


A project has one goal, one scope, and (usually) many objectives. I will explain in details what each one is so you can understand the differences.

The scope of the project is the definition of the work that needs to be done and the work that should not be done (i.e. should be excluded). The aim of the scope is to accomplish all the project's objectives, and ultimately the project's goal. The scope of a project is far from being confused with an objective or a goal.

The goal of a project is a statement defining what the ultimate result of the project should be. The goal of a project can be something like "Create a collaboration software" or "enhance the company's IT infrastructure."

The objectives of a project are the main outputs that you want from this project. For example, in the case of a project that is about building a collaboration software, we can have the following objectives:

- Allow team members on the same project to communicate with each other
- Allow team members to search previous conversations
- Allow team members to see and update their tasks

Note that an objective can encapsulate one or more deliverables (for more on this, see: http://www.projectmanagementquestions.com/3202/deliverable-vs-objective )

When a project is being brainstormed, the goal is first thought of, and afterwards the objectives. Then the project manager comes up with the scope that lists the work to be done, as well as the goal, the objectives, and the deliverables.



Scope: The details of the objective, including what will and will not be done. This is worked out in more and more detail as the project goes forward. The Scope of the apollo program included the building, testing and use of the Apollo rocket, the command module, the lunar excursion module, the training of astronauts, the development of computer guidance systems, and much more.

要分清这三个概念,咱们先想一下一个项目诞生的过程。一个项目不是平白无故拍脑袋做的,而是为了实现一个目的(goal)而做的,这个目的就是project goal,就是用一句话来描述最终的想要实现的“希望”是啥,项目成功的话能够达成的效果是啥,产生了啥样的效益。这样,goal就确定了。



