BizTalk Tips

1.Be care of Writing Event Log

A maximum size of 32KB can be written to the Windows Event Viewer. Often, XML messages will exceed this size. If a string longer than 32KB is written, an exception will be thrown, and the orchestration will terminate (unless appropriate exception handling is implemented). There is no limitation to the size when using the Trace.WriteLine method.

尤其在Orchestration里输出ful entity message content的时候


2.BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet  WebApp Configuration.

一直很奇怪RosettaNet Gateway WebApp的配置信息到底存在哪里,

和Runtime不一样的是,WebApp Configuration是存在注册表里,

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\BizTalk Accelerator for RosettaNet\3.3\Configuration


3.Script functoid 里可以用Ctrl + Tab 输入 Tab  来格式化字符串


4.There is no support for output parameters when using the SQL Adapter.
