
Active Learning

  • Two Faces of Active Learning, Dasgupta, 2011
  • Active Learning Literature Survey, Settles, 2010


  • A Survey of Emerging Approaches to Spam Filtering, Caruana, 2012
  • Ambient Intelligence: A Survey, Sadri, 2011
  • A Survey of Online Failure Prediction Methods, Salfner, 2010
  • Anomaly Detection: A Survey, Chandola, 2009
  • Mining Data Streams: A Review, Gaber, 2005
  • Workflow Mining: A Survey of Issues and Approaches, Aalst, 2003


  • Support Vector Machines in Bioinformatics: a Survey, Chicco, 2012
  • Computational Epigenetics: The New Scientific Paradigm , Lim, 2010
  • Automated Protein Structure Classification: A Survey, Hassanzadeh, 2009
  • Chemoinformatics - An Introduction for Computer Scientists, Brown, 2009
  • Computational Challenges in Systems Biology, Heath, 2009
  • Computational Epigenetics , Bock, 2008
  • Progress and Challenges in Protein Structure Prediction, Zhang, 2008
  • A Review of Feature Selection in Bioinformatics, Saeys, 2007
  • Machine Learning in Bioinformatics: A Brief Survey and Recommendations for Practitioners, Bhaskar, 2006
  • Bioinformatics - An Introduction for Computer Scientists, Cohen, 2004
  • Computational Systems Biology, Kitano, 2002
  • Protein Structure Prediction and Structural Genomics, Baker, 2001
  • Recent Developments and Future Directions in Computational Genomics, Tsoka, 2000
  • Molecular Biology for Computer Scientists, Hunter, 1993


  • Supervised Machine Learning: A Review of Classification Techniques, Kotsiantis, 2007


  • XML Data Clustering: An Overview, Algergawy, 2011
  • Data Clustering: 50 Years Beyond K-Means, Jain, 2010
  • Clustering Stability: An Overview, Luxburg, 2010
  • Parallel Clustering Algorithms: A Survey, Kim, 2009
  • A Survey: Clustering Ensembles Techniques, Ghaemi, 2009
  • A Tutorial on Spectral Clustering, Luxburg, 2007
  • Survey of Clustering Data Mining Techniques, Berkhin, 2006
  • Survey of Clustering Algorithms, Xu, 2005
  • Clustering of Time Series Data - A Survey, Liao, 2005
  • Clustering Methods, Rokach, 2005
  • Recent Advances in Clustering: A Brief Survey, Kotsiantis, 2004
  • Subspace Clustering for High Dimensional Data: A Review, Parsons, 2004
  • Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Clustering: a Brief Survey, Grira, 2004
  • Clustering in Life Sciences, Zhao, 2002
  • On Clustering Validation Techniques, Halkidi, 2001
  • Data Clustering: A Review, Jain, 1999
  • A Survey of Fuzzy Clustering, Yang, 1993

Computer Vision

  • Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the State of the Art, Dollar, 2012
  • A Comparative Study of Palmprint Recognition Algorithms, Zhang, 2012
  • Human Activity Analysis: A Review, Aggarwal, 2011
  • Subspace Methods for Face Recognition, Rao, 2010
  • Context Based Object Categorization: A Critical Survey, Galleguillos, 2010
  • Object tracking: A Survey, Yilmaz, 2006
  • Detecting Faces in Images: A Survey, Yang, 2002


  • Data Fusion, Bleiholder, 2008
  • Duplicate Record Detection: A Survey, Elmagarmid, 2007
  • Overview of Record Linkage and Current Research Directions, Winkler, 2006
  • A Survey of Schema-based Matching Approaches, Shvaiko, 2005

Deep Learning

  • Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives, Bengio, 2012

Dimension Reduction

  • Dimensionality Reduction: A Comparative Review, Maaten, 2009
  • Dimension Reduction: A Guided Tour, Burges, 2009
  • A Survey of Manifold-Based Learning Methods, Huo, 2007
  • Toward Integrating Feature Selection Algorithms for Classification and Clustering, Liu, 2005
  • An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection, Guyon, 2003
  • A Survey of Dimension Reduction Techniques, Fodor, 2002


  • Auctions and Bidding: A Guide for Computer Scientists, Parsons, 2011
  • Computational Sustainability, Gomes, 2009
  • Computational Finance, Tsang, 2004

Game Theory

  • Computer Poker: A Review, Rubin, 2011

Graphical Models

  • An Introduction to Variational Methods for Graphical Models, Jordan, 1999

Kernel Methods

  • Kernels for Vector-Valued Functions: a Review, Alvarez, 2012

Learning Theory

  • Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory, Bousquet, 2004

Machine Learning

  • A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning, Domingos, 2012
  • A Tutorial on Bayesian Nonparametric Models, Blei, 2011
  • Decision Forests for Classification, Regression, Density Estimation, Manifold Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning, Criminisi, 2011
  • Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining, Wu, 2008
  • Semi-Supervised Learning Literature Survey, Zhu, 2007
  • Interestingness Measures for Data Mining: A Survey, Geng, 2006
  • A Survey of Interestingness Measures for Knowledge Discovery, McGarry, 2005
  • A Tutorial on the Cross-Entropy Method, Boer, 2005
  • A Survey of Kernels for Structured Data, Gartner, 2003
  • Survey on Frequent Pattern Mining, Goethals, 2003
  • The Boosting Approach to Machine Learning: An Overview, Schapire, 2003
  • A Survey on Wavelet Applications in Data Mining, Li, 2002


  • Topology and Data, Carlsson, 2009

Multi-armed Bandit

  • Regret Analysis of Stochastic and Nonstochastic Multi-armed Bandit Problems, Bubeck, 2012

Natural Computing

  • Reservoir Computing Approaches to Recurrent Neural Network Training, Jaeger, 2009
  • Artificial Immune Systems, Aickelin, 2005
  • A Survey of Evolutionary Algorithms for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Freitasï¾ , 2003
  • Data Mining in Soft Computing Framework: A Survey, Mitra, 2002
  • Neural Networks for Classification: A Survey, Zhang, 2000

Natural Language Processing

  • Probabilistic Topic Models, Blei, 2012
  • Ontology Learning From Text: A Look Back And Into The Future, Wong, 2012
  • Machine Transliteration Survey, Karimi, 2011
  • Translation Techniques in Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Zhou, 2011
  • Comprehensive Review of Opinion Summarization, Kim, 2011
  • A Survey on Sentiment Detection of Reviews, Tang, 2009
  • Word Sense Desambiguation: A Survey, Navigli, 2009
  • Topic Models, Blei, 2009
  • Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis, Pang, 2008
  • Information Extraction, Sarawagi, 2008
  • Statistical Machine Translation, Lopez, 2008
  • A Survey of Named Entity Recognition and Classification, Nadeau, 2007
  • Adaptive Information Extraction, Turmo, 2006
  • Survey of Text Clustering, Jing, 2005
  • Machine Learning in Automated Text Categorization, Sebastiani, 2002
  • Web Mining Research: A Survey, Kosala, 2000


  • Community Detection in Graphs, Fortunato, 2010
  • A Survey of Statistical Network Models, Goldenberg, 2010
  • Communities in Networks, Porter, 2009
  • Graph Clustering, Schaeffer, 2007
  • Graph Mining: Laws, Generators, and Algorithms, Chakrabarti, 2006
  • Comparing Community Structure Identification, Danon, 2005
  • Link Mining: A Survey, Getoor, 2005
  • Detecting Community Structure in Networks, Newman, 2004
  • Link Mining: A New Data Mining Challenge, Getoor, 2003

On-Line Learning

  • On-Line Algorithms in Machine Learning, Blum, 1998


  • A Survey of Very Large-Scale Neighborhood Search Techniques, Ahuja, 2001

Planning and Scheduling

  • A Review of Machine Learning for Automated Planning, Jimenez, 2009


  • Approximate Policy Iteration: A Survey and Some New Methods, Bertsekas, 2011
  • An Introduction to MCMC for Machine Learning, Andrieu, 2003

Probabilistic Models

  • An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields, Sutton, 2010

Randomized Algorithms

  • Randomized Algorithms for Matrices and Data, Mahoney, 2011

Recommender Systems

  • Recent advances in Personalized Recommender Systems, Liu, 2009
  • Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommender Systems, Koren, 2009
  • A Survey of Collaborative Filtering Techniques, Su, 2009


  • Ensemble Approaches for Regression: a Survey, Moreira, 2012

Reinforcement Learning

  • A Survey of Reinforcement Learning in Relational Domains, Otterlo, 2005
  • Reinforcement Learning: A Survey, Kaelbling, 1996

Rule Learning

  • Association Mining, Ceglar, 2006
  • Algorithms for Association Rule Mining - A General Survey and Comparison, Hipp, 2000


  • Controlled Experiments on the Web: Survey and Practical Guide, Kohavi, 2009

Time Series

  • Time-Series Data Mining, Esling, 2012
  • A Review on Time Series Data Mining, Fu, 2011
  • Discrete Wavelet Transform-Based Time Series Analysis and Mining, Chaovalit, 2011

Transfer Learning

  • A Survey on Transfer Learning, Pan, 2010

Web Mining

  • A Taxonomy of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithms, Mabroukeh, 2010
  • A Survey of Web Clustering Engines, Carpineto, 2009
  • Web Page Classification: Features and Algorithms, Qi, 2009
  • Mining Interesting Knowledge from Weblogs: A Survey, Facca, 2005
  • An Overview of Web Data Clustering Practices, Vakali, 2005
  • A Survey of Web Metrics, Dhyani, 2002
  • Data Mining for Hypertext: A Tutorial Survey, Chakrabarti, 2000


