Android 性能优化 内存优化 How Android Managers Memory


在上篇 Android 性能优化 内存优化 基本概念对Android整个系统有了初步认识,即Android在系统上做了哪些操作来节约内存,这篇文章就主要介绍Android是如何进行内存管理的。

在 Android应用开发性能优化完全分析这篇文章中对Android内存性能优化分析中,主要从两个方面进行分析,一是系统级内存管理,二是应用级内存管理。而这种分法是最清晰易懂的,所以本篇文章也从这两个方面入手。

1. Android系统级内存管理


1.1 Android进程两大特点:

  1. 第一个特点是每一个Android应用程序进程都由Zygote的进程fork出来的。
  2. 第二个特点是每一个Android应用程序进程都有一个Dalvik虚拟机实例。这样做的好处是Android应用程序进程之间不会相互影响,也就是说,一个Android应用程序进程的意外中止,不会影响到其它的Android应用程序进程的正常运行。

1.2 Android进程的优先级

the system places each process into an “importance hierarchy” based on the components running in the process and the state of those components.


  • Foreground process

    • 拥有用户正在交互的 Activity(已调用onResume())
    • 拥有某个 Service,后者绑定到用户正在交互的 Activity
    • 拥有正在“前台”运行的 Service(服务已调用 startForeground())
    • 拥有正执行一个生命周期回调的 Service(onCreate()、onStart() 或 onDestroy())
    • 拥有正执行其 onReceive() 方法的 BroadcastReceiver
  • Visible process

    • 拥有不在前台、但仍对用户可见的 Activity(已调用onPause())。
    • 拥有绑定到可见(或前台)Activity 的 Service
  • Service process

    • 正在运行startService()方法启动的服务,且不属于上述两个更高类别进程的进程。
  • Background process
    后台进程对用户体验没有直接影响,系统可能随时终止它们,以回收内存供前台进程、可见进程或服务进程使用。 通常会有很多后台进程在运行,因此它们会保存在LRU列表中,以确保包含用户最近查看的Activity的进程最后一个被终止。如果某个 Activity 正确实现了生命周期方法,并保存了其当前状态,则终止其进程不会对用户体验产生明显影响,因为当用户导航回该 Activity 时,Activity 会恢复其所有可见状态。

    • 对用户不可见的Activity的进程(已调用Activity的onStop()方法)
  • Empty process
    保留这种进程的的唯一目的是用作缓存,以缩短下次在其中运行组件所需的启动时间。 为使总体系统资源在进程缓存和底层内核缓存之间保持平衡,系统往往会终止这些进程。

    • 不含任何活动应用组件的进程

官方文档;Processes and Threads
Android 进程优先级详解

1.3 Android进程回收机制

  • Android might decide to shut down a process at some point, when memory is low and required by other processes that are more immediately serving the user. Application components running in the process that’s killed are consequently destroyed. A process is started again for those components when there’s again work for them to do.
    当 Android 应用程序退出时,并不清理其所占用的内存,Linux 内核进程也相应的继续存在,所谓“退出但不关闭”。从而使得用户调用程序时能够在第一时间得到响应。当系统内存不足时,系统将激活内存回收过程,就会清除掉一个进程来提供内存,被杀掉的进程内的所有组件都会立刻被销毁。

  • When users switch between apps, Android keeps apps that are not foreground in a least-recently used (LRU) cache.
    As the system runs low on memory, it kills processes in the LRU cache beginning with the process least recently used. The system also accounts for processes that hold onto the most memory and can terminate them to free up RAM.
    为了不因内存回收影响用户体验(如杀死当前的活动进程),Android 基于进程中运行的组件及其状态规定了默认的五个回收优先级。并且Android将所有进程放进LUR cache中,并根据进程的优先级、和所占用内存大小来杀死进程。

  • When the system begins killing processes in the LRU cache, it primarily works bottom-up. The system also considers which processes consume more memory and thus provide the system more memory gain if killed. The less memory you consume while in the LRU list overall, the better your chances are to remain in the list and be able to quickly resume.

官方文档:Switching apps

其中ActivityManagerService 集中管理所有进程的内存资源分配。所有进程需要申请或释放内存之前必须调用 ActivityManagerService 对象,获得其“许可”之后才能进行下一步操作,或者 ActivityManagerService 将直接“代劳”,通过trimApplications()方法进行内存回收。

Android 性能优化 内存优化 How Android Managers Memory_第1张图片

1. CACHED_APP_MAX_ADJ:不可见进程的adj最大值
2. CACHED_APP_MIN_ADJ:不可见进程的adj最小值
4. PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ:可感知进程,比如后台音乐播放
5. VISIBLE_APP_ADJ:可见进程(Visible process)
6. FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ:前台进程(Foreground process)


IBM: Android 操作系统的内存回收机制



2. Android应用级内存管理


2.1 Android内存分配和回收

Android给每个应用分配独立的虚拟机,并且规定了虚拟机的堆内存阈值,达到这个内存再要分配更多时就会抛出OOM,JVM宁愿抛出异常也不愿杀死可能有用的对象。可通过adb shell getprop | grep heap可查看所分配的最大内存。

  • The logical size of the heap is not the same as the amount of physical memory used by the heap. When inspecting your app’s heap, Android computes a value called the Proportional Set Size (PSS), which accounts for both dirty and clean pages that are shared with other processes—but only in an amount that’s proportional to how many apps share that RAM. This (PSS) total is what the system considers to be your physical memory footprint. For more information about PSS, see the Investigating Your RAM Usage guide.
    Android所分配的堆内存的逻辑大小并不等于实际大小。Android使用PSS(Proportional Set Size)来表示该进程所占用的物理内存。其中Proportional Set Size(PSS)记录了应用程序自身占用以及和其他进程进行共享的内存。

  • The Dalvik heap does not compact the logical size of the heap, meaning that Android does not defragment the heap to close up space. Android can only shrink the logical heap size when there is unused space at the end of the heap.
    However, the system can still reduce physical memory used by the heap. After garbage collection, Dalvik walks the heap and finds unused pages, then returns those pages to the kernel using madvise.
    GC之后, VM会遍历Heap找到不被使用的pages, 通过madvise函数将其返回给内核, 从而释放这块被逻辑Heap使用的物理内存.

Allocating and Reclaiming App Memory
View overall memory allocations

2.2 Android虚拟机的GC

Android中Dalvik和ART采用的是不同的GC,在 官方文档:GC 和 ART and Dalvik中也有介绍(这里主要是ART的):

  • Android’s memory heap is a generational one, meaning that there are different buckets of allocations that it tracks, based on the expected life and size of an object being allocated. For example, recently allocated objects belong in the *Young generation. When an object stays active long enough, it can be promoted to an older generation, followed by a permanent generation.*

  • Each heap generation has its own dedicated upper limit on the amount of memory that objects there can occupy. Any time a generation starts to fill up, the system executes a garbage collection event in an attempt to free up memory. The duration of the garbage collection depends on which generation of objects it’s collecting and how many active objects are in each generation.

ART在堆内存里,采用的是分代收集算法。所有Java堆可以细分为:新生代和老年代。在细致分就是把新生代分为:Eden空间、From Survivor空间、To Survivor空间。当堆无法再扩展时,会抛出OutOfMemoryError异常。

2.3 垃圾收集算法介绍

  • 任何一种垃圾回收算法一般要做2件基本的事情:

    1. 发现无用信息对象;
    2. 回收被无用对象占用的内存空间,使该空间可被程序再次使用。
  • 判断对象是否无用的两种算法:

    1. 引用计数算法(Reference Counting Collector)
    2. 根搜索算法(JVM采用)
      • 虚拟机栈中引用的对象(本地变量表)
      • 方法区中静态属性引用的对象
      • 方法区中常量引用的对象
      • 本地方法栈中JNI引用的对象(Native对象)
  • JVM采用的垃圾回收算法有:

    1. 标记-清除算法(mark and sweep)
    2. 标记-整理算法(mark and compact)
    3. 复制算法(copying)
    4. 分代算法(generation算法)
  • JVM的内存管理更多请参考:
    深入理解 Java 垃圾回收机制
    Android GC 那点事




