
条件随机场(CRF - conditional Random Fields )的库资源

FlexCRFs: Flexible CRF

  • website: FlexCRFs
  • description: conditional ramdom field toolkit for segmenting and labeling sequence data written in C/C++ using STL library. the optimize method is to use L-BFGS.


  • website:CRF++
  • description: fro segmenting/labeling sequential data.mostly for NLP taks.

CRF suite

  • website:CRF suite 
    -description: mostly for labeling sequential data. Among the various implementations of CRFs, the software provides several methods including forward/ backward alogrithms.

CRF project

  • website: enter link description here
  • description: mostly for labeling sequential data. This project is written by Java and easy to use.


-website: Mallet 
description: This package is written in java and i have no idea how this package can be useful.


  • website:SGD
  • description: This package is written by Python. Mostly based on Stochastic Gradient.


  • website:FACTORIE
  • description: Written in Scala, which has a promising future.

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