UNITY 5.3.1 发行说明 中文版

Analytics: Added support for fetching GoogleAdsId via new API RequestAdvertisingIdentifierAsync.
tvOS: Added Apple TV support. Look for tvOS build target to try it. Enjoy!
VR: Added support for VR Application Focus. All VR Players are now forced to Run in the background.
VR:添加支持VR Application Focus.所有VR Players现在强制运行与后台。

Graphics: Optimized performance of setting up shader
blend/depth/raster/stencil states. This is mostly visible when using deferred rendering.
Graphics: Added client/worker multithreaded rendering support to OS X Metal.
Graphics:添加 客户端/worker 多线程渲染支持OSX Metel。
IL2CPP: Added support for the MethodImplOptions.NoInlining option to prevent methods in the generated C++ code from being inlined.
IL2CPP:添加MethodImplOptions.NoInlining 选项设置私有函数生成C++代码时的inlined标记。
iOS: Use new Game Center APIs when possible.
iOS:允许时会使用新的Game Center APIs
JsonUtility: Serialize Color32 fields as separate RGBA values instead of a binary blob.
JsonUtility:序列化 Color32区块为分离的RGBA值替代一整个二进制块。
Networking: Added a warning for NetworkIdentity on child game objects.
Networking: Added dontListen flag to NetworkServer. This is useful when running in single-player or offline mode, but as a Network Host. RuntimeInitializeOnLoad now fires more consistently when entering playmode in the Editor and playing at Runtime.
Networking:添加 dontListen标记到NetworkServer。当运行单人或离线模式时很有用,当做为网络主机时。当在编辑器模式并且实时播放进入运行模式时RuntimeInitializeOnLoad 现在fires more consistently。^^!!…
SceneManagement: Added SceneManager.UnloadScene(Scene) making it easier to unload a scene if you already have a reference to it.
Substance: Substance textures cached to disk/flash are now LZ4-compressed, old caches are discarded.
Substance:Substance 纹理缓存到磁盘/闪存时现在使用LZ4压缩,老的缓存被抛弃了。
Substance: SubstanceImporter.ExportBitmaps is now public.
Substance: SubstanceImporter.ExportBitmaps 显示是公有属性了。
Substance: ExportPreset was added to the ProceduralMaterialInspector’s context menu.
Substance:ExportPreset被添加到ProceduralMaterialInspector’s 内容菜单中。
Substance: When importing a SBSAR file, the metallic workflow is now picked up by default if the material has the right outputs, even if it also has the right outputs for the specular workflow. Previously, if the material had the right outputs for the metallic and the specular workflows, then the specular workflow would be selected.
Substance:当导入一个SBSAR文件时,metallic流程被默认选取当材质被正确输出,尽管他还有正确的被输出为specular 流。在此之前,如果材料有正确的输出的metallic和specular 的工作流程,将选择镜面工作流程。
VR: Optimized Oculus to start CPU work for next frame while Rendering the current frame.

Samsung TV: Added Ignore BG Alpha Clear checkbox to Resolution section of Samsung TV player settings. This will disable the clearing of the alpha value for the background fill allowing for blending between Unity’s render layer and the layer behind.
Samsung TV:为Samsung TV player settings 区域 添加Ignore BG Alpha Clear选项框。这将禁用该背景填充允许在Unity的渲染层和后面的层之间进行混合的α值的清除。
