【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 4(I)Vocabulary: Introduction of Stocks

stocks & shares 股票和证券

Companies issue stocks to investors to raise money.     公司向投资者发行股票以筹集资金。

The price of stocks can rise and fall depending on a company's performance or economy.

If someone owns stock in a company, they are a shareholder, and own a part of the company.

Major shareholders may be able to vote in corporate decisions, such as large operational changes.

Securities 证券

A security is a financial asset that can be traded by companies and governments.

There are two types of securities: equities and debts.

An equity security represents ownership by shareholders, like stocks.

Debt securities include bonds or bank notes.

A holder of debt securities will be paid interest after a certain period of time.


equity security 股票(尤指普通股,代表所有权而不是债权)

debt security 债务证券、债券

股票投资者即为公司的股东,股东有一定的公司经营权。VS  债券投资者与发行主体之间仅存在债权债务关系。

Stock exchange 证券交易所

Stocks and securities are traded on a stock exchange.

Stock exchanges ensure securities are bought and sold in a structured environment.

The New York Stock Exchange is the most prominent exchange in the world.

【选择】-What is one privilege of major shareholders? -They can vote in corporate decisions.  -什么是大股东特权之一?-他们可以在公司决策中投票。

【选择】An equity security represents...    ownership by shareholders.

【选择】A stock exchange ensures securities...   are traded in a structured way.

【填空】Their company has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange for more than fifty years.

【填空】Baidu trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the stock name BIDU.

【填空】Last month, the company's stock dropped to two dollars a share.

【填空】【跟读】The company's shares are soaring today after beating analysts' profit expectations. 今天,该公司的股票在超过分析师的利润预期后,大幅上涨。

【填空】【朗读】When the recession hit, those who purchased equity securities suffered the biggest losses.

【填空】After Facebook revealed its second quarter revenues were lower than earlier forecasts, its stock sank by 20%.

Stockbroker 股票经纪人

A stockbroker buys and sells securities for clients.

They also need to advise their clients about which securities to buy or sell.

When a client makes a transaction, the stockbroker earns a commission.

A good stockbroker will not sell their client a bad investment just to get comission.

Stockbrokers typically work for a brokage firm to handle customer transactions.

Brokerage 经纪业

A brokerage firm is a company that buys and sells stocks.

They act as middlemen between buyers and sellers.

Brokerage companies make comission from clients buying or selling securities.

Full-service brokers provide financial planning and consulting services for their clients.

Discount brokers allow investors to make their own decisions with lower commission fees.

Dividend 股息,红利

A dividend is payment a coporation makes to shareholders.

The more shares of a company you own, the higher you dividend will be.

Dividends can be paid in the  form of cash or additional shares.

【选择】Full-service brokers provide advisers who... manage financial decisions for clients.

【选择】If you own a large number of shares of a corporation, your dividend... will be a high value.

【选择】-What represents partial ownership of a company?   -Stocks.

【选择】-A company that access middlemen for security investors. 为证券投资者牵线搭桥的公司。-Brokerage.

【填空】My broker says that even though the company's share price has been falling, he sees it a buying opportunity.

【填空】【跟读】He contracted his stockbroker with instructions on what shares he wanted to sell.

【填空】【跟读】Traditional brokerage firms are being disrupted by the rise of Fintech start-ups.传统经纪公司正受到金融科技初创企业崛起的冲击。

【填空】Leading brokerage firms in the US have warned its investors to avoid healthcare stocks because of their volavility.  美国主要的经纪公司警告其投资者避开医疗保健类股票,因为它们的流动性很强。

【填空】The board of directors proposed giving a dividend of thirty cents per share.  董事会提议派发每股30美分的股息。

【填空】We are expecting to receive a substantial dividend on our holding at the end of the year.我们预计年底将收到一笔可观的股息。

【填空】The New York Times Company announced a regular quarterly dividend of $.04 per share on its Class A common stock.纽约时报公司宣布其A类普通股常规季度股息为每股0.04美元。

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