第一期30天英语阅读习惯训练营Day 19:插入语(parenthesis)


01 什么是插入语

第一期30天英语阅读习惯训练营Day 19:插入语(parenthesis)_第1张图片


02 逗号、破折号、圆括号的用法

一般而言,逗号、破折号、圆括号是在插入语前后成对(in pairs)出现的。只有当插入语结束后句子也结尾了(用句点),才会用一个逗号/破折号。举例说明:

Lee, however has never found out what he loves to do.      ✘

Lee, however, has never found out what he loves to do.      ✔

03 更多示例

Paul, on the other hand,is considered extremely trustworthy.

House prices in Alton, which is only 25 minutes from London,are soaring.

My family is getting a new dog from the shelter (we are going to name him Barney).

Marie (8 years-old) is a little girl who goes to school with my brother.

Did you leave your bag (red, black handles) in the classroom?

Due to pub quizzes, Buzz Aldrin —the second man on the Moon— is now as famous as Neil Armstrong.

It depends — as my mother used to say — on trust.

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