先从编号说起,3GPP大部分协议是AA.BBB-CCC类型的编号.其中A,B,C都代表单个数字 .


GSM协议的列表可以参考01.01 / 41.101.
UMTS 协议的列表可以参考21.101.

在第二部分的开头扯一下经常提到的 3G,4G,5G… 之争 . 以至于 NG 之争 .
当我没有迈入通信行业时 , 当时的想法极为可笑 : 认为要 3G 网络 , 就不能要 2G 的网络 .3G 业务真是神乎其神 . 因此 2G 也就暂时不要发展 . 等着 3G 的到来就行了 .
但从标准中看来 , 不同的技术时代 , 没有绝对的技术之争 . 没有绝对的技术壁垒 . 有的只是业务能力的不同 . 原有网络的网元 (2G 中的旧有设备 ) 完全可以在新的网络架构下重复利用 ( 新的 3G 的网络 ). 旧设备的重用可以带来很多的好处 , , 减少建网成本 , 增加网络 KPI, 增加运营商网络的无缝覆盖 . 旧设备的问题仅仅是业务提供能力 (2G) 与新的设备 (3G) 有所欠缺 . 但这个缺点也没有太大关系 . 毕竟 3G 网络初期 , 一般是热点覆盖 , 而不会是全网覆盖 . 热点区域使用新设备 , 旧设备 (2G) 同样可以使用 . 没有必要因为缺少某中业务 , 而将旧设备 (2G) 完全搬掉 . 尤其是在当前 3G 网络没有出现杀手级应用的情况下 .



Network architecture





现在GSM UMTS甚至是固网NGN中的网元都基本上以该文档中的术语命名.MSC, A Iu_CS Iu_PS..耳熟能详.都是在这个文档中定义的.
在协议中定义的网元都是逻辑实体,而不是物理实体,这点需要同学们注意.例如VLRMSC在协议中是两个逻辑实体,但现实情况下,大部分的厂商都把VLR的功能放在MSC里面.这样一个物理实体MSC就同时提供两个逻辑实体的功能.这点需要大家注意.另一方面同一个物理实体在不同的情况下可能扮演不同的逻辑实体,MSC同时支持VMSC功能和GMSC功能,那么我们就说这个MSCV G合一的.

第三章 Definitions and abbreviations
Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN)//PLMN定义
A Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) is established and operated by an admnistration or Recognized Private Operating Agency (RPOA) for the specific purpose of providing land mobile telecommunications service services to the public. A PLMN may be regarded as an extension of networks (e.g. ISDN, corporate and public PDNs, etc); it is a collection of MSCs areas in CS domain and SGSN areas for GPRS and SGSN or MME areas for EPC in PS domain within a common numbering plan (e.g. same National Destination Code) and a common routing plan. The MSCs are the functional interfaces between the fixed networks and a PLMN for call set-up in CS domain. The GGSN and the SGSN are the functional interfaces between the fixed networks and a PLMN for packet transmission in GPRS PS domain. In case of EPC PS Domain, the PDN-GW, Serving-GW and the SGSN and the MME are the functional interfaces between the fixed networks and a PLMN for packet transmission.
Functionally the PLMNs may be regarded as independent telecommunications entities even though different PLMNs may be interconnected through the ISDN/PSTN and PDNs for forwarding of calls or network information. A similar type of interconnection may exist for the interaction between the MSCs/SGSNs/MMEs of one PLMN.
Core Network (CN) and Access Network (AN) //网络分为核心网和接入侧.
The PLMN infrastructure is logically divided into a Core Network (CN) and an Access Network (AN) infrastructures, as defined in TS 23.101 [11a] and TS 23.110 [11b]. The CN is logically divided into a CS domain, a PS domain and an IM subsystem, as defined in next clause. The AN are GERAN (also called BSS for GSM), UTRAN (also called RNS), E-UTRAN, as defined in clause "The Access Network".
Circuit Switched (CS) and Packet Switched (PS) Domains //核心网又分为PS(数据业务)CS(语音业务)两部分

The CN is constituted of a Circuit Switched (CS) domain and a Packet Switched (PS) domain (which includes GPRS and EPC). These two domains differ by the way they support user traffic, as explained below.
These two domains are overlapping, i.e. they contain some common entities. A PLMN can implement only one domain or both domains.
CS Domain//核心网CS部分定义.
The CS domain refers to the set of all the CN entities offering "CS type of connection" for user traffic as well as all the entities supporting the related signalling. A "CS type of connection" is a connection for which dedicated network resources are allocated at the connection establishment and released at the connection release.
The entities specific to the CS domain are: MSC, GMSC, VLR. All the other CN entities defined in clause 4 "The basic entities of the mobile system" and not defined as PS domain specific entities (see following clause) are common to the CS and to the PS domains. In case of E-UTRAN access, there is no support for CS Domain.
PS Domain//核心网PS部分定义.
The PS domain refers to the set of all the CN entities offering "PS type of connection" for user traffic as well as all the entities supporting the related signalling. A "PS type of connection" transports the user information using autonomous concatenation of bits called packets: each packet can be routed independently from the previous one.
The entities specific to the PS domain are the GPRS specific entities, i.e. SGSN and GGSN and EPS specific entities, i.e. PDN GW, S-GW, MME, SGSN. All the other CN entities defined in clause "4 The basic entities of the mobile system" and not defined as CS domain specific entities (see previous clause) are common to the CS and to the PS domains.
IP Multimedia subsystem (IMS)//IMS部分的定义,大家都认为IMS,移动固网融合,神奇无比,实际上,只是一个小小的subsystem.不是很复杂,不要害怕.
The IM subsystem comprises all CN elements for provision of IP multimedia services comprising audio, video, text, chat, etc. and a combination of them delivered over the PS domain. The entities related to IMS are CSCF, MGCF, MRF, etc. as defined in the stage 2 of the IM subsystem TS 23.228 [34]. See TS 22.228 [27] for some service examples of IMS.

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