1. Download Libnl
libnl DOC: http://www.infradead.org/~tgr/libnl/doc/core.html
Some userful doc :http://www.gridmpi.org/pspacer-2.1/libnl-1.0-pre6/group__link.html
2. Run "Linux_network.c"
gcc Linux_network.c -lnl -I/usr/local/include
3. Check reference of the new-installed library
# pkg-config --cflags --libs libnl-route-3.0
-I/usr/local/include/libnl3 -L/usr/local/lib -lnl-route-3 -lnl-3
Then I should run the following command to execute "netlink.c"
# gcc netlink.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libnl-route-3.0)
# gcc netlink.c -I /usr/local/include/libnl3 -L /usr/local/lib -lnl-route-3 -lnl-3
4. In eclipse include header files in "GCC complier includes", and add "nl-3" and "nl-route-3", then it will run.
nm /usr/local/lib/libnl.so > j
grep alloc j