Day 3 --- P 22-34

Five Words:

1. But the thing that bugs me the most about Manny is the nickname he has for me.

   That really bugged Rodrick, so he drove off to the store and came back fifteen minutes later with some headphones.

bug:( informal) to annoy someone

【例】: The baby's crying is really bugging him.

My sentence:

The child's repeating murmurs of complaints bugged me eventually.

2. But luckily non of my friends have found out yet, but believe me, I have had some really close calls.

Close call: a dangerous or unpleasant situation that you have just succeeded in avoiding.

【SYN】: close shave; narrow escape; squeak

【例】: Steven has had a couple of close calls during his countless runs, but he doesn't like talking about those moments.

My sentence:

In the film Fast and Furious, the main actors all had a couple of close calls while driving their cars.

3.And when it's time for him to go to day care, he gets up and dumps whatever he didn't eat right in the toilet.

Dump: to get rid of something that you do not want

【例】He dumped her body into the sea.

My sentence:

Dumping the trash into the river over 10 years has made the river an unpleasant odour.

4. Mom is always getting on me about not finishing my breakfast.

   He's always getting on me about going out and doing something "active".

Get on : to criticize insistently

【例】: The fans got on him for losing the game.

My sentence:

Parents should stop getting on their children but asking the reasons if  their children make mistakes.

5. Right in the middle of our game, Mrs.Craig came around the corner and caught us red-handed.

Catch someone red-handed: to catch someone at the moment they are doing sth wrong.

【例】Earl was caught red-handed taking the money.

My sentence:

The singer was caught red-handed taking drugs.


1. Dad is a pretty smart guy in general but when it comes to common sense , sometimes I wonder about him.

in general强调的是大体上,概率比较高,它的另一个意思是“总体上”,而common sense 的意思是: the ability to behave in a sensible way and make practical decisions,即常识。

wonder about: to feel surprised and unable to believe 


2. And that pretty much took care of the problem.

人们通常take care of 表示“照料,照顾”,但是在这句话里,take care of 的意思是 to do what is necessary to deal with a person or situation. Rodrick因为不想看到妈妈随着播放的音乐跳舞,就去买了耳机回来,从而处理了自己的困境。

3.So I realized the only way I was gonna get a chance to listen to Rodrick's CD was if I snuck it out of the house.

As soon as we got the chance, me and Rowley snuck around the back of the school and loaded up Rodrick's CD.

sneak的意思比较多,第一个句子的中,它的意思对应的是 "take or give secretly", 而第二个句子对应的就是" go secretly"。同时需要注意sneak的过去式和过去分词是有两种形式,snuck的发音。

Day 3 --- P 22-34_第1张图片


When Tom attended primary school at 5 years old, his mother told him to grade A in every subject. Once Tom failed, his mother would get on him constantly until he got A again. As a little boy, Tom wanted to play soccer or basketball with his classmates. But he had no time to hang out after he finished his homework. 

Tom was afraid of his mother but felt upset and miserable. One day, Tom planned to dump pencils into the toilet and then lie to his mother. If he had no pencils, he could not write homework. When he was dumping the pencils, his mother caught him red-handed. His mother wondered about Tom's behavior and was bugged completely. But she didn't criticize him directly. She sat down on the couch and thought about the issues. An hour later, she asked Tom reasons and wished him to be honest. Tom told his mother how upset and miserable he was. Mom wished her son to be excellent. But she ignored that Tom would hate school and study when he was under high pressure. Since then she learned to encourage Tom to grade higher instead of getting on him. For Tom, he had a close call and took care of his misery surprisingly.

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