Ubuntu1804 splash部署

sudo docker run -p 8050:8050 scrapinghub/splash

启动docker时 ,前面一定要加 sudo

Unable to find image 'scrapinghub/splash:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from scrapinghub/splash
1be7f2b886e8: Pull complete
6fbc4a21b806: Pull complete
c71a6f8e1378: Pull complete
4be3072e5a37: Pull complete
06c6d2f59700: Pull complete
ba70d52f4d83: Pull complete
e9f7760ce7af: Pull complete
16259f7c35ad: Pull complete
efb2fb9620cf: Pull complete
31e4491cc70e: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:f768f56cc261d1087072ed4ae4c30dc52672d1244ffe179ba43adb6c5e9c430b
Status: Downloaded newer image for scrapinghub/splash:latest
2018-06-16 14:21:43+0000 [-] Log opened.
2018-06-16 14:21:43.558905 [-] Splash version: 3.2
2018-06-16 14:21:43.570212 [-] Qt 5.9.1, PyQt 5.9, WebKit 602.1, sip 4.19.3, Twisted 16.1.1, Lua 5.2
2018-06-16 14:21:43.570818 [-] Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 23 2017, 16:37:01) [GCC 5.4.0 20160609]
2018-06-16 14:21:43.570979 [-] Open files limit: 1048576
2018-06-16 14:21:43.571081 [-] Can't bump open files limit
2018-06-16 14:21:43.699485 [-] Xvfb is started: ['Xvfb', ':405763750', '-screen', '0', '1024x768x24', '-nolisten', 'tcp']
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
2018-06-16 14:21:44.058716 [-] proxy profiles support is enabled, proxy profiles path: /etc/splash/proxy-profiles
2018-06-16 14:21:44.315901 [-] verbosity=1
2018-06-16 14:21:44.316156 [-] slots=50
2018-06-16 14:21:44.316285 [-] argument_cache_max_entries=500
2018-06-16 14:21:44.316817 [-] Web UI: enabled, Lua: enabled (sandbox: enabled)
2018-06-16 14:21:44.317051 [-] Server listening on
2018-06-16 14:21:44.318551 [-] Site starting on 8050
2018-06-16 14:21:44.318754 [-] Starting factory object at 0x7f303c4557f0>

这样就证明splash在docker上成功部署了,这个时候我们打开 loalhost.8050便可看到主页(比如我的Ubuntu1804桥接网卡后的ip地址是http://

Ubuntu1804 splash部署_第1张图片
