Day 15
Words and Phrases
one is stripped of the delusion that one likes oneself
To strip someone of their property, rights, or titles means to take those things away from them.
A senior official was stripped of all his privileges for publicly criticising his employer.
A delusion is a false idea.
Life's three biggest delusions are: someone's knocking on the door; my cell phone ringed; I can fight back the opponents!
An illusion is a false idea or belief. = delusion
a mind on the outs with itself should have nonetheless made painstaking record of its every tremor
People who are on the outs have argued and are not now friendly with each other
You use nevertheless when saying something that contrasts with what has just been said. (FORMAL)
A painstaking search, examination, or investigation is done extremely carefully and thoroughly. = thorough
Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.
A tremor is a small earthquake. 考虑一下引申义。
I was unnerved by it
If you say that something unnerves you, you mean that it worries or troubles you.
which hampered others
If someone or something hampers you, they make it difficult for you to do what you are trying to do.
A hamper is a large basket with a lid, used especially for carrying food in.
real tragic stature /st'ætʃər/
The stature of a person is the importance and reputation that they have.
the pleasant certainty that those rather passive virtues 顺从
such doubtful amulets /'æmjʊlət/
An amulet is a small object that you wear or carry because you think it will bring you good luck and protect you from evil or injury. = charm, talisman
nonplussed apprehension of someone
If you are nonplussed /n'ɒnpl'ʌst/, you feel confused and unsure how to react. = at a loss
She expected him to ask for a scotch and was rather nonplussed when he asked her to mix him a martini and lemonade.
Apprehension is a feeling of fear that something bad may happen. (FORMAL)
The apprehension /'æprɪh'enʃən/ of someone who is thought to be a criminal is their capture or arrest by the police. (FORMAL)
has no crucifix at hand
A crucifix /kr'uːsɪfɪks/ is a cross with a figure of Christ on it.
Most of our platitudes notwithstanding
A platitude /pl'ætɪtjuːd/ is a statement which is considered meaningless and boring because it has been made many times before in similar situations. 陈词滥调
where one keeps assignations with oneself
An assignation /'æsɪgn'eɪʃən/ is a secret meeting with someone, especially with a lover. (FORMAL)
an interminable documentary
If you describe something as interminable /ɪnt'ɜːrmɪnəbəl/, you are emphasizing that it continues for a very long time and indicating that you wish it was shorter or would stop. = endless
with fresh footage spliced in for every screening
Footage of a particular event is a film of it or the part of a film which shows this event.
If you splice two pieces of rope, film, or tape together, you join them neatly at the ends so that they make one continuous piece.
how you muff this one
If you muff something, you do it badly or you make a mistake while you are doing it, so that it is not successful. (INFORMAL)
英亦作 phenobarbitone.‘化学’苯巴比妥 (作药用镇静催眠剂)
?: the sleeping hand on the coverlet
A coverlet is the same as a bedspread. (OLD-FASHIONED)
counting up the sins of commission and omission
count up = count (add together)
commission(CRIME)/kəˈmɪʃ.ən/ noun[U]FORMAL OR LEGAL the act of committing a crime
omission/əʊˈmɪʃ.ən/US/oʊ-/ noun[CorU] when something has not been included that should have been
罪的定义:(从圣经观点看): 任何违背、违抗神律法或旨意的思想、行为、言语或状态。希腊文 (hamartia) 的意思是 : “不中的”、“偏离公义的道路”。不只具体的错误行为。这包括了过犯的罪行(sin of commission) 与忽略的罪行(sin of omission);不能行正确的事也是罪 。
the gifts irrevocably wasted through sloth or cowardice
If a decision, action, or change is irrevocable, it cannot be changed or reversed. (FORMAL)
Sloth/sl'oʊθ/ is laziness, especially with regard to work. (FORMAL) =idleness
Cowardice /k'aʊərdɪs/ is cowardly behaviour.
ambivalent conversations
If you say that someone is ambivalent /æmb'ɪvələnt/ about something, they seem to be uncertain whether they really want it, or whether they really approve of it.
commit adultery
If a married person commits adultery/əd'ʌltəri/, they have sex with someone that they are not married to. 婚外情
receive absolution from the wronged parties
If someone is givenabsolution, they are forgiven for something wrong that they have done. (FORMAL) =forgiveness
wrong: to treat someone in an unfair or unacceptable way 不公正地对待;冤枉
complain unduly of the unfairness
undue/ʌnˈdjuː/US/-ˈduː/ adjective[before noun]FORMAL to a level which is more than is
necessary, acceptable or reasonable
unduly/ʌnˈdjuː.li/US/-ˈduː-/ adverb
of being named co-respondent
the person who a married person is said to have committed adultery (= sex outside marriage) with (与他人配偶通奸的)共同被告
sometimes loses ground to other
to become less popular or to be given less support 失宠,失去支援
its slipping prestige 逐渐丧失的威信
preferably in the primary
if possible 可能的话;更可取地,更好地
They had instilled in them
instil UK instill US to put a feeling, idea or principle gradually into someone's mind, so that it has a strong influence on the way they think or behave 逐渐灌输
Indians were simply part of the donnee.
a basic assumption or fact
In one guise or another
the appearance of someone or something, especially when intended to deceive
communication between people or groups who work with each other 联络,联系,沟通
RELATIONSHIP 关系 countable formal ■a sexual relationship, especially between two people not married to each other (尤指婚外的)性关系;私通;婚外情
coaxed forth
to persuade someone gently to do something or go somewhere, by being kind and patient, or by appearing to be
continue fancying oneself Cathy in Wuthering Heights
fancy yourself verb[R]MAINLY UK DISAPPROVING to think you are very attractive or
maintaining any kind of swoon, commiserative or carnal
If you swoon, you are strongly affected by your feelings for someone you love or admire very much.
swoon noun[C] OLD-FASHIONED LITERARY a faint(= sudden loss of consciousness)
commiserate/kəˈmɪz.ə.reɪt/ verb[I] to express sympathy to someone about some bad luck
commiserations /kəˌmɪz.əˈreɪ.ʃənz/ plural noun an expression of sympathy for someone, especially someone who has lost a competition: ~ on sth, ~ to sb.
commiserative 形容词 可怜的; 怜悯的; 同情的
carnal /ˈkɑː.nəl/US/ˈkɑːr-/ adjectiveFORMAL relating to the physical feelings and desires of the body; sexual
carnality /kɑːˈnæl.ɪ.ti/US/kɑːrˈnæl.ə.ţi/ noun[U] FORMAL
a crash program in cricket 应急方案
the candlelight flickering on the liana call forth deeper
liana /lɪˈɑːnə; lɪˋɑnə/ntropical climbing plant 热带藤本植物.
call forth sth formal ■to cause something to exist 使出现;使产生;引起
one’s intrinsic worth which constitutes self-respect
intrinsic /ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk, -zɪk/adj(of a value or quality) belonging naturally; existing within, not coming from outside (指价值或性质)固有的, 内在的, 本质的
constitute /ˈkɔnstɪtjuːt; ˋkɑnstəˏtut/v [Tn] (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) (fml文) make up or form (a whole); be the components of 组成, 构成(某整体); 为...之成分 [Ln] (not in the continuous tenses 不用於进行时态) be 是 [Tn] give formal authority to (a group of people); establish 正式授权给(某团体); 建立 [Cn.n] (fml文) give (sb) formal authority to hold (a position, etc); appoint 任命(某人)担任(某职位等); 委派
the ability to discriminate, to love and to remain indifferent
If you can discriminate between two things, you can recognize that they are different.
Someone who is discriminating has the ability to recognize things that are of good quality. = discerning /dɪs'ɜːrnɪŋ/
If you accuse someone of being indifferent to something, you mean that they have a complete lack of interest in it.
If you describe something or someone as indifferent, you mean that their standard or quality is not very good, and often quite bad. =mediocre
those who have so few resources as to consort with us
resource [C usupl通常作复数] thing that can be turned to for help, support or consolation when needed 必要时可给予帮助、支持或安慰的事物
consort(BE TOGETHER)/kənˈsɔːt/US/-ˈsɔːrt/ verb[I+ adverb or preposition] to spend a lot of time in the company of a particular group of people, especially people whose character is not approved of
consort(PARTNER)/ˈkɒn.sɔːt/US/ˈkɑːn.sɔːrt/ noun[C] a wife or husband, especially of a ruler
we are peculiarly in thrall to everyone we see, curiously determined to live out – since our self-image is untenable – their false notion of us
If you say that someone is in thrall to a person or thing, you mean that they are completely in their power or are greatly influenced by them. (FORMAL)
If you live out your life in a particular place or in particular circumstances, you stay in that place or in those circumstances until the end of your life or until the end of a particular period of your life. 了却残生
An argument, theory, or position that is untenable cannot be defended successfully against criticism or attack.
no expectation is too misplaced, no role too ludicrous
If you describe a feeling or action as misplaced, you are critical of it because you think it is inappropriate, or directed towards the wrong thing or person.
If you describe something as ludicrous, you are emphasizing that you think it is foolish, unreasonable, or unsuitable. =ridiculous
drowning in self-reproach
reproach/rɪˈprəʊtʃ/US/-ˈproʊtʃ/ verb[T] to criticize someone, especially for not being successful or not doing what is expected noun[CorU]
reproachful/rɪˈprəʊtʃ.fəl/US/-ˈproʊtʃ-/ adjective expressing reproach
the specter of something
the spectre(UK) of sth the idea of something unpleasant that might happen in the future
becomes out of the question
the singular power of self-respect
Singular means very great and remarkable. (FORMAL)
one eventually discovers the final turn of the screw
a turn of the screw an action which makes a bad situation worse, especially in order to force someone to do something
Day 16
Phi Beta Kappa
The Phi Beta Kappa Society (ΦΒΚ) is the oldest honor society for the liberal arts and sciences in the United States, with 286 active chapters. 大学优秀生联谊会(源于希腊文“哲学为人生指导”)
Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov is the fictional protagonist of Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
Crime and Punishment focuses on the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-student in Saint Petersburg who formulates and executes a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her cash.
The Stanford-Binet(SB) - the best and most popular intelligence test is a Cognitive ability assessment used to measure intelligence (IQ).
Rhett Butler & Scarlett O’Hara 《乱世佳人》主角,去补吧……
Julian English in Appointment in Samara
Jordan Baker in The Great Gatsby
Chinese Gordon put on a clean white suit and held Khartoum against the Mahdi
Major General Charles George Gordon CB (28 January 1833 – 26 January 1885), also known as Chinese Gordon, Gordon Pasha, and Gordon of Khartoum, was a British Army officer and administrator. 带领清帝国军队镇压了太平天国。后来在苏丹城市Khartoum喀土穆被围攻。
Cathy in Wuthering Heights
Cathy Linton: The daughter of Catherine Earnshaw and Edgar Linton, a spirited and strong-willed girl unaware of her parents' history. Edgar is very protective of her and as a result she is eager to discover what lies beyond the confines of the Grange. Although one of the more sympathetic characters of the novel, she is also somewhat snobbish against Hareton and his lacking education. 还是去补课吧!
Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton
威灵顿公爵的名言the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton,实际上完全出于后世的伪托。
Francesca to your Paolo
Day 17&18
Mind map
Day 19
这是一篇男默女泪的文章,因为太难读了。刚开始没看的时候听到群内哀鸿遍野还不以为然,觉得有挑战才有意思嘛!然而,真的开始读才发现又有了那种字都认识,但连在一起就不知道啥意思的感觉。到现在读了三、四天了,我还没有最终达到come to terms with the writer的程度。