Qt 之QMediaPlayer类详解



enum QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus

Defines the status of a media player's current media.

Constant Value Description
QMediaPlayer::UnknownMediaStatus 0 The status of the media cannot be determined.
QMediaPlayer::NoMedia 1 The is no current media. The player is in the StoppedState.
QMediaPlayer::LoadingMedia 2 The current media is being loaded. The player may be in any state.
QMediaPlayer::LoadedMedia 3 The current media has been loaded. The player is in the StoppedState.
QMediaPlayer::StalledMedia 4 Playback of the current media has stalled due to insufficient buffering or some other temporary interruption. The player is in thePlayingState or PausedState.
QMediaPlayer::BufferingMedia 5 The player is buffering data but has enough data buffered for playback to continue for the immediate future. The player is in thePlayingState or PausedState.
QMediaPlayer::BufferedMedia 6 The player has fully buffered the current media. The player is in thePlayingState or PausedState.
QMediaPlayer::EndOfMedia 7 Playback has reached the end of the current media. The player is in theStoppedState.
QMediaPlayer::InvalidMedia 8 The current media cannot be played. The player is in the StoppedState.


  • audioAvailable : const bool     音频是否有效   notifier信号 void audioAvailableChanged(bool available)
  • bufferStatus : const int     This property holds the percentage of the temporary buffer filled before playback begins or resumes, from (empty) to (full)
  • currentMedia : const QMediaContent  当前正在播放的媒体的内容
  • duration : const qint64    当前媒体的duration  notifier信号   void durationChanged(qint64 duration)
  • error : const QString    a string describing the last error condition
  • media : QMediaContent   a string describing the last error condition
  • mediaStatus : const MediaStatus 当前媒体流的状态   notifier信号 void mediaStatusChanged(QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status)
  • muted : bool    是否静音 isMuted();setMuted()  notifier信号  void mutedChanged(bool muted)
  • playbackRate : qreal  播放速率;1是正常速率,大于1加快播放  void setPlaybackRate(qreal rate);notifier信号 void playbackRateChanged(qreal rate)
  • position : qint64  决定当前视频的播放位置(ms) void setPosition(qint64 position) notifier信号 void positionChanged(qint64 position)
  • seekable : const bool may change across the life time of the QMediaPlayer object, use the seekableChanged() signal to monitor changes.
  • state : const State 播放器的播放状态  notifer signal void stateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State state)
  • videoAvailable : const bool
  • volume : int  The playback volume is linear in effect and the value can range from 0 - 100  notifer signal void volumeChanged(int volume)


  QMediaPlayer(QObject * parent = 0, Flags flags = 0)
int bufferStatus() const
QMediaContent currentMedia() const
QNetworkConfiguration currentNetworkConfiguration() const
qint64 duration() const
Error error() const
QString errorString() const
bool isAudioAvailable() const
bool isMuted() const
bool isSeekable() const
bool isVideoAvailable() const
QMediaContent media() const
MediaStatus mediaStatus() const
const QIODevice * mediaStream() const
qreal playbackRate() const
QMediaPlaylist * playlist() const
qint64 position() const
void setVideoOutput(QVideoWidget * output) Attach a QVideoWidget video output to the media player ,可替换新
void setVideoOutput(QGraphicsVideoItem * output)
void setVideoOutput(QAbstractVideoSurface * surface) Sets a video surface as the video output of a media player
State state() const
int volume() const


void pause()
void play() 开始或重新开始播放当前媒体流
void setMedia(const QMediaContent & media, QIODevice * stream = 0)
void setMuted(bool muted)
void setNetworkConfigurations(const QList & configurations)
void setPlaybackRate(qreal rate)
void setPlaylist(QMediaPlaylist * playlist)
void setPosition(qint64 position)
void setVolume(int volume)
void stop() Stop playing, and reset the play position to the beginning.


void audioAvailableChanged(bool available)
void bufferStatusChanged(int percentFilled)
void currentMediaChanged(const QMediaContent & media)
void durationChanged(qint64 duration)
void error(QMediaPlayer::Error error)
void mediaChanged(const QMediaContent & media)
void mediaStatusChanged(QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status)
void mutedChanged(bool muted)
void networkConfigurationChanged(const QNetworkConfiguration & configuration)
void playbackRateChanged(qreal rate)
void positionChanged(qint64 position)
void seekableChanged(bool seekable)
void stateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State state)
void videoAvailableChanged(bool videoAvailable)
void volumeChanged(int volume)
