Exps on March 23rd


固定电话 telephone
手机 cellphone, mobilephone
无绳电话 cordless phone
公共电话 paying phone
长途电话 long distance call
国际电话 international call
市话 local call
免费电话 toll free call
对方付费电话 collect call


清咖啡 black coffee
加奶咖啡 white coffee
下午休息时间 coffee break
速溶咖啡 instant coffee
咖啡壶 coffee maker


普通 Thanks. Thank you.
多谢了 Thanks a lot. Many thanks.
非常感谢 Thank you very much. Thank you so much.
万分感谢 Thanks a million. I feel very grateful. I'd appreciate it.
不用谢 You are welcome. Welcome.
别提了 Don't mention it.
小事何足挂齿 Forget it.
很荣幸为您效劳 My pleasure.
你人真是太好了 It's very kind of you.
我怎样才能感谢你呢 How can I ever thank you!
有什么需要我的请尽管找我 If there is anything else I can do, please let me know.


May I smoke here?
May I bother you a moment?
Do you mind / would you mind my smoking here?
Do you think you could possibly lend me 50p?
Would you mind taking a photo of me?
Would you care / mind if I smoke here?
Will you excuse us for a while?请问能不能让我们单独呆一会?
Would you / will you please pass me that cake?
Excuse me miss, could we have a table over there?(注意这是一句向餐厅服务员提出要求坐在某处的问句。回答可能会是: I'm sorry, we're closing that section.)
I wonder if you could possibly do ...?
Would you mind doing...?


In my opinion, ...
Personally, I think ...
As far as I'm concerned, ... (正式,演讲或公文中出现)
What's your opinion of ...?
I take your point / Yes, I agree with you on that. / I couldn't agree more.
Do you really think so? / I'm not really sure I would agree with you on that.
You have your point of view, and I have mine. 仁者见仁智者见智
We have opposite views on this.


Will you do me a favor?
Can you help me?
Will you give me a hand?
Please do me a favor.
Do me a favor and ..., will you?
Could/would you do ...,please?
Would you mind ...?
Do you think you could do...
I'd love to, but... 
I'm afraid I can't..., because ...
I really do wish I can help you, but I'm afraid...
I'd like to help, but ...


You'd better do / not do 长辈对晚辈,上级对下级
I suggest ...
Why don't you do ...?
You might as well do ... 您不妨...(对长辈或上级建议)
If you want my advice, I think ... 如果你需要我的建议,我认为...
It's not my business, but I think ... 这是与我无关,但我始终认为...
That's a good idea. I'll take your advice. That's great.
I need to think of it. Thanks anyway for your suggestion. That's not my style. 


Business is business. 公事公办。
Get down to business. 言归正传。
Mind your own business. 少管闲事。


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