一、 行政类
1. Event#71101 The natives come over and pledge allegiance #土蕃归顺#
#描述#:The indigenous people hope for a better life, and they follow our envoy to leave the inhabited area. #土蕃向往更好的生活,他们跟随我们的特使离开了聚居地。#
#前提#: Has enable the“Humanist idea groups ”#有人文理念组#
Has the“Local Traditions”#有“当地传统”子理念#
The year is at least 1098 #最早年限西元1098#
The year is before 1298#最晚年限西元1298#
Does NOT have the modifier “The natives come over”#没有“土蕃归顺”标识#
Does NOT have the modifier “The revolt of natives”#没有“土著叛乱”标识#
Mean Time to Happen:120 month #平均发生时间:120月#
触发修正:x0.8,Prestige more than 50 #威望超过50,时间缩短20%#
x0.9,Legitimacy more than 80 #正统性超过80,时间缩短10%#
选项1:Have a little sence of achievement. #略有成就感#
效果:This country gets the modifier“The natives come over”for 6 years with the following effect#本国获得“土蕃归顺”标识6年,并维持如下效果#:
-1% Prestige decay #每年威望衰退-1%#
选项2:We are family.#何分彼此#
效果:This country gets the modifier “The natives come over”for 6 years with the following effect#本国获得“土蕃归顺”标识6年,并维持如下效果#:
-10% Stability cost modifier # 稳定花费修正-10%#
2. Event#71102 The revolt of natives#土著叛乱#
#描述#:Indigenous people are difficult to adapt to the civilized society, the violence spread and losing control. #土著居民难以适应文明社会,暴力冲突蔓延并且失去控制。#
#前提#:Has enable the “Humanist idea groups ” #有人文理念组#
The year is at least 1098 #最早年限西元1098#
The year is before 1298#最晚年限西元1298#
Does NOT have the modifier “The revolt of natives”#没有“土著叛乱”标识#
Does NOT have the modifier “The natives come over”#没有“土蕃归顺”标识#
Mean Time to Happen:90 month #平均发生时间:90月#
触发修正:x0.8,Prestige less than 5 #威望低于5,时间缩短20%#
x0.9,Legitimacy less than 50 #正统性低于50,时间缩短10%#
选项1:Every day I examine myself once and again. #吾日三省吾身#
效果:This country gets the modifier “The revolt of natives”for 6 years with the following effect:#本国获得“土著叛乱”标识6年,并维持如下效果#:
1.-15% National tax modifier #国家税收修正 -15%#
2.-1 National unrest #国家叛乱度-1#
选项2:They have three choices except living. #这事儿现在没得商量了#
1.Size 3 Separatist rebels rise in revolt in capital of this country#分离主义叛军出现在本国首都#
2.This country gets the modifier “The revolt of natives”for 6 years with the following effect:#本国获得“土著叛乱”标识6年,并维持如下效果#:
-0.05 Monthly autonomy change #月度自治度转变-0.05#
+2 National unrest #国家叛乱度+2#
选项3:I have a compromise proposal. #买卖不成情意在#
1.Gains 1 Stability #稳定度+1#
2.This country gets the modifier “The revolt of natives”for 6 years with the following effect:#本国获得“土著叛乱”标识6年,并维持如下效果#:
-10% National tax modifier #国家税收修正-10%#
-10% Production efficiency #生产效率-10%#
-10% Trade efficiency #贸易效率-10%#
3. Event #71103 Eliminate the vicious wizard#消灭残暴的巫师#
#描述# Kill them who spread fallacies to deceive people. #妖言惑众者诛#
#前提# Has enable the“Religious idea groups ”#有宗教理念组#
Has the“Deus Vult”#有“天意”子理念#
The year is at least 1108 #最早年限西元1108#
The year is before 1348#最晚年限西元1348#
Mean Time to Happen:300 month #平均发生时间:300月#
触发修正:x0.9 ,Religious unity more than 95%#宗教统一度高于95%,时间缩短10%#
x0.9 ,Has enable the“Espionage idea groups”#有间谍理念组,时间缩短10%#
选项1:Exterminate is our honor. #除恶务尽#
效果:1.Loses 100 Military power #失去100军事点数#
2.Loses 1 Stability #稳定度-1#
3.Gains 100 Administrative power #获得100行政点数#
4.Gains 100 Diplomatic power #获得100 外交点数#
选项2:It’s enough! #适可而止#
效果:1.Loses 10 Prestige #失去10威望#
2.Gains 2 Corruption #增加2 腐败#
3.Gains 10 Legitimacy #获得10 正统性#
or 3 Republic tradition #或者3共和传统#
or 10 Devotion #或者10宗教奉献#
or 10 Horde Unity #或者10游牧统一#
4. Gains 1 Stability #稳定度+1#
4. Event #71104 Absorb the local customs and legends #吸收当地风俗与传说#
#描述# Legend is the tombstone of heroes. We should be moving native hero‘s tombstone to our cemetery. #传说是英雄的墓碑。我们应当将土著英雄的墓碑迁入我们的墓园。#
#前提# Has enable the“Humanist idea groups ”#有人文理念组#
Has enable the“Administrative idea groups ”#有行政理念组#
Has NOT enable the “Religious idea groups”#没有宗教理念组#
Has the “Administrative Efficiency”#有“行政效率”子理念#
Has the “Cultural Ties“ #有”文化纽带“子理念#
Stability more than 1 #稳定度高于1#
This year is at least 1180 #最早年限1180年#
Does NOT have the modifier “Absorb the local customs and legends”#没有“吸收当地风俗与传说”标识#
Mean Time to Happen:600 month #平均发生时间:600月#
触发修正:x0.9 ,Has enable the “Diplomatic idea groups” #有外交理念组,时间缩短10%#
x0.9 ,Has enable the“Innovative idea groups”#有革新理念组,时间缩短10%#
x0.9 ,Has enable the “Aristocratic idea groups” #有贵族理念组,时间缩短10%#
x0.9 , Prestige more than 70 #威望高于70,时间缩短10%#
x1.2 , Prestige less than 25 #威望低于25,时间增加20%#
x0.95 ,Legitimacy more than 95 #正统性高于95,时间缩短5%#
x0.95,Stability 2 #稳定度是2,时间缩短5%#
x0.9,Stability 3 #稳定度是3,时间缩短10%#
x1.5,Yearly income less than 100 ducats #年收入少于100杜卡特,时间增加50%#
选项1:New Legend,New Hero. #举头三尺有神灵,拜完佛祖拜三清#
效果:1. Gains 200 Military Power #获得200军事点数#
2. Gains 200 Administrative power #获得200行政点数#
3. Gains 200 Diplomatic power #获得200外交点数#
4. Loses 200% cash of yearly income #失去两倍年收入的现金#
5. Loses 1 Stability #稳定度-1#
选项2:One Legend,One Hero. #同文同种,一衣带水#
效果:This country gets the modifier“Absorb the local customs and legends“ for 10 years with the following effect:#本国获得“吸收当地风俗与传说”标识10年,并维持如下效果#:
1. -5% Idea cost #理念花费-5%#
2. -10% Technology cost #科技花费-10%#
3. -15% Advisor costs #顾问花费-15%#
4. -0.10 Monthly war exhaustion #月度厌战-0.10#
5. +2 National unrest #国家叛乱度+2#
5.Event#71105 The secret of the whale #鲸的秘密#
#描述# Ambergris from the stomachs of sperm whales. This is just as important as the living area of whales. #龙涎香来自抹香鲸的胃。这与鲸的生活区域同样重要。#
#前提# Has enable the“Exploration idea groups ”#有探索理念组#
Has an Diplomatic technology of at least 10. #外交科技等级至少10#
Trade income more than 33% of total income. #贸易收入超过总收入的33%#
Production efficiency more than 25%. #生产效率超过25%#
This year is before 1294 #最晚年限1294#
Does NOT have the modifier “The secret of the whale”#没有“鲸的秘密”标识#
Mean time to happen:100 month #平均发生时间:100月#
触发修正:x0.9 Trade income more than 50% of total income #贸易收入超过总收入的50%,时间缩短10%#
x0.9 Production efficiency more than 45% #生产效率超过45%,时间缩短10%#
x0.9 Light ships more than 20 #轻船数量超过20艘,时间缩短10%#
x0.8 Has the “Quest for the New World”#有”探索新世界”子理念,时间缩短20%#
选项1:It‘s a good secret. #秘而不宣#
效果:This country gets the modifier“The secret of the whale “ for 5 years with following effect:#本国获得“鲸的秘密”标识5年,并维持如下效果#:
1.+5% Trade efficiency #贸易效率+5%#
2.+5% Production efficiency #生产效率+5%#
3.-10% National manpower modifier #国家人力修正-10%#
选项2:It‘s a good gift. #公开炫耀#
1. This country gets the modifier“The secret of the whale “ for 5 years #本国获得“鲸的秘密”标识5年#
2.+20 Prestige #获得20威望#
3. Every neighbour country that has not enable the “Exploration idea groups“gets the opinion modifier ”Friendly neighbour“towards this country worth 20 opinion with a yearly decay of -1.#每个没有探索理念组的邻国获得”友邻“修正,这使其对本国有额外20友善,并以每年-1的衰退持续至0。#
6. Event #71106 The vigorous development of the silk trade #丝绸贸易的蓬勃发展#
#描述# Silks can attract more natives to trading. #丝绸能够吸引更多土著前来交易。#
#前提# The share of Silk trade more than 15% #丝绸贸易份额超过15%#
The National unrest less than 2 #国家叛乱度小于2#
Stability less than 3 #稳定度小于3#
The year is before 1280 #最晚年限1280年#
Mean time to happen:100 month #平均发生时间:100月
触发修正:x0.9 has enable the “Trade idea groups“ #拥有贸易理念组”
x0.9 Ruler’s Diplomatic skill is at lest 4. #君主外交能力至少4#
x0.9 Ruler’s Diplomatic skill is 6. #君主外交能力是6#
选项1:Give privileges to natives. #给予土著优惠#
效果:1. loses -10% cash of yearly income #减少一成年收入的现金#
2. Gains 1 Stability #稳定度+1#
选项2:Teach natives to farming,spinning and weaving. #授以桑麻#
效果:1. -1 National unrest #国家叛乱度-1#
2. Gains 25 diplomatic power #获得25外交点数#
选项3:Business is business. #在商言商#
效果:1.Gains 20% cash of yearly income #得到两成年收入的现金#
2.+2 National unrest #国家叛乱度+2#
7. Event #71107 The coming of Northern Migration #北方移民的到来#
#描述# The fourth year in Shaosheng era(a.d 1089),a large number of northern migration coming to the South China Sea to settle down. #绍圣四年(西元1089),大量北方移民来到南海定居。#
#前提# This year is at least 1087. #最早年限1087#
This year is before 1094.#最晚年限1094#
Has 1 port at least. #至少有一个港口#
Cash more than 25 ducats #现金多于25杜卡特#
Number of land force less than 75% of the limit of land force #陆军数量少于陆军上限的75%#
manpower more than 3000 #人力储备多于3000#
Does NOT have the modifier “The coming of Northern Migration“ #没有“北方移民的到来”标识
Does NOT have the modifier “Northern Migration localization” #没有“北方移民本地化”标识
Does NOT have the “Local Traditions” idea #没有“当地传统”子理念#
Mean time to happen:40 month #平均发生时间:40月
触发修正: x0.9 Ruler‘s Administrative skill is at least 4. #君主行政能力至少4#
x0.9 manpower more than 10000 #人力储备多于10000#
x0.5 this year is at least 1090 #1090年后#
x0.9 has the advisor “stateman ” #有“政治家”顾问#
选项1:Good boy. The state want you. #良家子,国家需要你。#
效果:1.Gains 2 Infantry and 1 Cavalry in capital of this country. #首都获得2步1骑#
2.Get modifier "The coming of Northern Migration" for 12 years with follow effect: #获得“北方移民的到来”标识12年并伴有如下效果:#
+5% Manpower recovery speed #人力储备恢复速度+5%#
+10% National manpower modifier #国家人力储备修正+10%#
选项2:Good boy. The county need you. #良家子,郡县需要你。#
效果:1. Gains 1 Stability #稳定度+1#
2.Get modifier "The coming of Northern Migration" for 12 years with follow effect: #获得“北方移民的到来”标识12年并伴有如下效果:#
+5% Trade efficiency #贸易效率+5%#
+10% Province trade power #省份贸易力量+10%#
选项3:Good boy. Take care of yourself. #良家子,多保重。#
效果:1. Loses 25 ducat #现金减少25杜卡特#
Gains 20 Prestige #获得20威望#
Gains 5 Legitimacy #获得5正统性#
2.Get modifier "The coming of Northern Migration" for 12 years with follow effect: #获得“北方移民的到来”标识12年并伴有如下效果:#
-1% Prestige decay #威望衰退-1%#
+15% National tax modifier #国家税收修正+15%#
8. Event #71108 Bonus of Northern Migration #北方移民的红利#
#描述# Northern Migration brought advanced production technology and mature agricultural techniques.#北方移民带来了先进的生产技术和成熟的农业技巧。#
#前提# Has the modifier “The coming of Northern Migration" #有“北方移民的到来”标识#
Does NOT have one of following modifier:#没有以下标识之一:#
“More manpower from Northern Migration” #”更多人力来自北方移民“#
“More production from Northern Migration”#“更多产品来自北方移民”#
“More reputation from Northern Migration” #”更多声誉来自北方移民“#
This year is at least 1090 #最早年限1090#
This year is before 1104 #最晚年限1104#
Stability more than 1 #稳定度高于1#
Cash more than 100 ducats #现金多于100杜卡特#
Manpower more than 6000 #人力储备超过6000#
This country is not a subject nation #本国并非附庸国#
Mean time to happen:100 month #平均发生时间:100月#
触发修正:x0.9 Stability is 3 #稳定度是3#
x0.9 has advisor “Treasurer” #有“财政官”顾问#
x0.7 Administrative technology is at least 6. #行政科技等级高于6#
x0.3 This year is at least 1100 #1100年后#
选项1: It's time to gain more manpower. #兵民合一#
效果: 1. Gains 4 Infantry and 2 Artillery in capital of this country.#4步兵团和2炮兵团出现在首都#
2. Gains an advisor with follow probability:#据以下几率获得一名顾问:#
33% a level 2 Commandant #33%几率获得一名二级军校校长#
33% a level 2 Grand Captain #33%几率获得一名二级大队长#
33% a level 2 Quartermaster #33%几率获得一名二级军需官#
1% a level 3 Army Reformer with half salary #1%几率获得一名三级半薪陆军改革者#
3. Get modifier "More manpower from Northern Migration" for 20 years with follow effect: #获得“更多人力来自北方移民”标识20年并伴有如下效果:#
+10% cavalry cost #骑兵组建费用+10%#
+25% land force limit #陆军上限+25%#
选项2:It's time to gain more production. #取之于民#
效果:1. Gains 200% cash of yearly income #得到两倍年收入的现金#
Loses 1 Stability #稳定度-1#
2. Gains an advisor with follow probability:#据以下几率获得一名顾问:#
33% a level 2 Natural Scientist #33%几率获得一名二级自然科学家#
33% a level 2 Trader #33%几率获得一名二级商人#
33% a level 2 Treasurer #33%几率获得一名二级财政官#
1% a level 3 Master of Mint with half salary #1%几率获得一名三级半薪铸币专家#
3. Get modifier "More production from Northern Migration" for 20 years with follow effect: #获得“更多产品来自北方移民”标识20年并伴有如下效果:#
+15% Stability cost modifier #稳定花费修正+15%#
+20% National tax modifier #国家税收修正+20%#
选项3:It's time to gain more reputation. #以民为本#
效果: 1. Lose 100 ducats. #现金减少100杜卡特#
Gain 20 Prestige #获得20威望#
2. Gain an advisor with follow probability:#据以下几率获得一名顾问:#
33% a level 2 Philosopher #33%几率获得一名二级哲学家#
33% a level 2 Diplomat #33%几率获得一名二级外交官#
33% a level 2 Theologian #33%几率获得一名二级神学家#
1% a level 3 Statesman with half salary #1%几率获得一名三级半薪政治家#
3. Get modifier "More reputation from Northern Migration" for 20 years with follow effect: #获得“更多声誉来自北方移民”标识20年并伴有如下效果:#
+2 Diplomatic reputation #外交声望+2#
+2 National Unrest #国家叛乱度+2#
9.Event #71109 Northern Migration localization #北方移民本地化#
#描述# Northern Migration have taken root in South China Sea. #北方移民在南海地区落地生根。#
#前提# This year is at least 1120 #最早年限1120#
Does NOT have one of following modifier:#没有以下标识之一:#
“More manpower from Northern Migration” #”更多人力来自北方移民“#
“More production from Northern Migration”#“更多产品来自北方移民”#
“More reputation from Northern Migration” #”更多声誉来自北方移民“#
Does NOT have one of following modifier:#没有以下标识之一:#
“The rise of militarism” #“军国主义的崛起”#
“The rise of pluralism” #“多元主义的崛起”#
“The rise of nationalism” #“民族主义的崛起”#
This country is NOT a subject nation #本国不是附庸国#
This country is NOT a junior in a Personal Union #本国不是被联合统治国#
Stability is more than 1 #稳定度高于1#
Mean time to happen:300 month #平均发生时间:300月#
触发修正: x0.9 Stability is 3 #稳定度是3#
x0.9 Ruler's administrative skill is at least 4 #君主行政能力至少4#
x0.9 Ruler's diplomatic skill is at least 4 #君主外交能力至少4#
x0.9 Ruler's military skill is at least 4 #君主军事能力至少4#
x0.9 Country tag is “DYO” #国家编码是“大雍”#
x0.9 Country tag is “CAO” #国家编码是“曹国”#
x0.9 Country tag is “QIG” #国家编码是“岐国”#
x0.9 Country tag is “ZHG” #国家编码是“周国”#
x0.8 Country tag is “YEG” #国家编码是“邺国”#
x0.5 this year is at least 1150 #1150年后#
选项1:New dialect. #新的方言#
效果:1. Gains 300 military power #获得300军事点数#
2. Ruler‘s military skill add 1 #君主军事能力+1#
3. Get the modifier “The rise of militarism” for 10 years with follow effect:
+10% Morale of armies #陆军士气+10%#
+10% Discipline #军事训练度+10%#
-10% Land maintenance modifier #陆军维护费修正-10%#
-0.05 Monthly war exhaustion #月度厌战-0.05#
#AI选择# Base weight :100 #基础权重100#
x2.0 Country tag is “ZHG” #国家编码是“周国”#
x1.5 Country tag is "DYO" #国家编码是“大雍”#
x0.5 Country tag is “YEG” #国家编码是“邺国”#
选项2: New custom. #新的风俗#
效果: 1. Gains 300 diplomatic power #获得300外交点数#
2. Ruler’s diplomatic skill add 1 #君主外交能力+1#
3. Get the modifier “The rise of pluralism” for 10 years with follow effect:
+1 Diplomatic relations #外交关系+1#
+1 Diplomatic reputation #外交威望+1#
-10% Aggressive expansion impact #侵略扩张的影响-10%#
-15% Cost of reducing war exhaustion #消除厌战的花费-15%#
#AI选择# Base weight :100 #基础权重100#
x2.0 Country tag is “QIG” #国家编码是“岐国”#
x1.5 Country tag is "CAO" #国家编码是“曹国”#
x0.5 Country tag is “ZHG” #国家编码是“周国”#
选项3: New nation. #新的民族#
效果: 1. Gains 300 administrative power #获得300行政点数#
2. Ruler's administrative skill add 1 #君主行政能力+1#
3. Get the modifier “The rise of nationalism” for 10 years with follow effect:#获得“民族主义的崛起”标识10年并伴有如下效果:#
-10% idea cost #理念花费-10%#
-1 National unrest #国家叛乱度-1#
+1 Yearly prestige #年度威望+1#
-0.10 Yearly inflation reduction #年度通胀减少 -0.10#
#AI选择# Base weight :100 #基础权重100#
x2.0 Country tag is “YEG” #国家编码是“邺国”#
x1.5 Country tag is "ZHG" #国家编码是“周国”#
x0.5 Country tag is “DYO” #国家编码是“雍国”#
10. Event #71110 Construction of the capital #首都建设#
#描述# A landmark of the capital is necessary. #首都需要一个地标建筑#
#前提# This year is before 1127 #最晚年限1127年#
This country is NOT a subject nation #本国不是附庸国#
Prestige is less than 25 #威望少于25#
Stability is at least 0 #稳定度不为负#
Mean time to happen: 200 month #平均发生时间:200月#
触发修正: x0.9 Ruler's administrative skill is 6 #君主行政能力为6#
x0.8 have a advisor “Artist” #有“艺术家”顾问#
选项1:Grand Palace. #雄伟宫殿#
效果: 1. Loses 100% cash of yearly income #减少一年年收入的现金#
2. Gains 15 Legitimacy #正统性+15#
3. Province manpower of capital +1 #首都的省份人力+1#
选项2:Large Harbor.#大型港口#
效果: 1. Loses 100% cash of yearly income #减少一年年收入的现金#
2. Gains 200 sailor #水手+200#
3. Province base tax of capital +1 #首都的省份税基+1#
选项3:Great Library. #大图书馆#
效果: 1. Loses 100% cash of yearly income #减少一年年收入的现金#
2. Gains 25 Prestige #威望+25#
3. Province production of capital +1 #首都省份生产+1#