
1. Today feels like a good day for outing.    今天很适合远足      #feel like  很想要,恨不得;摸上去像是…;感觉像是…

2. It’s all about making connections.  为了建立交情,搞好关系 # Making connections 建立连接,建立沟通,搞好关系

3. I’m not man enough to fight this.  我认怂

4. She’s usually very fidgety around new people.  她很怕生  #fidgety  坐立不安的,烦躁不安的,局促不安的

5. You have quite a nice figure. 你身材真好

6. I better skip the party tomorrow just to be safe.  安全起见,明天我还是不去参加派对了    #just to be safe 为了安全起见

7. Yeah, I wouldn’t be too concerned about that. You guys are overreacting.  我一点一不担心,你们反应过度了 #be concerned about 担忧担心

