Deleting files sitting on a server using PeopleCode is one thing I'm sure you will be doing sometime during your PeopleSoft career. The code below should help you out and get you started!
/*The path to the files you need to delete*/
&oldFilesPath = "/my_directory/my_folder";
/*Notice the "*" at the end of the file name. This means any file that starts with "file_name" will be deleted*/
&oldFiles = "file_name" | "*";
&PathAndName = &oldFilesPath | &oldFiles;
/*Display file path and name to be deleted */
MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Delete file: " | &PathAndName);
&oldFileNames = FindFiles(&PathAndName, %FilePath_Absolute);
/*Loop through files found and delete one by one */
While &oldFileNames.Len > 0/* Delete files one at a time */
&deleteFile = "" | &oldFileNames.Shift();
/*Display file path and name deleted */
&retcode = DeleteAttachment(URL, &deleteFile);
MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Deleted file: " | &deleteFile);
/*Check delete status*/
If (&retcode = %Attachment_Success) Then
MessageBox(0, "File Attachment Status", 0, 0, "DeleteAttachment succeeded");
If (&retcode = %Attachment_Failed) Then
MessageBox(0, "File Attachment Status", 0, 0, "DeleteAttachment failed");
If (&retcode = %Attachment_Cancelled) Then
MessageBox(0, "File Attachment Status", 0, 0, "DeleteAttachment cancelled");
If (&retcode = %Attachment_FileTransferFailed) Then
MessageBox(0, "File Attachment Status", 0, 0, "DeleteAttachment failed: File Transfer did not succeed");