Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)


MS 前段时间发布了.NET Native Developer Preview,被广大人员赋予“C++的性能,.NET的生产力”之期望。我们暂时不管此技术现在是否有价值的讨论,先来谈谈下其内部实现。

为确保环境纯洁性,我搭建环境为 :
WIN 8.1 With update1 MSDN iso
VS2013 CHS + VS2013 UPDATE2 RC


安装完毕并启动VS2013,根据MSDN 的.NET Native 文档(
Visual C# -> 应用商店应用 -> Windows 应用程序 -> 网格应用程序(Windows)
Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第1张图片
新建项目后开启Native 编译;

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第2张图片

然后在菜单 [生成] 里面 [活动解决方案平台] 选择 x64,(因为目前的版本仅支持X64和ARM平台);

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第3张图片

在 [项目] 菜单的 [生成] 选项卡里 [Compile with .NET Native tool chain] 上打对号;

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第4张图片

在 [项目] 菜单的 [调试] 选项卡里选中如下:

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第5张图片


Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第6张图片


Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第7张图片
我们可以直接看到的差别就是 App1.exe 变的很小,5KB,而多了个App1.dll 7MB多;用CFF Explorer打开App1.exe:
Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第8张图片
Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第9张图片
用IDA打开 App1.exe 找到入口函数可看到:
Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第10张图片


Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第11张图片


Name                         Address          Ordinal
----                         -------          -------
$thread_static_index         0000000000AD2DB0 1      
AppendExceptionStackFrame    000000000076E004 2      
CheckStaticClassConstruction 0000000000765598 3      
CreateCommandLine            000000000076ABB8 4      
CtorCharArray                00000000007734A8 5      
CtorCharArrayStartLength     0000000000773190 6      
CtorCharCount                0000000000772A28 7      
CtorCharPtr                  0000000000772EC0 8      
CtorCharPtrStartLength       0000000000772C1C 9      
FailFast                     0000000000768E1C 10     
GetRuntimeException          0000000000769084 11     
RHBinder__ShimExeMain        0000000000426CF0 12     
RHBinder__DllMain            0000000000426D24        


下面我们用 CFF Explorer 打开App1.dll:

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第12张图片


Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第13张图片








CFF Explorer 打开 mrt100_app.dll:

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第14张图片

看见没 Microsoft .NET Native Runtime......

用vc工具 dumpbin /exports mrt100_app.dll 看其导出:

  1 Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 11.00.61030.0
  2 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
  5 Dump of file mrt100_app.dll
  7 File Type: DLL
  9   Section contains the following exports for mrt100.dll
 11     00000000 characteristics
 12     533689BD time date stamp Sat Mar 29 16:52:13 2014
 13         0.00 version
 14            1 ordinal base
 15          277 number of functions
 16          277 number of names
 18     ordinal hint RVA      name
 20           1    0 00035DD8 GetRuntimeException
 21           2    1 00036314 ProcessFinalizers
 22           3    2 00001EF8 RegisterCodeManager
 23           4    3 00034DC0 RhBox
 24           5    4 00036760 RhCanUnloadModule
 25           6    5 000367C0 RhCollect
 26           7    6 00002E00 RhEnableShutdownFinalization
 27           8    7 00035E5C RhExceptionHandling_FailedAllocation
 28           9    8 000361B8 RhExceptionHandling_ThrowClasslibArithmeticException
 29          10    9 0003622C RhExceptionHandling_ThrowClasslibDivideByZeroException
 30          11    A 00036144 RhExceptionHandling_ThrowClasslibIndexOutOfRangeException
 31          12    B 000362A0 RhExceptionHandling_ThrowClasslibOverflowException
 32          13    C 00035EDC RhExceptionHandling_ThrowInter
 33          14    D 000360D8 RhExceptionHandling_ThrowIntra
 34          15    E 00003244 RhFindBlob
 35          16    F 00036498 RhGcStress_Initialize
 36          17   10 00034C74 RhGetArrayElementType
 37          18   11 00034C3C RhGetComponentSize
 38          19   12 00034BA8 RhGetCorElementType
 39          20   13 00003808 RhGetCurrentObjSize
 40          21   14 00034B5C RhGetEETypeClassification
 41          22   15 00034B0C RhGetEETypeHash
 42          23   16 00003BAC RhGetExceptionsForCurrentThread
 43          24   17 00003830 RhGetGCNow
 44          25   18 00003618 RhGetGcCollectionCount
 45          26   19 00003668 RhGetGcLatencyMode
 46          27   1A 000368D0 RhGetGcTotalMemory
 47          28   1B 00002CBC RhGetGenericInstantiation
 48          29   1C 00034C10 RhGetInterface
 49          30   1D 00003854 RhGetLastGCDuration
 50          31   1E 0000383C RhGetLastGCStartTime
 51          32   1F 00003114 RhGetLoadedModules
 52          33   20 000037F8 RhGetLohCompactionMode
 53          34   21 00003610 RhGetMaxGcGeneration
 54          35   22 00003EF0 RhGetModuleFileNameAndBaseFromIP
 55          36   23 000031A8 RhGetModuleFromEEType
 56          37   24 00034C40 RhGetNonArrayBaseType
 57          38   25 00034BBC RhGetNullableType
 58          39   26 00034C34 RhGetNumInterfaces
 59          40   27 000033E4 RhGetStaticFieldAddress
 60          41   28 000034C0 RhGetThreadStaticFieldAddress
 61          42   29 000030B0 RhGetValueTypeSize
 62          43   2A 00035144 RhHandleAlloc
 63          44   2B 000350C8 RhHandleAllocDependent
 64          45   2C 0003504C RhHandleAllocVariable
 65          46   2D 000045E8 RhHandleCompareExchangeVariableType
 66          47   2E 00004388 RhHandleFree
 67          48   2F 000043BC RhHandleGet
 68          49   30 000043C0 RhHandleGetDependent
 69          50   31 0000458C RhHandleGetVariableType
 70          51   32 000043FC RhHandleSet
 71          52   33 000043F4 RhHandleSetDependentSecondary
 72          53   34 000045A8 RhHandleSetVariableType
 73          54   35 00034BB0 RhHasReferenceFields
 74          55   36 00002E10 RhHasShutdownStarted
 75          56   37 00034BF4 RhIsArray
 76          57   38 00034BCC RhIsNullable
 77          58   39 000037E8 RhIsPromoted
 78          59   3A 00003680 RhIsServerGc
 79          60   3B 00034BDC RhIsString
 80          61   3C 00034C04 RhIsValueType
 81          62   3D 00034C88 RhMemberwiseClone
 82          63   3E 00034EB4 RhNewArray
 83          64   3F 00034FA8 RhNewObject
 84          65   40 00036870 RhReRegisterForFinalize
 85          66   41 00003694 RhRegisterGcCallout
 86          67   42 00004404 RhRegisterRefCountedHandleCallback
 87          68   43 00035210 RhRethrow
 88          69   44 000017E0 RhSetErrorInfoBuffer
 89          70   45 00003670 RhSetGcLatencyMode
 90          71   46 00003800 RhSetLohCompactionMode
 91          72   47 00002EFC RhSpinWait
 92          73   48 000035E8 RhSuppressFinalize
 93          74   49 00035CC4 RhThrowEx
 94          75   4A 00035D1C RhThrowHwEx
 95          76   4B 00034908 RhTypeCast_AreTypesAssignable
 96          77   4C 00034728 RhTypeCast_AreTypesEquivalent
 97          78   4D 000347D4 RhTypeCast_CheckArrayStore
 98          79   4E 00033914 RhTypeCast_CheckCast
 99          80   4F 000349F4 RhTypeCast_CheckCastArray
100          81   50 00033ADC RhTypeCast_CheckCastClass
101          82   51 000344E0 RhTypeCast_CheckCastInterface
102          83   52 00034A84 RhTypeCast_CheckUnbox
103          84   53 00034738 RhTypeCast_CheckVectorElemAddr
104          85   54 00034688 RhTypeCast_IsInstanceOf
105          86   55 00034610 RhTypeCast_IsInstanceOfArray
106          87   56 00033B6C RhTypeCast_IsInstanceOfClass
107          88   57 000346C4 RhTypeCast_IsInstanceOfInterface
108          89   58 00004D94 RhUnbox
109          90   59 00003750 RhUnregisterGcCallout
110          91   5A 000044B8 RhUnregisterRefCountedHandleCallback
111          92   5B 00003600 RhWaitForPendingFinalizers
112          93   5C 00002F0C RhYield
113          94   5D 00036930 RhpAssignRefEDX
114          95   5E 00036A30 RhpBulkWriteBarrier
115          96   5F 00036AD0 RhpCheckCctor
116          97   60 00036960 RhpCheckedAssignRefEDX
117          98   61 000369A0 RhpCheckedLockCmpXchg
118          99   62 000369F0 RhpCheckedXchg
119         100   63 00003E28 RhpClearThreadDoNotTriggerGC
120         101   64 00004FBC RhpDbl2IntOvf
121         102   65 00004FE4 RhpDbl2LngOvf
122         103   66 00005088 RhpDbl2ULng
123         104   67 0000500C RhpDbl2ULngOvf
124         105   68 00036B70 RhpDblRemRev
125         106   69 00036D10 RhpEHJumpByref
126         107   6A 00036CF0 RhpEHJumpObject
127         108   6B 00036CD0 RhpEHJumpScalar
128         109   6C 00005660 RhpETWLogLiveCom
129         110   6D 00005828 RhpETWShouldWalkCom
130         111   6E 000351C0 RhpFailFastForPInvokeException
131         112   6F 0000502C RhpFlt2IntOvf
132         113   70 00005058 RhpFlt2LngOvf
133         114   71 00036B30 RhpFltRemRev
134         115   72 00036CB0 RhpGcPoll
135         116   73 00036CC0 RhpGcPollStress
136         117   74 00036F70 RhpGetThread
137         118   75 00037740 RhpInitialInterfaceDispatch
138         119   76 00036F90 RhpInterfaceDispatch1
139         120   77 00037080 RhpInterfaceDispatch16
140         121   78 00036FB0 RhpInterfaceDispatch2
141         122   79 00037170 RhpInterfaceDispatch32
142         123   7A 00036FD0 RhpInterfaceDispatch4
143         124   7B 00037360 RhpInterfaceDispatch64
144         125   7C 00037010 RhpInterfaceDispatch8
145         126   7D 00036DD0 RhpLoopHijack
146         127   7E 000379F0 RhpNewArray
147         128   7F 00037900 RhpNewFast
148         129   80 00037940 RhpNewFinalizable
149         130   81 00003FCC RhpPInvokeExceptionGuard
150         131   82 00005C2C RhpRegisterModule
151         132   83 00037870 RhpResolveInterfaceMethod
152         133   84 00037CE0 RhpRethrow
153         134   85 000382B0 RhpReversePInvoke
154         135   86 00034D30 RhpReversePInvokeBadTransition
155         136   87 00038420 RhpReversePInvokeReturn
156         137   88 00003E6C RhpSetThreadDoNotTriggerGC
157         138   89 00036A70 RhpShutdown
158         139   8A 000063C4 RhpSuppressGcStress
159         140   8B 00037BD0 RhpThrowEx
160         141   8C 00043968 RhpTrapThreads
161         142   8D 000063C4 RhpUnsuppressGcStress
162         143   8E 00038260 RhpWaitForGC
163         144   8F 000381D0 RhpWaitForSuspend
164         145   90 00001FBC UnregisterCodeManager
165         146   91 00038454 _copysign
166         147   92 0003845A _ecvt_s
167         148   93 00038460 acos
168         149   94 00038466 acosf
169         150   95 0003846C asin
170         151   96 00038472 asinf
171         152   97 00038478 atan
172         153   98 0003847E atan2
173         154   99 00038484 atan2f
174         155   9A 0003848A atanf
175         156   9B 00038490 ceil
176         157   9C 00038496 ceilf
177         158   9D 0003849C copysign
178         159   9E 000384A2 copysignf
179         160   9F 000384A8 cos
180         161   A0 000384AE cosf
181         162   A1 000384B4 cosh
182         163   A2 000384BA coshf
183         164   A3 000384C0 exp
184         165   A4 000384C6 expf
185         166   A5 000384CC floor
186         167   A6 000384D2 floorf
187         168   A7 000384D8 fmod
188         169   A8 000384DE fmodf
189         170   A9 000384E4 log
190         171   AA 000384EA log10
191         172   AB 000384F0 log10f
192         173   AC 000384F6 logf
193         174   AD 000384FC memcmp
194         175   AE 00038502 memcpy
195         176   AF 00038508 memmove
196         177   B0 0003850E memset
197         178   B1 00038514 modf
198         179   B2 0003851A pow
199         180   B3 00038520 powf
200         181   B4 00038526 sin
201         182   B5 0003852C sinf
202         183   B6 00038532 sinh
203         184   B7 00038538 sinhf
204         185   B8 0003853E sqrt
205         186   B9 00038544 sqrtf
206         187   BA 0003BA70 t119
207         188   BB 0003ACD0 t13
208         189   BC 0003ACE8 t2
209         190   BD 0003649C t2.m0
210         191   BE 00036494 t2.m1
211         192   BF 0003B2A0 t27
212         193   C0 0003B2C0 t28
213         194   C1 0003AF78 t3
214         195   C2 00036498 t3.m0
215         196   C3 000364A4 t3.m1
216         197   C4 0003AD00 t32
217         198   C5 0003AD78 t35
218         199   C6 0003ADB8 t37
219         200   C7 0003ADD8 t38
220         201   C8 0003ADF8 t39
221         202   C9 0003AE18 t40
222         203   CA 0003AE30 t41
223         204   CB 0003AE80 t44
224         205   CC 00043010 t44static_data
225         206   CD 00043018 t45static_data
226         207   CE 000364A8 t5.m1
227         208   CF 0003B3A0 t50
228         209   D0 0003B450 t56
229         210   D1 00036314 t56.m0
230         211   D2 0003ACA0 t6
231         212   D3 0003B530 t67
232         213   D4 0003B548 t68
233         214   D5 00043020 t70static_data
234         215   D6 0003B5A0 t71
235         216   D7 00036144 t71.m10
236         217   D8 000360D8 t71.m11
237         218   D9 00035EDC t71.m12
238         219   DA 00035E5C t71.m13
239         220   DB 00035DD8 t71.m14
240         221   DC 00035D1C t71.m15
241         222   DD 00035CC4 t71.m16
242         223   DE 00035210 t71.m17
243         224   DF 000351C0 t71.m25
244         225   E0 000362A0 t71.m7
245         226   E1 0003622C t71.m8
246         227   E2 000361B8 t71.m9
247         228   E3 00043028 t71static_data
248         229   E4 00043000 t71static_gcdata
249         230   E5 0003AF10 t78
250         231   E6 0003B6A0 t81
251         232   E7 0003ACA8 t82
252         233   E8 0003ACB0 t83
253         234   E9 0003B6B8 t84
254         235   EA 0003AF28 t87
255         236   EB 0003B750 t90
256         237   EC 00035144 t90.m0
257         238   ED 000350C8 t90.m1
258         239   EE 00034C3C t90.m10
259         240   EF 00034C34 t90.m11
260         241   F0 00034C10 t90.m12
261         242   F1 00034C04 t90.m13
262         243   F2 00034BF4 t90.m14
263         244   F3 00034BDC t90.m15
264         245   F4 00034BCC t90.m16
265         246   F5 00034BBC t90.m17
266         247   F6 00034BB0 t90.m18
267         248   F7 00034BA8 t90.m19
268         249   F8 0003504C t90.m2
269         250   F9 00034B5C t90.m20
270         251   FA 00034B0C t90.m21
271         252   FB 00034FA8 t90.m3
272         253   FC 00034EB4 t90.m4
273         254   FD 00034DC0 t90.m5
274         255   FE 00034D30 t90.m6
275         256   FF 00034C88 t90.m7
276         257  100 00034C74 t90.m8
277         258  101 00034C40 t90.m9
278         259  102 0003B768 t91
279         260  103 0003B7E8 t95
280         261  104 00033B6C t95.m0
281         262  105 00033ADC t95.m1
282         263  106 000344E0 t95.m11
283         264  107 000347D4 t95.m12
284         265  108 00034738 t95.m13
285         266  109 00034728 t95.m15
286         267  10A 00034688 t95.m17
287         268  10B 00033914 t95.m18
288         269  10C 00034A84 t95.m2
289         270  10D 00034610 t95.m3
290         271  10E 000349F4 t95.m4
291         272  10F 000346C4 t95.m5
292         273  110 00034908 t95.m9
293         274  111 0003854A tan
294         275  112 00038550 tanf
295         276  113 00038556 tanh
296         277  114 0003855C tanhf
298   Summary
300         6000 .data
301         3000 .pdata
302         9000 .rdata
303         1000 .reloc
304         1000 .rsrc
305        39000 .text
306         1000 .tls
View Code

发现有些函数名称如 t71.m10 貌似是被混淆过呦~~


按照惯例排除(api-ms*)后仅剩下了个msvcr120_app.dll,这个是VC2012 Runtime里面的一个dll,相当于系统dll,就不多分析了。

回头看 App1.dll ,因为是个dll,所以他被加载后首先执行的是其入口点函数 RHBinder__DllMain,而 RHBinder__DllMain 里面没别的代码,仅仅直接调用了 RHBinder__DllProcessAttach:

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第15张图片


我们看到其调用了几个类的静态构造函数 cctor.


Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第16张图片

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第17张图片



    public static class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            global::Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Start((p) => new App());

是新new 了个App1的对象:

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第18张图片

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第19张图片

Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1)_第20张图片



因篇幅所限,先到这里,这篇看的是表面张什么样,下篇看看他怎么实现的(编译系统用的是MSBUILD,下篇应该着重扒开.net native 的msbuild 部分)。


你可能感兴趣的:(Microsoft .NET Native Developer Preview 内部初探(1))