even as other parts of Chin Besummarize the and race are all culturally