要按照“多层Key Words陈述法”回答。
1) (实话实说)我认为,要取得别人的信任,首先要具备好人品,并且一定要做出成绩才行。我们要用实际行动来证明自己是值得信任的。我在学校的时候就是这样做的,少说空话,多干实事。
2) (结合“别人”)不过,如果您所说的这个“别人”是一个陌生人,而不是同学或同事,那么情况就完全不同了,人家可能根本不会给你表现的机会。比如说,以前我做家教的时候,人家一开始并不认为我能够将他的小孩教好,这个时候,我就拿出了自己过去成功的经历来说服他。我把自己在学校的表现和以前学生提高的程度告诉了家长,最终取得了家长的信任。所以说,要陌生人信任自己的话,要用自己的诚意和过去的事实去说服人家,这样才会比较有效。
3) (结合企业)其实,我现在就是这样做的,为了获取您所代表的XXX公司的信任,我只能告诉您我过去做了哪些比较好的事情,呵呵!
要按照“What-S.T.A.R.-Key Words陈述法”回答,即:
第三,Key Words:即提问中的关键词,要在描述中紧扣Key Words,因为这反映了面试官的考查意图。
(What & Key Words)我最成功的一件事就是成功地保送到南京邮电大学读研,我是我们学校第一位保送到这个学校读研的学生,同时也是第一批具有保研资格的学生。
(Key Words)我觉得这件事情比较成功,一是学校给我们这个机会;二是敢于积极主动地去努力,而不是等待;三是“机会总是垂青有准备的人”,凡事都要用心做好,一旦机会来临就可以抓住。
实例(英文版):Describe an instance where you set your sights onhigh/demanding goal and saw it through completion. 描述一个例子,证明你给自己确立了一个很高的目标,然后完成了这个目标。
(What)Published one paper《A Novel Weighted TrustModel Based on Cloud》as the first author. This paper was published on“Advances in InformationSciences and Service Sciences”, which was searched by EI.
(Situation & Key Words: demanding)Asgraduate students, we are required by our college that every one should publishone small thesis before graduation. Our length of schooling is only two yearsand a half, very short. So it is a little difficult for all of us. The gradesof the thesis are A, B and C. A is the best, but it is very difficult for amaster research student to write this kind of paper.
(Task)In order to write a good thesis(belongs to grade A), I downloaded many well-written papers from the Internetand confirmed my research interest. I bought two notebooks, to write down themain ideas of each paper, one for Chinese thesis and one for English thesis. Ihave read these papers many times.
(Actions, Key Words: How I saw it though)
Firstly,I looked through all these papers quickly to have a rough impression of eachpaper, knowing which paper was well written, which paper was just so so.
Secondly,I read each paper carefully the second time. I wrote down the main ideas ontothe notebook and saw what innovations the author made. I also made a summary ofeach classification.
Thirdly,I made a comparison among all the papers when I read them for the third time. Imainly found the similarities and differences, and I could make improvements onthese points.
What'smore, I kept reading one thesis almost every day, in case of interrupting mythoughts.
(Result)Finally, I found my own ideas atlast and a thesis was written and published. It belongs to grade A, and wassearched by EI. I was the only one in my research section to publish anEI-searched paper.