SprintBoot2.0中几种redis 分布式锁处理

SpringBoot2.0以后,redis 的库替换为了lettuce 




public @interface Ide{
     * 设置请求锁定时间,超时后自动释放锁
     * @return
    int lockTime() default 10;

AOP 实现 注解 @Ide 的拦截处理

 * 接口幂等性的 -- 分布式锁实现
public class ReqSubmitAspect {

    private RedisLock redisLock;

    public void idePointCut() {

    public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
        // 使用分布式锁 机制-实现
        MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature();
        Method method = signature.getMethod();

        Ide ide = method.getAnnotation(Ide.class);
        int lockSeconds = ide.lockTime();

        HttpServletRequest request = HttpContextUtils.getHttpServletRequest();
        AssertUtils.notNull(request, "request can not null");

        // 获取请求的凭证,本项目中使用的JWT,可对应修改
        String token = request.getHeader("Token");
        String requestURI = request.getRequestURI();

        String key = getIdeKey(token, requestURI);
        String clientId = CmUtil.getUUID();
        // 获取锁
        boolean lock = redisLock.tryLock(key, clientId, lockSeconds);
        log.info("tryLock key = [{}], clientId = [{}]", key, clientId);

        if (lock) {
            log.info("tryLock success, key = [{}], clientId = [{}]", key, clientId);
            // 获取锁成功
            Object result;
            try {
                // 执行进程
                result = joinPoint.proceed();
            } finally {
                // 解锁
                redisLock.releaseLock(key, clientId);
                log.info("releaseLock success, key = [{}], clientId = [{}]", key, clientId);
            return result;
        } else {
            // 获取锁失败,认为是重复提交的请求
            log.info("tryLock fail, key = [{}]", key);
            throw  new RuntimeException("重复请求,请稍后再试!");

    private String getIdeKey(String token, String requestURI) {
        return token + requestURI;

redis 分布式锁工具类

public class RedisLock {

  private static final Long RELEASE_SUCCESS = 1L;
  private static final String LOCK_SUCCESS = "OK";
  private static final String SET_IF_NOT_EXIST = "NX";
  // 当前设置 过期时间单位, EX = seconds; PX = milliseconds
  private static final String SET_WITH_EXPIRE_TIME = "EX";
  private static final String RELEASE_LOCK_SCRIPT = "if redis.call('get', KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then return redis.call('del', KEYS[1]) else return 0 end";

  private StringRedisTemplate redisTemplate;
   * 该加锁方法仅针对单实例 Redis 可实现分布式加锁
   * 对于 Redis 集群则无法使用

* 支持重复,线程安全 * * @param lockKey 加锁键 * @param clientId 加锁客户端唯一标识(采用UUID) * @param seconds 锁过期时间 * @return */ public boolean tryLock(String lockKey, String clientId, long seconds) { return redisTemplate.execute((RedisCallback) redisConnection -> { // Jedis jedis = (Jedis) redisConnection.getNativeConnection(); Object nativeConnection = redisConnection.getNativeConnection(); RedisSerializer stringRedisSerializer = (RedisSerializer) redisTemplate.getKeySerializer(); byte[] keyByte = stringRedisSerializer.serialize(lockKey); byte[] valueByte = stringRedisSerializer.serialize(clientId); // lettuce连接包下 redis 单机模式 if (nativeConnection instanceof RedisAsyncCommands) { RedisAsyncCommands connection = (RedisAsyncCommands) nativeConnection; RedisCommands commands = connection.getStatefulConnection().sync(); String result = commands.set(keyByte, valueByte, SetArgs.Builder.nx().ex(seconds)); if (LOCK_SUCCESS.equals(result)) { return true; } } // lettuce连接包下 redis 集群模式 if (nativeConnection instanceof RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands) { RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands connection = (RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands) nativeConnection; RedisAdvancedClusterCommands commands = connection.getStatefulConnection().sync(); String result = commands.set(keyByte, valueByte, SetArgs.Builder.nx().ex(seconds)); if (LOCK_SUCCESS.equals(result)) { return true; } } if (nativeConnection instanceof JedisCommands) { JedisCommands jedis = (JedisCommands) nativeConnection; String result = jedis.set(lockKey, clientId, SET_IF_NOT_EXIST, SET_WITH_EXPIRE_TIME, seconds); if (LOCK_SUCCESS.equals(result)) { return true; } } return false; }); } /** * 与 tryLock 相对应,用作释放锁 * * @param lockKey * @param clientId * @return */ public boolean releaseLock(String lockKey, String clientId) { DefaultRedisScript redisScript = new DefaultRedisScript<>(); redisScript.setScriptText(RELEASE_LOCK_SCRIPT); redisScript.setResultType(Integer.class); // Integer execute = redisTemplate.execute(redisScript, Collections.singletonList(lockKey), clientId); Object execute = redisTemplate.execute((RedisConnection connection) -> connection.eval( RELEASE_LOCK_SCRIPT.getBytes(), ReturnType.INTEGER, 1, lockKey.getBytes(), clientId.getBytes())); if (RELEASE_SUCCESS.equals(execute)) { return true; } return false; } }




package com.hz.tgb.data.redis.lock;

import cn.hutool.core.util.IdUtil;
import com.hz.tgb.entity.Book;
import com.hz.tgb.spring.SpringUtils;
import io.lettuce.core.ScriptOutputType;
import io.lettuce.core.SetArgs;
import io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisAsyncCommands;
import io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisCallback;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.TimeoutUtils;
import org.springframework.data.redis.serializer.RedisSerializer;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

 * Redis分布式锁 - 集群版
 * @author hezhao on 2019.11.13
public class RedisClusterLockUtil {


    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisLockUtil.class);

    private static RedisTemplate cacheTemplate;

    /** OK: Redis操作是否成功 */
    private static final String REDIS_OK = "OK";
    /** CONN_NOT_FOUND: Redis链接类型不匹配 */
    private static final String REDIS_CONN_NOT_FOUND = "CONN_NOT_FOUND";
    /** 解锁是否成功 */
    private static final Long RELEASE_SUCCESS = 1L;

    /** 解锁Lua脚本 */
    private static final String UNLOCK_LUA_SCRIPT = "if redis.call('get', KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then return redis.call('del', KEYS[1]) else return 0 end";

     * The number of nanoseconds for which it is faster to spin
     * rather than to use timed park. A rough estimate suffices
     * to improve responsiveness with very short timeouts.
    private static final long spinForTimeoutThreshold = 1000000L;

     * 加锁
     * @param lockKey 锁键
     * @param requestId 请求唯一标识
     * @param expireTime 缓存过期时间
     * @param unit 时间单位
     * @return true: 加锁成功, false: 加锁失败
    public static boolean lock(String lockKey, String requestId, long expireTime, TimeUnit unit) {
        // 加锁和设置过期时间必须是原子操作,否则在高并发情况下或者Redis突然崩溃会导致数据错误。
        try {
            // 以毫秒作为过期时间
            long millisecond = TimeoutUtils.toMillis(expireTime, unit);
            String result = execute(connection -> {
                Object nativeConnection = connection.getNativeConnection();
                RedisSerializer keySerializer = (RedisSerializer) getRedisTemplate().getKeySerializer();
                RedisSerializer valueSerializer = (RedisSerializer) getRedisTemplate().getValueSerializer();
                // springboot 2.0以上的spring-data-redis 包默认使用 lettuce连接包
                // lettuce连接包下序列化键值,否知无法用默认的ByteArrayCodec解析
                byte[] keyByte = keySerializer.serialize(lockKey);
                byte[] valueByte = valueSerializer.serialize(requestId);
                if (nativeConnection instanceof RedisAsyncCommands) {
                    RedisAsyncCommands commands = (RedisAsyncCommands)nativeConnection;
                    // 同步方法执行、setnx禁止异步
                    return commands.getStatefulConnection().sync().set(keyByte, valueByte, SetArgs.Builder.nx().px(millisecond));
                } else if (nativeConnection instanceof RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands) {
                    // lettuce连接包,集群模式,ex为秒,px为毫秒
                    RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands clusterAsyncCommands = (RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands) nativeConnection;
                    return clusterAsyncCommands.getStatefulConnection().sync().set(keyByte, valueByte, SetArgs.Builder.nx().px(millisecond));
                return REDIS_CONN_NOT_FOUND;

            // 如果链接类型匹配不上,使用默认加锁方法
            if (Objects.equals(result, REDIS_CONN_NOT_FOUND)) {
                return getRedisTemplate().opsForValue().setIfAbsent(lockKey, requestId)
                        && getRedisTemplate().expire(lockKey, expireTime, unit);

            return REDIS_OK.equals(result);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("RedisLockUtil lock 加锁失败", e);
        return false;

     * 解锁
     * @param lockKey 锁键
     * @param requestId 请求唯一标识
     * @return true: 解锁成功, false: 解锁失败
    public static boolean unLock(String lockKey, String requestId) {
        try {
            // 使用Lua脚本实现解锁的原子性,如果requestId相等则解锁
            Object result = execute(connection -> {
                Object nativeConnection = connection.getNativeConnection();
                RedisSerializer keySerializer = (RedisSerializer) getRedisTemplate().getKeySerializer();
                RedisSerializer valueSerializer = (RedisSerializer) getRedisTemplate().getValueSerializer();
                // springboot 2.0以上的spring-data-redis 包默认使用 lettuce连接包
                // lettuce连接包下序列化键值,否知无法用默认的ByteArrayCodec解析
                byte[] keyByte = keySerializer.serialize(lockKey);
                byte[] valueByte = valueSerializer.serialize(requestId);
                if (nativeConnection instanceof RedisAsyncCommands) {
                    RedisAsyncCommands commands = (RedisAsyncCommands)nativeConnection;
                    // 同步方法执行、setnx禁止异步
                    byte[][] keys = {keyByte};
                    byte[][] values = {valueByte};
                    return commands.getStatefulConnection().sync().eval(UNLOCK_LUA_SCRIPT, ScriptOutputType.INTEGER, keys , values);
                } else if (nativeConnection instanceof RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands) {
                    // lettuce连接包,集群模式
                    RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands clusterAsyncCommands = (RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands) nativeConnection;
                    byte[][] keys = {keyByte};
                    byte[][] values = {valueByte};
                    return clusterAsyncCommands.getStatefulConnection().sync().eval(UNLOCK_LUA_SCRIPT, ScriptOutputType.INTEGER, keys , values);
                return REDIS_CONN_NOT_FOUND;

            // 如果链接类型匹配不上,使用默认解锁方法
            if (Objects.equals(result, REDIS_CONN_NOT_FOUND)) {
                return getRedisTemplate().delete(lockKey);

            return Objects.equals(RELEASE_SUCCESS, result);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("RedisLockUtil unLock 解锁失败", e);
        return false;

     * 阻塞锁,拿到锁后执行业务逻辑。注意:超时返回null,程序会继续往下执行
     * @param callback 业务处理逻辑,入参默认为NULL
     * @param lockKey 锁键
     * @param timeout 超时时长, 缓存过期时间默认等于超时时长
     * @param unit 时间单位
     * @return R
    public static  R tryLock(Supplier callback, String lockKey, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
        return tryLock(callback, lockKey, IdUtil.fastSimpleUUID(), timeout, timeout, unit, TimeOutProcess.DEFAULT);

     * 阻塞锁,拿到锁后执行业务逻辑。注意:超时会抛出异常
     * @param callback 业务处理逻辑,入参默认为NULL
     * @param lockKey 锁键
     * @param timeout 超时时长, 缓存过期时间默认等于超时时长
     * @param unit 时间单位
     * @return R
    public static  R tryLockTimeout(Supplier callback, String lockKey, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
        return tryLock(callback, lockKey, IdUtil.fastSimpleUUID(), timeout, timeout, unit, TimeOutProcess.THROW_EXCEPTION);

     * 阻塞锁,拿到锁后执行业务逻辑。注意:超时会给予补偿,即处理正常逻辑
     * @param callback 业务处理逻辑,入参默认为NULL
     * @param lockKey 锁键
     * @param timeout 超时时长, 缓存过期时间默认等于超时时长
     * @param unit 时间单位
     * @return R
    public static  R tryLockCompensate(Supplier callback, String lockKey, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
        return tryLock(callback, lockKey, IdUtil.fastSimpleUUID(), timeout, timeout, unit, TimeOutProcess.CARRY_ON);

     * 阻塞锁,拿到锁后执行业务逻辑
     * @param callback 业务处理逻辑
     * @param lockKey 锁键
     * @param requestId 请求唯一标识
     * @param timeout 超时时长
     * @param expireTime 缓存过期时间
     * @param unit 时间单位
     * @param timeoutProceed 超时处理逻辑
     * @return R
    public static  R tryLock(Supplier callback, String lockKey, String requestId,
                                long timeout, long expireTime, TimeUnit unit, TimeOutProcess timeoutProceed) {
        boolean lockFlag = false;
        try {
            lockFlag = tryLock(lockKey, requestId, timeout, expireTime, unit);
                return callback.get();
        } finally {
            if (lockFlag){
                unLock(lockKey, requestId);
        if (timeoutProceed == null) {
            return null;
        if (timeoutProceed == TimeOutProcess.THROW_EXCEPTION) {
            throw new RedisLockTimeOutException();
        if (timeoutProceed == TimeOutProcess.CARRY_ON) {
            return callback.get();
        return null;

     * 阻塞锁
     * @param lockKey 锁键
     * @param requestId 请求唯一标识
     * @param timeout 超时时长, 缓存过期时间默认等于超时时长
     * @param unit 时间单位
     * @return true: 加锁成功, false: 加锁失败
    public static boolean tryLock(String lockKey, String requestId, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
        return tryLock(lockKey, requestId, timeout, timeout, unit);

     * 阻塞锁
     * @param lockKey 锁键
     * @param requestId 请求唯一标识
     * @param timeout 超时时长
     * @param expireTime 缓存过期时间
     * @param unit 时间单位
     * @return true: 加锁成功, false: 加锁失败
    public static boolean tryLock(String lockKey, String requestId, long timeout, long expireTime, TimeUnit unit) {
        long nanosTimeout = unit.toNanos(timeout);
        if (nanosTimeout <= 0L) {
            return false;
        final long deadline = System.nanoTime() + nanosTimeout;
        for (;;) {
            // 获取到锁
            if (lock(lockKey, requestId, expireTime, unit)) {
                return true;
            // 判断是否需要继续阻塞, 如果已超时则返回false
            nanosTimeout = deadline - System.nanoTime();
            if (nanosTimeout <= 0L) {
                return false;
            // 休眠1毫秒
            if (nanosTimeout > spinForTimeoutThreshold) {

    public static  T execute(RedisCallback action) {
        return getRedisTemplate().execute(action);

    public static RedisTemplate getRedisTemplate() {
        if (cacheTemplate == null) {
            cacheTemplate = SpringUtils.getBean("redisTemplate", RedisTemplate.class);
        return cacheTemplate;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Book param = new Book();

        Boolean flag = tryLock(() -> {
            int bookId = param.getBookId();
            // TODO ...
            return true;
        }, "BOOK-" + param.getBookId(), 3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);


     * 超时处理逻辑
    public enum TimeOutProcess {
        /** 默认,超时返回null,程序会继续往下执行 */
        /** 超时会抛出异常 */
        /** 超时会给予补偿,即处理正常逻辑 */






1/ 非重入,等待锁时使用线程sleep

2/使用  redis的  SETNX   带过期时间的方法

3/使用ThreadLocal保存锁的值,在锁超时时,防止删除其他线程的锁,使用lua 脚本保证原子性;


import io.lettuce.core.RedisFuture;
import io.lettuce.core.ScriptOutputType;
import io.lettuce.core.SetArgs;
import io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisAsyncCommands;
import io.lettuce.core.api.async.RedisScriptingAsyncCommands;
import io.lettuce.core.cluster.api.async.RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException;
import org.springframework.data.redis.connection.RedisConnection;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisCallback;
import org.springframework.data.redis.core.RedisTemplate;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

 * 只支持springboot2 以后的Redis分布式锁(lettuce底层,不支持jedis)
 * 不支持重入
 * 经过测试,在本地redis情况下,一次lock和releaseLock 总花费约3ms
public class RedisLock extends AbstractLock {

    private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
    private ThreadLocal lockValue = new ThreadLocal<>();
    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedisLock.class);
    private static final String REDIS_LIB_MISMATCH = "Failed to convert nativeConnection. " +
            "Is your SpringBoot main version > 2.0 ? Only lib:lettuce is supported.";
    private static final String UNLOCK_LUA;
    static {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("if redis.call(\"get\",KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] ");
        sb.append("then ");
        sb.append("    return redis.call(\"del\",KEYS[1]) ");
        sb.append("else ");
        sb.append("    return 0 ");
        sb.append("end ");
        UNLOCK_LUA = sb.toString();

    public RedisLock(RedisTemplate redisTemplate) {
        Assert.notNull(redisTemplate,"redisTemplate should not be null.");
        this.redisTemplate = redisTemplate;

     * 加锁
     * @param key
     * @param expireSeconds
     * @param retryTimes
     * @param sleepMillis
     * @return
    public boolean lock(String key, long expireSeconds, int retryTimes, long sleepMillis) {
        boolean result = tryLock(key, expireSeconds);
        while((!result) && retryTimes-- > 0){
            try {
                logger.debug("Lock failed, retrying..." + retryTimes);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                return false;
            result = tryLock(key, expireSeconds);
        return result;

     * 尝试Lock
     * @param key
     * @param expireSeconds
     * @return
    private boolean tryLock(String key, long expireSeconds) {

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        try {
            String result = redisTemplate.execute(new RedisCallback() {
                public String doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException {
                        Object nativeConnection = connection.getNativeConnection();

                        byte[] keyByte = key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                        byte[] valueByte = uuid.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                        String resultString = "";
                        if(nativeConnection instanceof RedisAsyncCommands){
                            RedisAsyncCommands command = (RedisAsyncCommands) nativeConnection;
                            resultString = command
                                    .set(keyByte, valueByte, SetArgs.Builder.nx().ex(expireSeconds));
                        }else if(nativeConnection instanceof RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands){
                            RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands clusterAsyncCommands = (RedisAdvancedClusterAsyncCommands) nativeConnection;
                            resultString = clusterAsyncCommands
                                    .set(keyByte, keyByte, SetArgs.Builder.nx().ex(expireSeconds));
                        return resultString;
                    }catch (Exception e){
                        logger.error("Failed to lock, closing connection",e);
                        return "";
            boolean eq = "OK".equals(result);
            if(eq) {
            return eq;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Set redis exception", e);
            return false;

     * 释放锁
     * 有可能因为持锁之后方法执行时间大于锁的有效期,此时有可能已经被另外一个线程持有锁,所以不能直接删除
     * 使用lua脚本删除redis中匹配value的key
     * @param key
     * @return false:   锁已不属于当前线程  或者 锁已超时
    public boolean releaseLock(String key) {
        try {
            String lockValue = this.lockValue.get();
                return false;
            byte[] keyBytes = key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
            byte[] valueBytes = lockValue.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
            Object[] keyParam = new Object[]{keyBytes};

            Long result = redisTemplate.execute(new RedisCallback() {
                public Long doInRedis(RedisConnection connection) throws DataAccessException {
                        Object nativeConnection = connection.getNativeConnection();
                        if (nativeConnection instanceof RedisScriptingAsyncCommands) {
                             * 不要问我为什么这里的参数这么奇怪
                            RedisScriptingAsyncCommands command = (RedisScriptingAsyncCommands) nativeConnection;
                            RedisFuture future = command.eval(UNLOCK_LUA, ScriptOutputType.INTEGER, keyParam, valueBytes);
                            return getEvalResult(future,connection);
                            return 0L;
                    }catch (Exception e){
                        logger.error("Failed to releaseLock, closing connection",e);
                        return 0L;
            return result != null && result > 0;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("release lock exception", e);
        return false;

    private Long getEvalResult(RedisFuture future,RedisConnection connection){
        try {
            Object o = future.get();
            return (Long)o;
        } catch (InterruptedException |ExecutionException e) {
            logger.error("Future get failed, trying to close connection.", e);
            return 0L;

    private void closeConnection(RedisConnection connection){
        }catch (Exception e2){
            logger.error("close connection fail.", e2);

     * 查看是否加锁
     * @param key
     * @return
    public boolean isLocked(String key) {
        Object o = redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(key);
        return o!=null;





你可能感兴趣的:(SprintBoot2.0中几种redis 分布式锁处理)