黎明 (第二版) Before Sunrise v2.0

黎明 (第二版) Before Sunrise v2.0_第1张图片
黎明 Before Sunrise


黎明 我和你


相遇 不期


还沾满  夜色的苍茫


仍凝结  风尘的迷离


于是 月落日升 斗转星移

于是 草长花开 蜂舞莺啼

黎明 (第二版) Before Sunrise v2.0_第2张图片
黎明:月落日升 斗转星移

Before Sunrise

Before sunrise, you and me

run across each other

at life's crossroad

Over my coat

still dangling is the dark night

In your eyes

yet dwelling is the dusty haze

But when we glimpse each other and smile

the moon sets, the sun rises, the stars move and swirl

the grass grows, the flowers bloom, the bees dance, and the birds sing

黎明 (第二版) Before Sunrise v2.0_第3张图片
黎明:草长花开 蜂舞莺啼

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